Yair Oron (ivr. יאיר אורון; 30 aprel 1945, Britaniya Fələstini) — Holokost və soyqırım, irqçilik və müasir yəhudiliyin tədqiqi üzrə ixtisaslaşmış İsrail tarixçisi, alimi və mütəxəssisi. O, Yəhudi Universitetində magistr dərəcəsi və Paris Universitetində doktorantura dərəcəsi almışdır. Yair Oron 2005-ci ildən İsrail Açıq Universitetində Sosiologiya, Politologiya və Kommunikasiyalar departamentinin sədri vəzifəsində çalışır, dosentdir. O, Tel-Əviv Universitetində tarix və sosiologiya üzrə bakalavr dərəcəsinə malikdir.
Yair Oron | |
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Doğum tarixi | 30 aprel 1945 (79 yaş) |
Doğum yeri | |
Elmi dərəcəsi | |
İş yeri | |
Təhsili | |
openu.ac.il/Personal_sit… | |
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- Jewish-Israeli Identity, Sifriat Poalim (with Kibutzim College of Education), Tel-Aviv, 1993, 204 pp. (Hebrew).
- The Banality of Indifference: The Attitude of the Yishuv and the Zionist Movement to the Armenian Genocide, Dvir (with Kibutzim College of Education), Tel-Aviv, 1995, 395 pp. (Hebrew).
- Les Juifs d’Extrême Gauche en Mai 68, Éditions Albin Miche], Paris, 1998, 335 pp.
- We are all German Jews: Jewish Radicals in France During the Sixties and Seventies, Am Oved (with Tel-Aviv University and Ben-Gurion University), Tel-Aviv, 1999, 288 pp. (Hebrew, translation of the French edition, with revisions).
- The Banality of Indifference: Zionism and the Armenian Genocide, Transaction, , New Brunswick, 2000, 405 pp. (translation of the Hebrew edition, with revisions and adaptations). Second Edition, Transaction Publishers, 2001; Third Edition, 2003.
- The Banality of Denial, Transaction, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, 2003, 338 pp.
- Denial: Israel and the Armenian Genocide, Maba, Tel Aviv, 2005 (Hebrew edition, with revisions and adaptations).
- The Pain of Knowledge — Holocaust and Genocide issues in Education, Transaction, New Brunswick, 2005. A German edition was published by Der Schmerz des Wissens,|Verlag Edition AV, Lich/Hessen, 2005.
- official website.
- The Banality of Indifference: Zionism and the Armenian Genocide/The Banality of Denial: Israel and the Armenian Genocide Krikorian, Robert O.The Middle East Journal; Washington Vol. 59, Iss. 3, (Summer 2005): 486–489.
- Melson, R. "Responses to the Armenian Genocide: America, the Yishuv, Israel * The Banality of Denial: Israel and the Armenian Genocide, Yair Auron (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2005), ix + 338 pp., cloth $39.95, pbk. $29.95. * The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response, Peter Balakian (New York: HarperCollins, 2003), xiii + 475 pp., cloth $26.95, pbk. $14.95. * The Armenian Massacres, 1894-1896: U.S. Media Testimony, Arman J. Kirakossian, ed. (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2004), 317 pp., pbk. $27.95. * Against the Gates of Hell: The Life & Times of Henry Perry, a Christian Missionary in a Moslem World, Gordon and Diana Severance (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2003), xxiii + 447 pp., pbk. $46.50. * America and the Armenian Genocide of 1915, Jay Winter, ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), xii + 317 pp., $45.00". Holocaust and Genocide Studies. 20 (1). 2006: 103–111. doi:10.1093/hgs/dcj005.
- "Book reviews". Journal of Genocide Research. 6 (2): 269–304. June 2004. doi:10.1080/1462352042000226001.
Xarici keçidlər
- openu.ac.il/Personal_sites/yair-auronE.html — Rəsmi saytı
- Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel Armenian Studies Program
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Yair Oron ivr יאיר אורון 30 aprel 1945 Britaniya Felestini Holokost ve soyqirim irqcilik ve muasir yehudiliyin tedqiqi uzre ixtisaslasmis Israil tarixcisi alimi ve mutexessisi O Yehudi Universitetinde magistr derecesi ve Paris Universitetinde doktorantura derecesi almisdir Yair Oron 2005 ci ilden Israil Aciq Universitetinde Sosiologiya Politologiya ve Kommunikasiyalar departamentinin sedri vezifesinde calisir dosentdir O Tel Eviv Universitetinde tarix ve sosiologiya uzre bakalavr derecesine malikdir Yair OronDogum tarixi 30 aprel 1945 1945 04 30 79 yas Dogum yeri Britaniya Felestini Birlesmis KralliqElmi derecesi felsefe doktoruIs yeri Israil Aciq UniversitetiTehsili Yeruselim Yehudi Universiteti Tel Eviv Universitetiopenu ac il Personal sit Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarEserleriJewish Israeli Identity Sifriat Poalim with Kibutzim College of Education Tel Aviv 1993 204 pp Hebrew The Banality of Indifference The Attitude of the Yishuv and the Zionist Movement to the Armenian Genocide Dvir with Kibutzim College of Education Tel Aviv 1995 395 pp Hebrew Les Juifs d Extreme Gauche en Mai 68 Editions Albin Miche Paris 1998 335 pp We are all German Jews Jewish Radicals in France During the Sixties and Seventies Am Oved with Tel Aviv University and Ben Gurion University Tel Aviv 1999 288 pp Hebrew translation of the French edition with revisions The Banality of Indifference Zionism and the Armenian Genocide Transaction New Brunswick 2000 405 pp translation of the Hebrew edition with revisions and adaptations Second Edition Transaction Publishers 2001 Third Edition 2003 The Banality of Denial Transaction Rutgers University Press New Brunswick 2003 338 pp Denial Israel and the Armenian Genocide Maba Tel Aviv 2005 Hebrew edition with revisions and adaptations The Pain of Knowledge Holocaust and Genocide issues in Education Transaction New Brunswick 2005 A German edition was published by Der Schmerz des Wissens Verlag Edition AV Lich Hessen 2005 Istinadlarofficial website The Banality of Indifference Zionism and the Armenian Genocide The Banality of Denial Israel and the Armenian Genocide Krikorian Robert O The Middle East Journal Washington Vol 59 Iss 3 Summer 2005 486 489 Melson R Responses to the Armenian Genocide America the Yishuv Israel The Banality of Denial Israel and the Armenian Genocide Yair Auron New Brunswick NJ Transaction Publishers 2005 ix 338 pp cloth 39 95 pbk 29 95 The Burning Tigris The Armenian Genocide and America s Response Peter Balakian New York HarperCollins 2003 xiii 475 pp cloth 26 95 pbk 14 95 The Armenian Massacres 1894 1896 U S Media Testimony Arman J Kirakossian ed Detroit Wayne State University Press 2004 317 pp pbk 27 95 Against the Gates of Hell The Life amp Times of Henry Perry a Christian Missionary in a Moslem World Gordon and Diana Severance Lanham MD University Press of America 2003 xxiii 447 pp pbk 46 50 America and the Armenian Genocide of 1915 Jay Winter ed Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2004 xii 317 pp 45 00 Holocaust and Genocide Studies 20 1 2006 103 111 doi 10 1093 hgs dcj005 Book reviews Journal of Genocide Research 6 2 269 304 June 2004 doi 10 1080 1462352042000226001 Xarici kecidleropenu ac il Personal sites yair auronE html Resmi sayti Hebrew University Jerusalem Israel Armenian Studies Program