Faylın orijinalı(1.385 × 622 piksel, fayl həcmi: 61 KB, MIME növü: image/png)
Faylın tarixçəsi
Faylın əvvəlki versiyasını görmək üçün gün/tarix bölməsindəki tarixlərə klikləyin.
Tarix/Vaxt | Miniatür | Ölçülər | İstifadəçi | Şərh | |
hal-hazırkı | 03:48, 15 iyun 2020 | 1.385 × 622 (61 KB) | New version with corrections to match the file with a legend | ||
01:34, 25 avqust 2017 | 1.385 × 622 (74 KB) | Uploaded | |||
20:38, 11 may 2017 | 1.385 × 622 (74 KB) | Update Biomes | |||
03:13, 24 iyun 2016 | 1.385 × 622 (74 KB) | Corregido error en el tipo de ecosistema, Venezuela-Colombia, cambiado de Árido a Semiarido | |||
03:08, 24 iyun 2016 | 1.385 × 622 (74 KB) | Colombia and Venezuela Updates Biomes. | |||
17:32, 27 noyabr 2013 | 1.385 × 622 (59 KB) | Resize to Remove unnecessary white spaces. | |||
19:59, 29 noyabr 2012 | 1.425 × 753 (83 KB) | Venezuela mountain steppe according to Diercke Weltatlas | |||
19:57, 3 oktyabr 2012 | 1.425 × 753 (83 KB) | corrections accoring to Diercke Weltatlas (see: http://www.diercke.de/) (subtropical) dry forests in Africa and India are more extended | |||
02:57, 9 iyul 2011 | 1.425 × 753 (75 KB) | South Sudan has become independent on July 9, 2011. Sudan and South Sudan are shown with the new international border between them. | |||
20:21, 6 iyul 2011 | 1.425 × 753 (3,08 MB) | More corrections |
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Fayl Faylin tarixcesi Faylin istifadesi Faylin qlobal istifadesi MetamelumatlarSinaq gosterisi olcusu 800 359 piksel Diger olculer 320 144 piksel 640 287 piksel 1 385 622 piksel Faylin orijinali 1 385 622 piksel fayl hecmi 61 KB MIME novu image png Bu fayl Vikianbardandir ve diger layihelerde istifade edile biler tesvir sehifesi Faylin tesvir sehifesine get Xulase IzahVegetation no legend PNG English The main biomes in the world nbsp Ice sheet and polar desert nbsp Tundra nbsp Taiga nbsp Temperate broadleaf and mixed forest nbsp Temperate steppe nbsp Subtropical moist forest nbsp Mediterranean vegetation nbsp Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests nbsp Arid desert nbsp Xeric shrubland nbsp Dry steppe nbsp Semiarid desert nbsp Grass savanna nbsp Tree savanna nbsp Tropical and subtropical dry forest nbsp Tropical rainforest nbsp Alpine tundra nbsp Montane forest Italiano I principali biomi nel mondo nbsp Coltre di ghiaccio e deserto polare nbsp Tundra artica nbsp Taiga nbsp Foresta temperata di latifoglie e mista nbsp Steppa temperata nbsp Foresta umida subtropicale nbsp Vegetazione Mediterranea nbsp Foresta umida di latifoglie tropicale e subtropicale nbsp Deserto arido nbsp Deserto e macchia xerofila nbsp Steppa arida nbsp Deserto semiarido nbsp Savana erbosa nbsp Savana arborea nbsp Foresta monsonica nbsp Foresta pluviale tropicale nbsp Tundra alpina nbsp Foresta montana Espanol The main biomes in the world nbsp Capa de hielo y desierto polar nbsp Tundra nbsp Taiga nbsp Bosques templados de frondosas y mixtos nbsp Estepa templada nbsp Bosques humedos subtropical nbsp Vegetacion mediterranea nbsp Bosque humedo tropical y subtropical de frondosas nbsp Desierto arido nbsp Matorral xerofilo nbsp Estepa seca nbsp Desierto semiarido nbsp Sabana de hierba nbsp Tree savanna nbsp Bosque seco tropical nbsp Selva tropical nbsp Pradera alpina nbsp Bosque de montana 中文 世界陆地自然区域分布 nbsp 冰盖及极地荒漠 nbsp 苔原 nbsp 针叶林 nbsp 温带阔叶林 nbsp 温带草原 nbsp 亚热带雨林 nbsp 地中海硬叶林 nbsp 季雨林 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tropicales caducifoliees nbsp Forets sempervirentes tropicales nbsp Toundra alpine nbsp Forets de montagne Russkij Karta raspredeleniya osnovnyh biomov sushi nbsp Arkticheskaya pustynya nbsp Tundra nbsp Tajga nbsp Smeshannyj les nbsp Lesostep nbsp Subtropicheskij les nbsp Zhestkolistnye vechnozelenye lesa i kustarniki nbsp Mussonnyj les nbsp Zasushlivaya pustynya nbsp Polupustynya nbsp Zasushlivaya step nbsp Poluzasushlivaya pustynya nbsp Travyanistaya savanna nbsp Drevesnaya savanna nbsp Suhie tropicheskie lesa nbsp Vlazhnye tropicheskie lesa nbsp Alpijskaya tundra nbsp Gornyj les Ukrayinska Osnovni biomi Zemli nbsp Lodoviki ta Polyarni pusteli nbsp Tundra nbsp Tajga nbsp Listopadni lisi pomirnogo klimatu nbsp Stepi nbsp Subtropichni doshovi lisi nbsp Chaparal nbsp Musonni lisi nbsp Pusteli nbsp Skreb nbsp Suhi stepi nbsp Napivpusteli nbsp Savani nbsp Lisostep nbsp Subtropichnij suhij lis nbsp Tropichnij doshovij lis nbsp Alpijski luki nbsp Girski krivolissya Tarix 5 yanvar 2008 Menbe Image Vegetation png Muellif Sten Porse Diger versiyalar Derivative works of this file nbsp Africa vegetation png Image Kasvillisuus png Image Vegetation png This biogeographical map image could be re created using vector graphics as an SVG file This has several advantages see nbsp Commons Media for cleanup for more information If nbsp an nbsp SVG nbsp form nbsp of nbsp this nbsp image is available please upload it and afterwards replace this template with a href commons wikimedia org wiki Template Vector version available title Template Vector version available vector version available a i new image name i It is recommended to name the SVG file Vegetation no legend svg then the template Vector version available or Vva does not need the new image name parameter Lisenziya I the copyright holder of this work hereby publish it under the following licenses Bu senedi GNU Azad Senedlesdirme Lisenziyasi Versiya 1 2 ve ya Azad Proqram Fondu terefinden nesr olunan her hansi sonraki versiya 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Commons Attribution Share Alike 2 5 true true Istediyiniz lisenziyani sece bilersiniz CaptionsazerbaycancaAdd a one line explanation of what this file representsfransizCarte des princ788shipaux biomes du mondeportuqalSh8shshshshshshsh777777sh7shshshshshsh8877gggg5nn5gggggggg54554554enen43ng566ggg7g6ggggn6n55ndl5d55Braziliya portuqalcasiThe main biomes in the worldItems portrayed in this filetesvir ediryaradicisome valueVikimedia istifadeci adi Stenmuellifin qisa adi Sten PorseURL https commons wikimedia org wiki user Stencopyright status nbsp ingiliscopyrighted nbsp ingilislisenziyaCreative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2 0 Generic nbsp ingilisCreative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2 5 Generic nbsp ingilisGNU Free Documentation License version 1 2 or later nbsp ingilisCreative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 1 0 Generic nbsp ingilisCC BY SA 3 0yaranma tarixi5 yanvar 2008media type nbsp ingilisimage pngdata size nbsp ingilis62 089 Baythundurluyu boyu622 pikseleni1 385 pikselchecksum nbsp ingilisff775b50467f1e6ced73ed45353bd6d270789a40teyinetme usulu SHA 1 nbsp ingilis Faylin tarixcesi Faylin evvelki versiyasini gormek ucun gun tarix bolmesindeki tarixlere klikleyin en yeni en evvelki Goster 10 daha yeni 10 daha kohne 10 20 50 100 250 500 Tarix VaxtMiniaturOlculerIstifadeciSerh hal hazirki03 48 15 iyun 20201 385 622 61 KB BerkserkerNew version with corrections to match the file with a legend 01 34 25 avqust 20171 385 622 74 KB SirHenrryUploaded 20 38 11 may 20171 385 622 74 KB SirHenrryUpdate Biomes 03 13 24 iyun 20161 385 622 74 KB SirHenrryCorregido error en el tipo de ecosistema Venezuela Colombia cambiado de Arido a Semiarido 03 08 24 iyun 20161 385 622 74 KB SirHenrryColombia and Venezuela Updates Biomes 17 32 27 noyabr 20131 385 622 59 KB Abrahamic FaithsResize to Remove unnecessary white spaces 19 59 29 noyabr 20121 425 753 83 KB AltaileopardVenezuela mountain steppe according to Diercke Weltatlas 19 57 3 oktyabr 20121 425 753 83 KB Altaileopardcorrections accoring to Diercke Weltatlas see http www diercke de subtropical dry forests in Africa and India are more extended 02 57 9 iyul 20111 425 753 75 KB MaphobbyistSouth Sudan has become independent on July 9 2011 Sudan and South Sudan are shown with the new international border between them 20 21 6 iyul 20111 425 753 3 08 MB ThiridazMore corrections en yeni en evvelki Goster 10 daha yeni 10 daha kohne 10 20 50 100 250 500 Faylin istifadesi Asagidaki 17 sehife bu fayli istifade edir Adaptiv radiasiya Arktik sehralar Avtotroflar Biom Biosenoz Fosforun dovrani Heterotroflar Kulek elektrik stansiyasi Miksotroflar Radioaktiv tullantilar Resurslar Tursu yagisi Tebii zonalar Tebietin muhafizesi Infauna Etraf muhit Sablon Ekologiya qaralama Faylin qlobal istifadesi Bu fayl asagidaki vikilerde istifade olunur af wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Bioom anp wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi पर स थ त व ज ञ न वनस पत ar wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi حيوم تاريخ علم النبات صحراء قطبية ar 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wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi জ ব ঞ চল bs wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Vegetacija Bu faylin qlobal istifadesine baxin Metamelumatlar Bu faylda fotoaparat ve ya skanerle elave olunmus melumatlar var Eger fayl sonradan redakte olunubsa bezi parametrler bu sekilde gosterilenlerden ferqli ola biler Ufuqi xett37 79 dpcSaquli xett37 79 dpc Menbe https az wikipedia org wiki Fayl Vegetation no legend PNG