

Diqqət Dəyişiklikləri yayımladıqdan sonra etdiyiniz dəyişiklikləri görmək üçün brauzerinizin keşinin yenilənməsi lazım ola bilər.

  • Firefox / Safari: Reload düyməsinə basılı tutarkən Shift düyməsinə basın, və ya Ctrl-F5 və ya Ctrl-R (Mac üçün ⌘-R )
  • Google Chrome: Ctrl-Shift-R (Mac üçün ⌘-Shift-R)
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: Refresh düyməsini basılı tutarkən Ctrl düyməsinə basın, və ya sadəcə Ctrl-F5
  • Opera: Ctrl-F5.
// <nowiki> /** * A library full of lots of goodness for user scripts on MediaWiki wikis, including Wikipedia. * * The highlights include: * - {@link Morebits.wiki.api} - make calls to the MediaWiki API * - {@link Morebits.wiki.page} - modify pages on the wiki (edit, revert, delete, etc.) * - {@link Morebits.date} - enhanced date object processing, sort of a light moment.js * - {@link Morebits.quickForm} - generate quick HTML forms on the fly * - {@link Morebits.simpleWindow} - a wrapper for jQuery UI Dialog with a custom look and extra features * - {@link Morebits.status} - a rough-and-ready status message displayer, used by the Morebits.wiki classes * - {@link Morebits.wikitext} - utilities for dealing with wikitext * - {@link Morebits.string} - utilities for manipulating strings * - {@link Morebits.array} - utilities for manipulating arrays * - {@link Morebits.ip} - utilities to help process IP addresses * * Dependencies: * - The whole thing relies on jQuery. But most wikis should provide this by default. * - {@link Morebits.quickForm}, {@link Morebits.simpleWindow}, and {@link Morebits.status} rely on the "morebits.css" file for their styling. * - {@link Morebits.simpleWindow} and {@link Morebits.quickForm} tooltips rely on jQuery UI Dialog (from ResourceLoader module name 'jquery.ui'). * - To create a gadget based on morebits.js, use this syntax in MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition: * - `*GadgetName[ResourceLoader|dependencies=mediawiki.user,mediawiki.util,mediawiki.Title,jquery.ui]|morebits.js|morebits.css|GadgetName.js` * - Alternatively, you can configure morebits.js as a hidden gadget in MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition: * - `*morebits[ResourceLoader|dependencies=mediawiki.user,mediawiki.util,mediawiki.Title,jquery.ui|hidden]|morebits.js|morebits.css` * and then load ext.gadget.morebits as one of the dependencies for the new gadget. * * All the stuff here works on all browsers for which MediaWiki provides JavaScript support. * * This library is maintained by the maintainers of Twinkle. * For queries, suggestions, help, etc., head to [Wikipedia talk:Twinkle on English Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WT:TW). * The latest development source is available at {@link https://github.com/wikimedia-gadgets/twinkle/blob/master/morebits.js|GitHub}. * * @namespace Morebits */ (function (window, document, $) { // Wrap entire file with anonymous function /** @lends Morebits */ var Morebits = {}; window.Morebits = Morebits; // allow global access /** * i18n support for strings in Morebits */ Morebits.i18n = { parser: null, /** * Set an i18n library to use with Morebits. * Examples: * Use jquery-i18n: * Morebits.i18n.setParser({ get: $.i18n }); * Use banana-i18n or orange-i18n: * var banana = new Banana('en'); * Morebits.i18n.setParser({ get: banana.i18n }); * @param {Object} parser */ setParser: function(parser) { if (!parser || typeof parser.get !== 'function') { throw new Error('Morebits.i18n: parser must implement get()'); } Morebits.i18n.parser = parser; }, /** * @private * @returns {string} */ getMessage: function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); // array of size `n` // 1st arg: message name // 2nd to (n-1)th arg: message parameters // nth arg: legacy English fallback var msgName = args[0]; var fallback = args[args.length - 1]; if (!Morebits.i18n.parser) { return fallback; } // i18n libraries are generally invoked with variable number of arguments // as msg(msgName, ...parameters) var i18nMessage = Morebits.i18n.parser.get.apply(null, args.slice(0, -1)); // if no i18n message exists, i18n libraries generally give back the message name if (i18nMessage === msgName) { return fallback; } return i18nMessage; } }; // shortcut var msg = Morebits.i18n.getMessage; /** * Wiki-specific configurations for Morebits */ Morebits.l10n = { /** * Local aliases for "redirect" magic word. * Check using api.php?action=query&format=json&meta=siteinfo&formatversion=2&siprop=magicwords */ redirectTagAliases: ['#REDIRECT'], /** * Takes a string as argument and checks if it is a timestamp or not * If not, it returns null. If yes, it returns an array of integers * in the format [year, month, date, hour, minute, second] * which can be passed to Date.UTC() * @param {string} str * @returns {number[] | null} */ signatureTimestampFormat: function (str) { // HH:mm, DD Month YYYY (UTC) var rgx = /(\d{2}):(\d{2}), (\d{1,2}) (\w+) (\d{4}) \(UTC\)/; var match = rgx.exec(str); if (!match) { return null; } var month = Morebits.date.localeData.months.indexOf(match[4]); if (month === -1) { return null; } // ..... year ... month .. date ... hour .... minute return [match[5], month, match[3], match[1], match[2]]; } }; /** * Simple helper function to see what groups a user might belong. * * @param {string} group - e.g. `sysop`, `extendedconfirmed`, etc. * @returns {boolean} */ Morebits.userIsInGroup = function (group) { return mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').indexOf(group) !== -1; }; /** Hardcodes whether the user is a sysop, used a lot. * * @type {boolean} */ Morebits.userIsSysop = Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop'); /** * Deprecated as of February 2021, use {@link Morebits.ip.sanitizeIPv6}. * * @deprecated Use {@link Morebits.ip.sanitizeIPv6}. * Converts an IPv6 address to the canonical form stored and used by MediaWiki. * JavaScript translation of the {@link https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/core/+/8eb6ac3e84ea3312d391ca96c12c49e3ad0753bb/includes/utils/IP.php#131|`IP::sanitizeIP()`} * function from the IPUtils library. Addresses are verbose, uppercase, * normalized, and expanded to 8 words. * * @param {string} address - The IPv6 address, with or without CIDR. * @returns {string} */ Morebits.sanitizeIPv6 = function (address) { console.warn('NOTE: Morebits.sanitizeIPv6 was renamed to Morebits.ip.sanitizeIPv6 in February 2021, please use that instead'); // eslint-disable-line no-console return Morebits.ip.sanitizeIPv6(address); }; /** * Determines whether the current page is a redirect or soft redirect. Fails * to detect soft redirects on edit, history, etc. pages. Will attempt to * detect Module:RfD, with the same failure points. * * @returns {boolean} */ Morebits.isPageRedirect = function() { return !!(mw.config.get('wgIsRedirect') || document.getElementById('softredirect') || $('.box-RfD').length); }; /** * Stores a normalized (underscores converted to spaces) version of the * `wgPageName` variable. * * @type {string} */ Morebits.pageNameNorm = mw.config.get('wgPageName').replace(/_/g, ' '); /** * Create a string for use in regex matching a page name. Accounts for * leading character's capitalization, underscores as spaces, and special * characters being escaped. See also {@link Morebits.namespaceRegex}. * * @param {string} pageName - Page name without namespace. * @returns {string} - For a page name `Foo bar`, returns the string `[Ff]oo[_ ]bar`. */ Morebits.pageNameRegex = function(pageName) { if (pageName === '') { return ''; } var firstChar = pageName[0], remainder = Morebits.string.escapeRegExp(pageName.slice(1)); if (mw.Title.phpCharToUpper(firstChar) !== firstChar.toLowerCase()) { return '[' + mw.Title.phpCharToUpper(firstChar) + firstChar.toLowerCase() + ']' + remainder; } return Morebits.string.escapeRegExp(firstChar) + remainder; }; /** * Converts string or array of DOM nodes into an HTML fragment. * Wikilink syntax (`[[...]]`) is transformed into HTML anchor. * Used in Morebits.quickForm and Morebits.status * @internal * @param {string|Node|(string|Node)[]} input * @returns {DocumentFragment} */ Morebits.createHtml = function(input) { var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); if (!input) { return fragment; } if (!Array.isArray(input)) { input = [ input ]; } for (var i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { if (input[i] instanceof Node) { fragment.appendChild(input[i]); } else { $.parseHTML(Morebits.createHtml.renderWikilinks(input[i])).forEach(function(node) { fragment.appendChild(node); }); } } return fragment; }; /** * Converts wikilinks to HTML anchor tags. * @param text * @returns {*} */ Morebits.createHtml.renderWikilinks = function (text) { var ub = new Morebits.unbinder(text); // Don't convert wikilinks within code tags as they're used for displaying wiki-code ub.unbind('<code>', '</code>'); ub.content = ub.content.replace( /\[\[:?(?:([^|\]]+?)\|)?([^\]|]+?)\]\]/g, function(_, target, text) { if (!target) { target = text; } return '<a target="_blank" href="' + mw.util.getUrl(target) + '" title="' + target.replace(/"/g, '&#34;') + '">' + text + '</a>'; }); return ub.rebind(); }; /** * Create a string for use in regex matching all namespace aliases, regardless * of the capitalization and underscores/spaces. Doesn't include the optional * leading `:`, but if there's more than one item, wraps the list in a * non-capturing group. This means you can do `Morebits.namespaceRegex([4]) + * ':' + Morebits.pageNameRegex('Twinkle')` to match a full page. Uses * {@link Morebits.pageNameRegex}. * * @param {number[]} namespaces - Array of namespace numbers. Unused/invalid * namespace numbers are silently discarded. * @example * // returns '(?:[Ff][Ii][Ll][Ee]|[Ii][Mm][Aa][Gg][Ee])' * Morebits.namespaceRegex([6]) * @returns {string} - Regex-suitable string of all namespace aliases. */ Morebits.namespaceRegex = function(namespaces) { if (!Array.isArray(namespaces)) { namespaces = [namespaces]; } var aliases = [], regex; $.each(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds'), function(name, number) { if (namespaces.indexOf(number) !== -1) { // Namespaces are completely agnostic as to case, // and a regex string is more useful/compatible than a RegExp object, // so we accept any casing for any letter. aliases.push(name.split('').map(function(char) { return Morebits.pageNameRegex(char); }).join('')); } }); switch (aliases.length) { case 0: regex = ''; break; case 1: regex = aliases[0]; break; default: regex = '(?:' + aliases.join('|') + ')'; break; } return regex; }; /* **************** Morebits.quickForm **************** */ /** * Creation of simple and standard forms without much specific coding. * * @namespace Morebits.quickForm * @memberof Morebits * @class * @param {event} event - Function to execute when form is submitted. * @param {string} [eventType=submit] - Type of the event. */ Morebits.quickForm = function QuickForm(event, eventType) { this.root = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'form', event: event, eventType: eventType }); }; /** * Renders the HTML output of the quickForm. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm * @returns {HTMLElement} */ Morebits.quickForm.prototype.render = function QuickFormRender() { var ret = this.root.render(); ret.names = {}; return ret; }; /** * Append element to the form. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm * @param {(object|Morebits.quickForm.element)} data - A quickform element, or the object with which * a quickform element is constructed. * @returns {Morebits.quickForm.element} - Same as what is passed to the function. */ Morebits.quickForm.prototype.append = function QuickFormAppend(data) { return this.root.append(data); }; /** * Create a new element for the the form. * * Index to Morebits.quickForm.element types: * - Global attributes: id, className, style, tooltip, extra, $data, adminonly * - `select`: A combo box (aka drop-down). * - Attributes: name, label, multiple, size, list, event, disabled * - `option`: An element for a combo box. * - Attributes: value, label, selected, disabled * - `optgroup`: A group of "option"s. * - Attributes: label, list * - `field`: A fieldset (aka group box). * - Attributes: name, label, disabled * - `checkbox`: A checkbox. Must use "list" parameter. * - Attributes: name, list, event * - Attributes (within list): name, label, value, checked, disabled, event, subgroup * - `radio`: A radio button. Must use "list" parameter. * - Attributes: name, list, event * - Attributes (within list): name, label, value, checked, disabled, event, subgroup * - `input`: A text input box. * - Attributes: name, label, value, size, placeholder, maxlength, disabled, required, readonly, event * - `number`: A number input box. * - Attributes: Everything the text `input` has, as well as: min, max, step, list * - `dyninput`: A set of text boxes with "Remove" buttons and an "Add" button. * - Attributes: name, label, min, max, sublabel, value, size, maxlength, event * - `hidden`: An invisible form field. * - Attributes: name, value * - `header`: A level 5 header. * - Attributes: label * - `div`: A generic placeholder element or label. * - Attributes: name, label * - `submit`: A submit button. Morebits.simpleWindow moves these to the footer of the dialog. * - Attributes: name, label, disabled * - `button`: A generic button. * - Attributes: name, label, disabled, event * - `textarea`: A big, multi-line text box. * - Attributes: name, label, value, cols, rows, disabled, required, readonly * - `fragment`: A DocumentFragment object. * - No attributes, and no global attributes except adminonly. * There is some difference on how types handle the `label` attribute: * - `div`, `select`, `field`, `checkbox`/`radio`, `input`, `textarea`, `header`, and `dyninput` can accept an array of items, * and the label item(s) can be `Element`s. * - `option`, `optgroup`, `_dyninput_element`, `submit`, and `button` accept only a single string. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm * @class * @param {object} data - Object representing the quickform element. Should * specify one of the available types from the index above, as well as any * relevant and available attributes. * @example new Morebits.quickForm.element({ * name: 'target', * type: 'input', * label: 'Your target:', * tooltip: 'Enter your target. Required.', * required: true * }); */ Morebits.quickForm.element = function QuickFormElement(data) { this.data = data; this.childs = []; }; /** * @memberof Morebits.quickForm.element * @type {number} */ Morebits.quickForm.element.id = 0; /** * Appends an element to current element. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm.element * @param {Morebits.quickForm.element} data - A quickForm element or the object required to * create the quickForm element. * @returns {Morebits.quickForm.element} The same element passed in. */ Morebits.quickForm.element.prototype.append = function QuickFormElementAppend(data) { var child; if (data instanceof Morebits.quickForm.element) { child = data; } else { child = new Morebits.quickForm.element(data); } this.childs.push(child); return child; }; /** * Renders the HTML output for the quickForm element. This should be called * without parameters: `form.render()`. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm.element * @returns {HTMLElement} */ Morebits.quickForm.element.prototype.render = function QuickFormElementRender(internal_subgroup_id) { var currentNode = this.compute(this.data, internal_subgroup_id); for (var i = 0; i < this.childs.length; ++i) { // do not pass internal_subgroup_id to recursive calls currentNode[1].appendChild(this.childs[i].render()); } return currentNode[0]; }; /** @memberof Morebits.quickForm.element */ Morebits.quickForm.element.prototype.compute = function QuickFormElementCompute(data, in_id) { var node; var childContainer = null; var label; var id = (in_id ? in_id + '_' : '') + 'node_' + Morebits.quickForm.element.id++; if (data.adminonly && !Morebits.userIsSysop) { // hell hack alpha data.type = 'hidden'; } var i, current, subnode; switch (data.type) { case 'form': node = document.createElement('form'); node.className = 'quickform'; node.setAttribute('action', 'javascript:void(0);'); if (data.event) { node.addEventListener(data.eventType || 'submit', data.event, false); } break; case 'fragment': node = document.createDocumentFragment(); // fragments can't have any attributes, so just return it straight away return [ node, node ]; case 'select': node = document.createElement('div'); node.setAttribute('id', 'div_' + id); if (data.label) { label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('label')); label.setAttribute('for', id); label.appendChild(Morebits.createHtml(data.label)); label.style.marginRight = '3px'; } var select = node.appendChild(document.createElement('select')); if (data.event) { select.addEventListener('change', data.event, false); } if (data.multiple) { select.setAttribute('multiple', 'multiple'); } if (data.size) { select.setAttribute('size', data.size); } if (data.disabled) { select.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } select.setAttribute('name', data.name); if (data.list) { for (i = 0; i < data.list.length; ++i) { current = data.list[i]; if (current.list) { current.type = 'optgroup'; } else { current.type = 'option'; } subnode = this.compute(current); select.appendChild(subnode[0]); } } childContainer = select; break; case 'option': node = document.createElement('option'); node.values = data.value; node.setAttribute('value', data.value); if (data.selected) { node.setAttribute('selected', 'selected'); } if (data.disabled) { node.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } node.setAttribute('label', data.label); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(data.label)); break; case 'optgroup': node = document.createElement('optgroup'); node.setAttribute('label', data.label); if (data.list) { for (i = 0; i < data.list.length; ++i) { current = data.list[i]; current.type = 'option'; // must be options here subnode = this.compute(current); node.appendChild(subnode[0]); } } break; case 'field': node = document.createElement('fieldset'); label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('legend')); label.appendChild(Morebits.createHtml(data.label)); if (data.name) { node.setAttribute('name', data.name); } if (data.disabled) { node.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } break; case 'checkbox': case 'radio': node = document.createElement('div'); if (data.list) { for (i = 0; i < data.list.length; ++i) { var cur_id = id + '_' + i; current = data.list[i]; var cur_div; if (current.type === 'header') { // inline hack cur_div = node.appendChild(document.createElement('h6')); cur_div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(current.label)); if (current.tooltip) { Morebits.quickForm.element.generateTooltip(cur_div, current); } continue; } cur_div = node.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); subnode = cur_div.appendChild(document.createElement('input')); subnode.values = current.value; subnode.setAttribute('value', current.value); subnode.setAttribute('type', data.type); subnode.setAttribute('id', cur_id); subnode.setAttribute('name', current.name || data.name); // If name is provided on the individual checkbox, add a data-single // attribute which indicates it isn't part of a list of checkboxes with // same name. Used in getInputData() if (current.name) { subnode.setAttribute('data-single', 'data-single'); } if (current.checked) { subnode.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); } if (current.disabled) { subnode.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } label = cur_div.appendChild(document.createElement('label')); label.appendChild(Morebits.createHtml(current.label)); label.setAttribute('for', cur_id); if (current.tooltip) { Morebits.quickForm.element.generateTooltip(label, current); } // styles go on the label, doesn't make sense to style a checkbox/radio if (current.style) { label.setAttribute('style', current.style); } var event; if (current.subgroup) { var tmpgroup = current.subgroup; if (!Array.isArray(tmpgroup)) { tmpgroup = [ tmpgroup ]; } var subgroupRaw = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'div', id: id + '_' + i + '_subgroup' }); $.each(tmpgroup, function(idx, el) { var newEl = $.extend({}, el); if (!newEl.type) { newEl.type = data.type; } newEl.name = (current.name || data.name) + '.' + newEl.name; subgroupRaw.append(newEl); }); var subgroup = subgroupRaw.render(cur_id); subgroup.className = 'quickformSubgroup'; subnode.subgroup = subgroup; subnode.shown = false; event = function(e) { if (e.target.checked) { e.target.parentNode.appendChild(e.target.subgroup); if (e.target.type === 'radio') { var name = e.target.name; if (e.target.form.names[name] !== undefined) { e.target.form.names[name].parentNode.removeChild(e.target.form.names[name].subgroup); } e.target.form.names[name] = e.target; } } else { e.target.parentNode.removeChild(e.target.subgroup); } }; subnode.addEventListener('change', event, true); if (current.checked) { subnode.parentNode.appendChild(subgroup); } } else if (data.type === 'radio') { event = function(e) { if (e.target.checked) { var name = e.target.name; if (e.target.form.names[name] !== undefined) { e.target.form.names[name].parentNode.removeChild(e.target.form.names[name].subgroup); } delete e.target.form.names[name]; } }; subnode.addEventListener('change', event, true); } // add users' event last, so it can interact with the subgroup if (data.event) { subnode.addEventListener('change', data.event, false); } else if (current.event) { subnode.addEventListener('change', current.event, true); } } } if (data.shiftClickSupport && data.type === 'checkbox') { Morebits.checkboxShiftClickSupport(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(node, data.name)); } break; // input is actually a text-type, so number here inherits the same stuff case 'number': case 'input': node = document.createElement('div'); node.setAttribute('id', 'div_' + id); if (data.label) { label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('label')); label.appendChild(Morebits.createHtml(data.label)); label.setAttribute('for', data.id || id); label.style.marginRight = '3px'; } subnode = node.appendChild(document.createElement('input')); subnode.setAttribute('name', data.name); if (data.type === 'input') { subnode.setAttribute('type', 'text'); } else { subnode.setAttribute('type', 'number'); ['min', 'max', 'step', 'list'].forEach(function(att) { if (data[att]) { subnode.setAttribute(att, data[att]); } }); } ['value', 'size', 'placeholder', 'maxlength'].forEach(function(att) { if (data[att]) { subnode.setAttribute(att, data[att]); } }); ['disabled', 'required', 'readonly'].forEach(function(att) { if (data[att]) { subnode.setAttribute(att, att); } }); if (data.event) { subnode.addEventListener('keyup', data.event, false); } childContainer = subnode; break; case 'dyninput': var min = data.min || 1; var max = data.max || Infinity; node = document.createElement('div'); label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('h5')); label.appendChild(Morebits.createHtml(data.label)); var listNode = node.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); var more = this.compute({ type: 'button', label: 'more', disabled: min >= max, event: function(e) { var new_node = new Morebits.quickForm.element(e.target.sublist); e.target.area.appendChild(new_node.render()); if (++e.target.counter >= e.target.max) { e.target.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } e.stopPropagation(); } }); node.appendChild(more[0]); var moreButton = more[1]; var sublist = { type: '_dyninput_element', label: data.sublabel || data.label, name: data.name, value: data.value, size: data.size, remove: false, maxlength: data.maxlength, event: data.event }; for (i = 0; i < min; ++i) { var elem = new Morebits.quickForm.element(sublist); listNode.appendChild(elem.render()); } sublist.remove = true; sublist.morebutton = moreButton; sublist.listnode = listNode; moreButton.sublist = sublist; moreButton.area = listNode; moreButton.max = max - min; moreButton.counter = 0; break; case '_dyninput_element': // Private, similar to normal input node = document.createElement('div'); if (data.label) { label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('label')); label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(data.label)); label.setAttribute('for', id); label.style.marginRight = '3px'; } subnode = node.appendChild(document.createElement('input')); if (data.value) { subnode.setAttribute('value', data.value); } subnode.setAttribute('name', data.name); subnode.setAttribute('type', 'text'); if (data.size) { subnode.setAttribute('size', data.size); } if (data.maxlength) { subnode.setAttribute('maxlength', data.maxlength); } if (data.event) { subnode.addEventListener('keyup', data.event, false); } if (data.remove) { var remove = this.compute({ type: 'button', label: 'remove', event: function(e) { var list = e.target.listnode; var node = e.target.inputnode; var more = e.target.morebutton; list.removeChild(node); --more.counter; more.removeAttribute('disabled'); e.stopPropagation(); } }); node.appendChild(remove[0]); var removeButton = remove[1]; removeButton.inputnode = node; removeButton.listnode = data.listnode; removeButton.morebutton = data.morebutton; } break; case 'hidden': node = document.createElement('input'); node.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); node.values = data.value; node.setAttribute('value', data.value); node.setAttribute('name', data.name); break; case 'header': node = document.createElement('h5'); node.appendChild(Morebits.createHtml(data.label)); break; case 'div': node = document.createElement('div'); if (data.name) { node.setAttribute('name', data.name); } if (data.label) { var result = document.createElement('span'); result.className = 'quickformDescription'; result.appendChild(Morebits.createHtml(data.label)); node.appendChild(result); } break; case 'submit': node = document.createElement('span'); childContainer = node.appendChild(document.createElement('input')); childContainer.setAttribute('type', 'submit'); if (data.label) { childContainer.setAttribute('value', data.label); } childContainer.setAttribute('name', data.name || 'submit'); if (data.disabled) { childContainer.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } break; case 'button': node = document.createElement('span'); childContainer = node.appendChild(document.createElement('input')); childContainer.setAttribute('type', 'button'); if (data.label) { childContainer.setAttribute('value', data.label); } childContainer.setAttribute('name', data.name); if (data.disabled) { childContainer.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (data.event) { childContainer.addEventListener('click', data.event, false); } break; case 'textarea': node = document.createElement('div'); node.setAttribute('id', 'div_' + id); if (data.label) { label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('h5')); var labelElement = document.createElement('label'); labelElement.appendChild(Morebits.createHtml(data.label)); labelElement.setAttribute('for', data.id || id); label.appendChild(labelElement); } subnode = node.appendChild(document.createElement('textarea')); subnode.setAttribute('name', data.name); if (data.cols) { subnode.setAttribute('cols', data.cols); } if (data.rows) { subnode.setAttribute('rows', data.rows); } if (data.disabled) { subnode.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (data.required) { subnode.setAttribute('required', 'required'); } if (data.readonly) { subnode.setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly'); } if (data.value) { subnode.value = data.value; } childContainer = subnode; break; default: throw new Error('Morebits.quickForm: unknown element type ' + data.type.toString()); } if (!childContainer) { childContainer = node; } if (data.tooltip) { Morebits.quickForm.element.generateTooltip(label || node, data); } if (data.extra) { childContainer.extra = data.extra; } if (data.$data) { $(childContainer).data(data.$data); } if (data.style) { childContainer.setAttribute('style', data.style); } if (data.className) { childContainer.className = childContainer.className ? childContainer.className + ' ' + data.className : data.className; } childContainer.setAttribute('id', data.id || id); return [ node, childContainer ]; }; /** * Create a jQuery UI-based tooltip. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm.element * @requires jquery.ui * @param {HTMLElement} node - The HTML element beside which a tooltip is to be generated. * @param {object} data - Tooltip-related configuration data. */ Morebits.quickForm.element.generateTooltip = function QuickFormElementGenerateTooltip(node, data) { var tooltipButton = node.appendChild(document.createElement('span')); tooltipButton.className = 'morebits-tooltipButton'; tooltipButton.title = data.tooltip; // Provides the content for jQuery UI tooltipButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode(msg('tooltip-mark', '?'))); $(tooltipButton).tooltip({ position: { my: 'left top', at: 'center bottom', collision: 'flipfit' }, // Deprecated in UI 1.12, but MW stuck on 1.9.2 indefinitely; see #398 and T71386 tooltipClass: 'morebits-ui-tooltip' }); }; // Some utility methods for manipulating quickForms after their creation: // (None of these work for "dyninput" type fields at present) /** * Returns an object containing all filled form data entered by the user, with the object * keys being the form element names. Disabled fields will be ignored, but not hidden fields. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm * @param {HTMLFormElement} form * @returns {object} With field names as keys, input data as values. */ Morebits.quickForm.getInputData = function(form) { var result = {}; for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { var field = form.elements[i]; if (field.disabled || !field.name || !field.type || field.type === 'submit' || field.type === 'button') { continue; } // For elements in subgroups, quickform prepends element names with // name of the parent group followed by a period, get rid of that. var fieldNameNorm = field.name.slice(field.name.indexOf('.') + 1); switch (field.type) { case 'radio': if (field.checked) { result[fieldNameNorm] = field.value; } break; case 'checkbox': if (field.dataset.single) { result[fieldNameNorm] = field.checked; // boolean } else { result[fieldNameNorm] = result[fieldNameNorm] || []; if (field.checked) { result[fieldNameNorm].push(field.value); } } break; case 'select-multiple': result[fieldNameNorm] = $(field).val(); // field.value doesn't work break; case 'text': // falls through case 'textarea': result[fieldNameNorm] = field.value.trim(); break; default: // could be select-one, date, number, email, etc if (field.value) { result[fieldNameNorm] = field.value; } break; } } return result; }; /** * Returns all form elements with a given field name or ID. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm * @param {HTMLFormElement} form * @param {string} fieldName - The name or id of the fields. * @returns {HTMLElement[]} - Array of matching form elements. */ Morebits.quickForm.getElements = function QuickFormGetElements(form, fieldName) { var $form = $(form); fieldName = $.escapeSelector(fieldName); // sanitize input var $elements = $form.find('[name="' + fieldName + '"]'); if ($elements.length > 0) { return $elements.toArray(); } $elements = $form.find('#' + fieldName); return $elements.toArray(); }; /** * Searches the array of elements for a checkbox or radio button with a certain * `value` attribute, and returns the first such element. Returns null if not found. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm * @param {HTMLInputElement[]} elementArray - Array of checkbox or radio elements. * @param {string} value - Value to search for. * @returns {HTMLInputElement} */ Morebits.quickForm.getCheckboxOrRadio = function QuickFormGetCheckboxOrRadio(elementArray, value) { var found = $.grep(elementArray, function(el) { return el.value === value; }); if (found.length > 0) { return found[0]; } return null; }; /** * Returns the &lt;div> containing the form element, or the form element itself * May not work as expected on checkboxes or radios. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm * @param {HTMLElement} element * @returns {HTMLElement} */ Morebits.quickForm.getElementContainer = function QuickFormGetElementContainer(element) { // for divs, headings and fieldsets, the container is the element itself if (element instanceof HTMLFieldSetElement || element instanceof HTMLDivElement || element instanceof HTMLHeadingElement) { return element; } // for others, just return the parent node return element.parentNode; }; /** * Gets the HTML element that contains the label of the given form element * (mainly for internal use). * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm * @param {(HTMLElement|Morebits.quickForm.element)} element * @returns {HTMLElement} */ Morebits.quickForm.getElementLabelObject = function QuickFormGetElementLabelObject(element) { // for buttons, divs and headers, the label is on the element itself if (element.type === 'button' || element.type === 'submit' || element instanceof HTMLDivElement || element instanceof HTMLHeadingElement) { return element; // for fieldsets, the label is the child <legend> element } else if (element instanceof HTMLFieldSetElement) { return element.getElementsByTagName('legend')[0]; // for textareas, the label is the sibling <h5> element } else if (element instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) { return element.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('h5')[0]; } // for others, the label is the sibling <label> element return element.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('label')[0]; }; /** * Gets the label text of the element. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm * @param {(HTMLElement|Morebits.quickForm.element)} element * @returns {string} */ Morebits.quickForm.getElementLabel = function QuickFormGetElementLabel(element) { var labelElement = Morebits.quickForm.getElementLabelObject(element); if (!labelElement) { return null; } return labelElement.firstChild.textContent; }; /** * Sets the label of the element to the given text. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm * @param {(HTMLElement|Morebits.quickForm.element)} element * @param {string} labelText * @returns {boolean} True if succeeded, false if the label element is unavailable. */ Morebits.quickForm.setElementLabel = function QuickFormSetElementLabel(element, labelText) { var labelElement = Morebits.quickForm.getElementLabelObject(element); if (!labelElement) { return false; } labelElement.firstChild.textContent = labelText; return true; }; /** * Stores the element's current label, and temporarily sets the label to the given text. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm * @param {(HTMLElement|Morebits.quickForm.element)} element * @param {string} temporaryLabelText * @returns {boolean} `true` if succeeded, `false` if the label element is unavailable. */ Morebits.quickForm.overrideElementLabel = function QuickFormOverrideElementLabel(element, temporaryLabelText) { if (!element.hasAttribute('data-oldlabel')) { element.setAttribute('data-oldlabel', Morebits.quickForm.getElementLabel(element)); } return Morebits.quickForm.setElementLabel(element, temporaryLabelText); }; /** * Restores the label stored by overrideElementLabel. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm * @param {(HTMLElement|Morebits.quickForm.element)} element * @returns {boolean} True if succeeded, false if the label element is unavailable. */ Morebits.quickForm.resetElementLabel = function QuickFormResetElementLabel(element) { if (element.hasAttribute('data-oldlabel')) { return Morebits.quickForm.setElementLabel(element, element.getAttribute('data-oldlabel')); } return null; }; /** * Shows or hides a form element plus its label and tooltip. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm * @param {(HTMLElement|jQuery|string)} element - HTML/jQuery element, or jQuery selector string. * @param {boolean} [visibility] - Skip this to toggle visibility. */ Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility = function QuickFormSetElementVisibility(element, visibility) { $(element).toggle(visibility); }; /** * Shows or hides the question mark icon (which displays the tooltip) next to a form element. * * @memberof Morebits.quickForm * @param {(HTMLElement|jQuery)} element * @param {boolean} [visibility] - Skip this to toggle visibility. */ Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility = function QuickFormSetElementTooltipVisibility(element, visibility) { $(Morebits.quickForm.getElementContainer(element)).find('.morebits-tooltipButton').toggle(visibility); }; /** * @external HTMLFormElement */ /** * Get checked items in the form. * * @function external:HTMLFormElement.getChecked * @param {string} name - Find checked property of elements (i.e. a checkbox * or a radiobutton) with the given name, or select options that have selected * set to true (don't try to mix selects with radio/checkboxes). * @param {string} [type] - Optionally specify either radio or checkbox (for * the event that both checkboxes and radiobuttons have the same name). * @returns {string[]} - Contains the values of elements with the given name * checked property set to true. */ HTMLFormElement.prototype.getChecked = function(name, type) { var elements = this.elements[name]; if (!elements) { return []; } var return_array = []; var i; if (elements instanceof HTMLSelectElement) { var options = elements.options; for (i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) { if (options[i].selected) { if (options[i].values) { return_array.push(options[i].values); } else { return_array.push(options[i].value); } } } } else if (elements instanceof HTMLInputElement) { if (type && elements.type !== type) { return []; } else if (elements.checked) { return [ elements.value ]; } } else { for (i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) { if (elements[i].checked) { if (type && elements[i].type !== type) { continue; } if (elements[i].values) { return_array.push(elements[i].values); } else { return_array.push(elements[i].value); } } } } return return_array; }; /** * Does the same as {@link HTMLFormElement.getChecked|getChecked}, but with unchecked elements. * * @function external:HTMLFormElement.getUnchecked * @param {string} name - Find checked property of elements (i.e. a checkbox * or a radiobutton) with the given name, or select options that have selected * set to true (don't try to mix selects with radio/checkboxes). * @param {string} [type] - Optionally specify either radio or checkbox (for * the event that both checkboxes and radiobuttons have the same name). * @returns {string[]} - Contains the values of elements with the given name * checked property set to true. */ HTMLFormElement.prototype.getUnchecked = function(name, type) { var elements = this.elements[name]; if (!elements) { return []; } var return_array = []; var i; if (elements instanceof HTMLSelectElement) { var options = elements.options; for (i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) { if (!options[i].selected) { if (options[i].values) { return_array.push(options[i].values); } else { return_array.push(options[i].value); } } } } else if (elements instanceof HTMLInputElement) { if (type && elements.type !== type) { return []; } else if (!elements.checked) { return [ elements.value ]; } } else { for (i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) { if (!elements[i].checked) { if (type && elements[i].type !== type) { continue; } if (elements[i].values) { return_array.push(elements[i].values); } else { return_array.push(elements[i].value); } } } } return return_array; }; /** * Utilities to help process IP addresses. * * @namespace Morebits.ip * @memberof Morebits */ Morebits.ip = { /** * Converts an IPv6 address to the canonical form stored and used by MediaWiki. * JavaScript translation of the {@link https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/core/+/8eb6ac3e84ea3312d391ca96c12c49e3ad0753bb/includes/utils/IP.php#131|`IP::sanitizeIP()`} * function from the IPUtils library. Addresses are verbose, uppercase, * normalized, and expanded to 8 words. * * @param {string} address - The IPv6 address, with or without CIDR. * @returns {string} */ sanitizeIPv6: function (address) { address = address.trim(); if (address === '') { return null; } if (!mw.util.isIPv6Address(address, true)) { return address; // nothing else to do for IPv4 addresses or invalid ones } // Remove any whitespaces, convert to upper case address = address.toUpperCase(); // Expand zero abbreviations var abbrevPos = address.indexOf('::'); if (abbrevPos > -1) { // We know this is valid IPv6. Find the last index of the // address before any CIDR number (e.g. "a:b:c::/24"). var CIDRStart = address.indexOf('/'); var addressEnd = CIDRStart !== -1 ? CIDRStart - 1 : address.length - 1; // If the '::' is at the beginning... var repeat, extra, pad; if (abbrevPos === 0) { repeat = '0:'; extra = address === '::' ? '0' : ''; // for the address '::' pad = 9; // 7+2 (due to '::') // If the '::' is at the end... } else if (abbrevPos === (addressEnd - 1)) { repeat = ':0'; extra = ''; pad = 9; // 7+2 (due to '::') // If the '::' is in the middle... } else { repeat = ':0'; extra = ':'; pad = 8; // 6+2 (due to '::') } var replacement = repeat; pad -= address.split(':').length - 1; for (var i = 1; i < pad; i++) { replacement += repeat; } replacement += extra; address = address.replace('::', replacement); } // Remove leading zeros from each bloc as needed return address.replace(/(^|:)0+([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})/g, '$1$2'); }, /** * Determine if the given IP address is a range. Just conjoins * `mw.util.isIPAddress` with and without the `allowBlock` option. * * @param {string} ip * @returns {boolean} - True if given a valid IP address range, false otherwise. */ isRange: function (ip) { return mw.util.isIPAddress(ip, true) && !mw.util.isIPAddress(ip); }, /** * Check that an IP range is within the CIDR limits. Most likely to be useful * in conjunction with `wgRelevantUserName`. CIDR limits are hardcoded as /16 * for IPv4 and /32 for IPv6. * * @returns {boolean} - True for valid ranges within the CIDR limits, * otherwise false (ranges outside the limit, single IPs, non-IPs). */ validCIDR: function (ip) { if (Morebits.ip.isRange(ip)) { var subnet = parseInt(ip.match(/\/(\d{1,3})$/)[1], 10); if (subnet) { // Should be redundant if (mw.util.isIPv6Address(ip, true)) { if (subnet >= 32) { return true; } } else { if (subnet >= 16) { return true; } } } } return false; }, /** * Get the /64 subnet for an IPv6 address. * * @param {string} ipv6 - The IPv6 address, with or without a subnet. * @returns {boolean|string} - False if not IPv6 or bigger than a 64, * otherwise the (sanitized) /64 address. */ get64: function (ipv6) { if (!ipv6 || !mw.util.isIPv6Address(ipv6, true)) { return false; } var subnetMatch = ipv6.match(/\/(\d{1,3})$/); if (subnetMatch && parseInt(subnetMatch[1], 10) < 64) { return false; } ipv6 = Morebits.ip.sanitizeIPv6(ipv6); var ip_re = /^((?:[0-9A-F]{1,4}:){4})(?:[0-9A-F]{1,4}:){3}[0-9A-F]{1,4}(?:\/\d{1,3})?$/; return ipv6.replace(ip_re, '$1' + '0:0:0:0/64'); } }; /** * Helper functions to manipulate strings. * * @namespace Morebits.string * @memberof Morebits */ Morebits.string = { /** * @param {string} str * @returns {string} */ toUpperCaseFirstChar: function(str) { str = str.toString(); return str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1); }, /** * @param {string} str * @returns {string} */ toLowerCaseFirstChar: function(str) { str = str.toString(); return str.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() + str.substr(1); }, /** * Gives an array of substrings of `str` - starting with `start` and * ending with `end` - which is not in `skiplist`. Intended for use * on wikitext with templates or links. * * @param {string} str * @param {string} start * @param {string} end * @param {(string[]|string)} [skiplist] * @returns {string[]} * @throws If the `start` and `end` strings aren't of the same length. * @throws If `skiplist` isn't an array or string */ splitWeightedByKeys: function(str, start, end, skiplist) { if (start.length !== end.length) { throw new Error('start marker and end marker must be of the same length'); } var level = 0; var initial = null; var result = []; if (!Array.isArray(skiplist)) { if (skiplist === undefined) { skiplist = []; } else if (typeof skiplist === 'string') { skiplist = [ skiplist ]; } else { throw new Error('non-applicable skiplist parameter'); } } for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < skiplist.length; ++j) { if (str.substr(i, skiplist[j].length) === skiplist[j]) { i += skiplist[j].length - 1; continue; } } if (str.substr(i, start.length) === start) { if (initial === null) { initial = i; } ++level; i += start.length - 1; } else if (str.substr(i, end.length) === end) { --level; i += end.length - 1; } if (!level && initial !== null) { result.push(str.substring(initial, i + 1)); initial = null; } } return result; }, /** * Formats freeform "reason" (from a textarea) for deletion/other * templates that are going to be substituted, (e.g. PROD, XFD, RPP). * Handles `|` outside a nowiki tag. * Optionally, also adds a signature if not present already. * * @param {string} str * @param {boolean} [addSig] * @returns {string} */ formatReasonText: function(str, addSig) { var reason = (str || '').toString().trim(); var unbinder = new Morebits.unbinder(reason); unbinder.unbind('<no' + 'wiki>', '</no' + 'wiki>'); unbinder.content = unbinder.content.replace(/\|/g, '{{subst:!}}'); reason = unbinder.rebind(); if (addSig) { var sig = '~~~~', sigIndex = reason.lastIndexOf(sig); if (sigIndex === -1 || sigIndex !== reason.length - sig.length) { reason += ' ' + sig; } } return reason.trim(); }, /** * Formats a "reason" (from a textarea) for inclusion in a userspace * log. Replaces newlines with {{Pb}}, and adds an extra `#` before * list items for proper formatting. * * @param {string} str * @returns {string} */ formatReasonForLog: function(str) { return str // handle line breaks, which otherwise break numbering .replace(/\n+/g, '{{pb}}') // put an extra # in front before bulleted or numbered list items .replace(/^(#+)/mg, '#$1') .replace(/^(\*+)/mg, '#$1'); }, /** * Like `String.prototype.replace()`, but escapes any dollar signs in * the replacement string. Useful when the the replacement string is * arbitrary, such as a username or freeform user input, and could * contain dollar signs. * * @param {string} string - Text in which to replace. * @param {(string|RegExp)} pattern * @param {string} replacement * @returns {string} */ safeReplace: function morebitsStringSafeReplace(string, pattern, replacement) { return string.replace(pattern, replacement.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$')); }, /** * Determine if the user-provided expiration will be considered an * infinite-length by MW. * * @see {@link https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T68646} * * @param {string} expiry * @returns {boolean} */ isInfinity: function morebitsStringIsInfinity(expiry) { return ['indefinite', 'infinity', 'infinite', 'never'].indexOf(expiry) !== -1; }, /** * Escapes a string to be used in a RegExp, replacing spaces and * underscores with `[_ ]` as they are often equivalent. * * @param {string} text - String to be escaped. * @returns {string} - The escaped text. */ escapeRegExp: function(text) { return mw.util.escapeRegExp(text).replace(/ |_/g, '[_ ]'); } }; /** * Helper functions to manipulate arrays. * * @namespace Morebits.array * @memberof Morebits */ Morebits.array = { /** * Remove duplicated items from an array. * * @param {Array} arr * @returns {Array} A copy of the array with duplicates removed. * @throws When provided a non-array. */ uniq: function(arr) { if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { throw 'A non-array object passed to Morebits.array.uniq'; } return arr.filter(function(item, idx) { return arr.indexOf(item) === idx; }); }, /** * Remove non-duplicated items from an array. * * @param {Array} arr * @returns {Array} A copy of the array with the first instance of each value * removed; subsequent instances of those values (duplicates) remain. * @throws When provided a non-array. */ dups: function(arr) { if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { throw 'A non-array object passed to Morebits.array.dups'; } return arr.filter(function(item, idx) { return arr.indexOf(item) !== idx; }); }, /** * Break up an array into smaller arrays. * * @param {Array} arr * @param {number} size - Size of each chunk (except the last, which could be different). * @returns {Array[]} An array containing the smaller, chunked arrays. * @throws When provided a non-array. */ chunk: function(arr, size) { if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { throw 'A non-array object passed to Morebits.array.chunk'; } if (typeof size !== 'number' || size <= 0) { // pretty impossible to do anything :) return [ arr ]; // we return an array consisting of this array. } var numChunks = Math.ceil(arr.length / size); var result = new Array(numChunks); for (var i = 0; i < numChunks; i++) { result[i] = arr.slice(i * size, (i + 1) * size); } return result; } }; /** * Utilities to enhance select2 menus. See twinklewarn, twinklexfd, * twinkleblock for sample usages. * * @see {@link https://select2.org/} * * @namespace Morebits.select2 * @memberof Morebits * @requires jquery.select2 */ Morebits.select2 = { matchers: { /** * Custom matcher in which if the optgroup name matches, all options in that * group are shown, like in jquery.chosen. */ optgroupFull: function(params, data) { var originalMatcher = $.fn.select2.defaults.defaults.matcher; var result = originalMatcher(params, data); if (result && params.term && data.text.toUpperCase().indexOf(params.term.toUpperCase()) !== -1) { result.children = data.children; } return result; }, /** Custom matcher that matches from the beginning of words only. */ wordBeginning: function(params, data) { var originalMatcher = $.fn.select2.defaults.defaults.matcher; var result = originalMatcher(params, data); if (!params.term || (result && new RegExp('\\b' + mw.util.escapeRegExp(params.term), 'i').test(result.text))) { return result; } return null; } }, /** Underline matched part of options. */ highlightSearchMatches: function(data) { var searchTerm = Morebits.select2SearchQuery; if (!searchTerm || data.loading) { return data.text; } var idx = data.text.toUpperCase().indexOf(searchTerm.toUpperCase()); if (idx < 0) { return data.text; } return $('<span>').append( data.text.slice(0, idx), $('<span>').css('text-decoration', 'underline').text(data.text.slice(idx, idx + searchTerm.length)), data.text.slice(idx + searchTerm.length) ); }, /** Intercept query as it is happening, for use in highlightSearchMatches. */ queryInterceptor: function(params) { Morebits.select2SearchQuery = params && params.term; }, /** * Open dropdown and begin search when the `.select2-selection` has * focus and a key is pressed. * * @see {@link https://github.com/select2/select2/issues/3279#issuecomment-442524147} */ autoStart: function(ev) { if (ev.which < 48) { return; } var target = $(ev.target).closest('.select2-container'); if (!target.length) { return; } target = target.prev(); target.select2('open'); var search = target.data('select2').dropdown.$search || target.data('select2').selection.$search; // Use DOM .focus() to work around a jQuery 3.6.0 regression (https://github.com/select2/select2/issues/5993) search[0].focus(); } }; /** * Temporarily hide a part of a string while processing the rest of it. * Used by {@link Morebits.wikitext.page#commentOutImage|Morebits.wikitext.page.commentOutImage}. * * @memberof Morebits * @class * @param {string} string - The initial text to process. * @example var u = new Morebits.unbinder('Hello world <!-- world --> world'); * u.unbind('<!--', '-->'); // text inside comment remains intact * u.content = u.content.replace(/world/g, 'earth'); * u.rebind(); // gives 'Hello earth <!-- world --> earth' */ Morebits.unbinder = function Unbinder(string) { if (typeof string !== 'string') { throw new Error('not a string'); } /** The text being processed. */ this.content = string; this.counter = 0; this.history = {}; this.prefix = '%UNIQ::' + Math.random() + '::'; this.postfix = '::UNIQ%'; }; Morebits.unbinder.prototype = { /** * Hide the region encapsulated by the `prefix` and `postfix` from * string processing. `prefix` and `postfix` will be used in a * RegExp, so items that need escaping should be use `\\`. * * @param {string} prefix * @param {string} postfix * @throws If either `prefix` or `postfix` is missing. */ unbind: function UnbinderUnbind(prefix, postfix) { if (!prefix || !postfix) { throw new Error('Both prefix and postfix must be provided'); } var re = new RegExp(prefix + '([\\s\\S]*?)' + postfix, 'g'); this.content = this.content.replace(re, Morebits.unbinder.getCallback(this)); }, /** * Restore the hidden portion of the `content` string. * * @returns {string} The processed output. */ rebind: function UnbinderRebind() { var content = this.content; content.self = this; for (var current in this.history) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.history, current)) { content = content.replace(current, this.history[current]); } } return content; }, prefix: null, // %UNIQ::0.5955981644938324:: postfix: null, // ::UNIQ% content: null, // string counter: null, // 0++ history: null // {} }; /** @memberof Morebits.unbinder */ Morebits.unbinder.getCallback = function UnbinderGetCallback(self) { return function UnbinderCallback(match) { var current = self.prefix + self.counter + self.postfix; self.history[current] = match; ++self.counter; return current; }; }; /* **************** Morebits.date **************** */ /** * Create a date object with enhanced processing capabilities, a la * {@link https://momentjs.com/|moment.js}. MediaWiki timestamp format is also * acceptable, in addition to everything that JS Date() accepts. * * @memberof Morebits * @class */ Morebits.date = function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); // Check MediaWiki formats // Must be first since firefox erroneously accepts the timestamp // format, sans timezone (See also: #921, #936, #1174, #1187), and the // 14-digit string will be interpreted differently. if (args.length === 1) { var param = args[0]; if (/^\d{14}$/.test(param)) { // YYYYMMDDHHmmss var digitMatch = /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/.exec(param); if (digitMatch) { // ..... year ... month .. date ... hour .... minute ..... second this._d = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, [digitMatch[1], digitMatch[2] - 1, digitMatch[3], digitMatch[4], digitMatch[5], digitMatch[6]])); } } else if (typeof param === 'string') { // Wikitext signature timestamp var dateParts = Morebits.l10n.signatureTimestampFormat(param); if (dateParts) { this._d = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, dateParts)); } } } if (!this._d) { // Try standard date this._d = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Date, [Date].concat(args))); } // Still no? if (!this.isValid()) { mw.log.warn('Invalid Morebits.date initialisation:', args); } }; /** * Localized strings for date processing. * * @memberof Morebits.date * @type {object.<string, string>} * @property {string[]} months * @property {string[]} monthsShort * @property {string[]} days * @property {string[]} daysShort * @property {object.<string, string>} relativeTimes * @private */ Morebits.date.localeData = { // message names here correspond to MediaWiki message names months: [msg('january', 'Yanvar'), msg('february', 'Fevral'), msg('march', 'Mart'), msg('april', 'Aprel'), msg('may_long', 'May'), msg('june', 'İyun'), msg('july', 'İyul'), msg('august', 'Avqust'), msg('september', 'Sentyabr'), msg('october', 'October'), msg('november', 'November'), msg('december', 'December')], monthsShort: [msg('jan', 'Yan'), msg('feb', 'Fev'), msg('mar', 'Mar'), msg('apr', 'Apr'), msg('may', 'May'), msg('jun', 'İyn'), msg('jul', 'İyl'), msg('aug', 'Avg'), msg('sep', 'Sen'), msg('oct', 'Okt'), msg('nov', 'Noy'), msg('dec', 'Dek')], days: [msg('sunday', 'bazar'), msg('monday', 'bazar ertəsi'), msg('tuesday', 'çərşənbə axşamı'), msg('wednesday', 'çərşənbə'), msg('thursday', 'cümə axşamı'), msg('friday', 'cümə'), msg('saturday', 'şənbə')], daysShort: [msg('sun', 'b.'), msg('mon', 'b.e.'), msg('tue', 'ç.a.'), msg('wed', 'ç.'), msg('thu', 'c.a.'), msg('fri', 'c.'), msg('sat', 'ş.')], relativeTimes: { thisDay: msg('relative-today', '[bu gün saat] hh:mm'), prevDay: msg('relative-prevday', '[dünən saat] hh:mm'), nextDay: msg('relative-nextday', '[sabah saat] hh:mm'), thisWeek: msg('relative-thisweek', 'dddd [saat] hh:mm'), pastWeek: msg('relative-pastweek', '[keçən] dddd [saat] hh:mm'), other: msg('relative-other', 'DD-MM-YYYY') } }; /** * Map units with getter/setter function names, for `add` and `subtract` * methods. * * @memberof Morebits.date * @type {object.<string, string>} * @property {string} seconds * @property {string} minutes * @property {string} hours * @property {string} days * @property {string} weeks * @property {string} months * @property {string} years */ Morebits.date.unitMap = { seconds: 'Seconds', minutes: 'Minutes', hours: 'Hours', days: 'Date', weeks: 'Week', // Not a function but handled in `add` through cunning use of multiplication months: 'Month', years: 'FullYear' }; Morebits.date.prototype = { /** @returns {boolean} */ isValid: function() { return !isNaN(this.getTime()); }, /** * @param {(Date|Morebits.date)} date * @returns {boolean} */ isBefore: function(date) { return this.getTime() < date.getTime(); }, /** * @param {(Date|Morebits.date)} date * @returns {boolean} */ isAfter: function(date) { return this.getTime() > date.getTime(); }, /** @returns {string} */ getUTCMonthName: function() { return Morebits.date.localeData.months[this.getUTCMonth()]; }, /** @returns {string} */ getUTCMonthNameAbbrev: function() { return Morebits.date.localeData.monthsShort[this.getUTCMonth()]; }, /** @returns {string} */ getMonthName: function() { return Morebits.date.localeData.months[this.getMonth()]; }, /** @returns {string} */ getMonthNameAbbrev: function() { return Morebits.date.localeData.monthsShort[this.getMonth()]; }, /** @returns {string} */ getUTCDayName: function() { return Morebits.date.localeData.days[this.getUTCDay()]; }, /** @returns {string} */ getUTCDayNameAbbrev: function() { return Morebits.date.localeData.daysShort[this.getUTCDay()]; }, /** @returns {string} */ getDayName: function() { return Morebits.date.localeData.days[this.getDay()]; }, /** @returns {string} */ getDayNameAbbrev: function() { return Morebits.date.localeData.daysShort[this.getDay()]; }, /** * Add a given number of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years to the date. * This is done in-place. The modified date object is also returned, allowing chaining. * * @param {number} number - Should be an integer. * @param {string} unit * @throws If invalid or unsupported unit is given. * @returns {Morebits.date} */ add: function(number, unit) { var num = parseInt(number, 10); // normalize if (isNaN(num)) { throw new Error('Invalid number "' + number + '" provided.'); } unit = unit.toLowerCase(); // normalize var unitMap = Morebits.date.unitMap; var unitNorm = unitMap[unit] || unitMap[unit + 's']; // so that both singular and plural forms work if (unitNorm) { // No built-in week functions, so rather than build out ISO's getWeek/setWeek, just multiply // Probably can't be used for Julian->Gregorian changeovers, etc. if (unitNorm === 'Week') { unitNorm = 'Date', num *= 7; } this['set' + unitNorm](this['get' + unitNorm]() + num); return this; } throw new Error('Invalid unit "' + unit + '": Only ' + Object.keys(unitMap).join(', ') + ' are allowed.'); }, /** * Subtracts a given number of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years to the date. * This is done in-place. The modified date object is also returned, allowing chaining. * * @param {number} number - Should be an integer. * @param {string} unit * @throws If invalid or unsupported unit is given. * @returns {Morebits.date} */ subtract: function(number, unit) { return this.add(-number, unit); }, /** * Format the date into a string per the given format string. * Replacement syntax is a subset of that in moment.js: * * | Syntax | Output | * |--------|--------| * | H | Hours (24-hour) | * | HH | Hours (24-hour, padded to 2 digits) | * | h | Hours (12-hour) | * | hh | Hours (12-hour, padded to 2 digits) | * | A | AM or PM | * | m | Minutes | * | mm | Minutes (padded to 2 digits) | * | s | Seconds | * | ss | Seconds (padded to 2 digits) | * | SSS | Milliseconds fragment, 3 digits | * | d | Day number of the week (Sun=0) | * | ddd | Abbreviated day name | * | dddd | Full day name | * | D | Date | * | DD | Date (padded to 2 digits) | * | M | Month number (1-indexed) | * | MM | Month number (1-indexed, padded to 2 digits) | * | MMM | Abbreviated month name | * | MMMM | Full month name | * | Y | Year | * | YY | Final two digits of year (20 for 2020, 42 for 1942) | * | YYYY | Year (same as `Y`) | * * @param {string} formatstr - Format the date into a string, using * the replacement syntax. Use `[` and `]` to escape items. If not * provided, will return the ISO-8601-formatted string. * @param {(string|number)} [zone=system] - `system` (for browser-default time zone), * `utc`, or specify a time zone as number of minutes relative to UTC. * @returns {string} */ format: function(formatstr, zone) { if (!this.isValid()) { return 'Invalid date'; // Put the truth out, preferable to "NaNNaNNan NaN:NaN" or whatever } var udate = this; // create a new date object that will contain the date to display as system time if (zone === 'utc') { udate = new Morebits.date(this.getTime()).add(this.getTimezoneOffset(), 'minutes'); } else if (typeof zone === 'number') { // convert to utc, then add the utc offset given udate = new Morebits.date(this.getTime()).add(this.getTimezoneOffset() + zone, 'minutes'); } // default to ISOString if (!formatstr) { return udate.toISOString(); } var pad = function(num, len) { len = len || 2; // Up to length of 00 + 1 return ('00' + num).toString().slice(0 - len); }; var h24 = udate.getHours(), m = udate.getMinutes(), s = udate.getSeconds(), ms = udate.getMilliseconds(); var D = udate.getDate(), M = udate.getMonth() + 1, Y = udate.getFullYear(); var h12 = h24 % 12 || 12, amOrPm = h24 >= 12 ? msg('period-pm', 'PM') : msg('period-am', 'AM'); var replacementMap = { HH: pad(h24), H: h24, hh: pad(h12), h: h12, A: amOrPm, mm: pad(m), m: m, ss: pad(s), s: s, SSS: pad(ms, 3), dddd: udate.getDayName(), ddd: udate.getDayNameAbbrev(), d: udate.getDay(), DD: pad(D), D: D, MMMM: udate.getMonthName(), MMM: udate.getMonthNameAbbrev(), MM: pad(M), M: M, YYYY: Y, YY: pad(Y % 100), Y: Y }; var unbinder = new Morebits.unbinder(formatstr); // escape stuff between [...] unbinder.unbind('\\[', '\\]'); unbinder.content = unbinder.content.replace( /* Regex notes: * d(d{2,3})? matches exactly 1, 3 or 4 occurrences of 'd' ('dd' is treated as a double match of 'd') * Y{1,2}(Y{2})? matches exactly 1, 2 or 4 occurrences of 'Y' */ /H{1,2}|h{1,2}|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|SSS|d(d{2,3})?|D{1,2}|M{1,4}|Y{1,2}(Y{2})?|A/g, function(match) { return replacementMap[match]; } ); return unbinder.rebind().replace(/\[(.*?)\]/g, '$1'); }, /** * Gives a readable relative time string such as "Yesterday at 6:43 PM" or "Last Thursday at 11:45 AM". * Similar to `calendar` in moment.js, but with time zone support. * * @param {(string|number)} [zone=system] - 'system' (for browser-default time zone), * 'utc' (for UTC), or specify a time zone as number of minutes past UTC. * @returns {string} */ calendar: function(zone) { // Zero out the hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds - keeping only the date; // find the difference. Note that setHours() returns the same thing as getTime(). var dateDiff = (new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) - new Date(this).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)) / 8.64e7; switch (true) { case dateDiff === 0: return this.format(Morebits.date.localeData.relativeTimes.thisDay, zone); case dateDiff === 1: return this.format(Morebits.date.localeData.relativeTimes.prevDay, zone); case dateDiff > 0 && dateDiff < 7: return this.format(Morebits.date.localeData.relativeTimes.pastWeek, zone); case dateDiff === -1: return this.format(Morebits.date.localeData.relativeTimes.nextDay, zone); case dateDiff < 0 && dateDiff > -7: return this.format(Morebits.date.localeData.relativeTimes.thisWeek, zone); default: return this.format(Morebits.date.localeData.relativeTimes.other, zone); } }, /** * Get a regular expression that matches wikitext section titles, such * as `==December 2019==` or `=== Jan 2018 ===`. * * @returns {RegExp} */ monthHeaderRegex: function() { return new RegExp('^(==+)\\s*(?:' + this.getUTCMonthName() + '|' + this.getUTCMonthNameAbbrev() + ')\\s+' + this.getUTCFullYear() + '\\s*\\1', 'mg'); }, /** * Creates a wikitext section header with the month and year. * * @param {number} [level=2] - Header level. Pass 0 for just the text * with no wikitext markers (==). * @returns {string} */ monthHeader: function(level) { // Default to 2, but allow for 0 or stringy numbers level = parseInt(level, 10); level = isNaN(level) ? 2 : level; var header = Array(level + 1).join('='); // String.prototype.repeat not supported in IE 11 var text = this.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + this.getUTCFullYear(); if (header.length) { // wikitext-formatted header return header + ' ' + text + ' ' + header; } return text; // Just the string } }; // Allow native Date.prototype methods to be used on Morebits.date objects Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Date.prototype).forEach(function(func) { // Exclude methods that collide with PageTriage's Date.js external, which clobbers native Date: [[phab:T268513]] if (['add', 'getDayName', 'getMonthName'].indexOf(func) === -1) { Morebits.date.prototype[func] = function() { return this._d[func].apply(this._d, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); }; } }); /* **************** Morebits.wiki **************** */ /** * Various objects for wiki editing and API access, including * {@link Morebits.wiki.api} and {@link Morebits.wiki.page}. * * @namespace Morebits.wiki * @memberof Morebits */ Morebits.wiki = {}; /** * @deprecated in favor of Morebits.isPageRedirect as of November 2020 * @memberof Morebits.wiki * @returns {boolean} */ Morebits.wiki.isPageRedirect = function wikipediaIsPageRedirect() { console.warn('NOTE: Morebits.wiki.isPageRedirect has been deprecated, use Morebits.isPageRedirect instead.'); // eslint-disable-line no-console return Morebits.isPageRedirect(); }; /* **************** Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted **************** */ /** * @memberof Morebits.wiki * @type {number} */ Morebits.wiki.numberOfActionsLeft = 0; /** * @memberof Morebits.wiki * @type {number} */ Morebits.wiki.nbrOfCheckpointsLeft = 0; /** * Display message and/or redirect to page upon completion of tasks. * * Every call to Morebits.wiki.api.post() results in the dispatch of an * asynchronous callback. Each callback can in turn make an additional call to * Morebits.wiki.api.post() to continue a processing sequence. At the * conclusion of the final callback of a processing sequence, it is not * possible to simply return to the original caller because there is no call * stack leading back to the original context. Instead, * Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.event() is called to display the result to * the user and to perform an optional page redirect. * * The determination of when to call Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.event() is * managed through the globals Morebits.wiki.numberOfActionsLeft and * Morebits.wiki.nbrOfCheckpointsLeft. Morebits.wiki.numberOfActionsLeft is * incremented at the start of every Morebits.wiki.api call and decremented * after the completion of a callback function. If a callback function does * not create a new Morebits.wiki.api object before exiting, it is the final * step in the processing chain and Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.event() will * then be called. * * Optionally, callers may use Morebits.wiki.addCheckpoint() to indicate that * processing is not complete upon the conclusion of the final callback * function. This is used for batch operations. The end of a batch is * signaled by calling Morebits.wiki.removeCheckpoint(). * * @memberof Morebits.wiki */ Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted = function(self) { if (--Morebits.wiki.numberOfActionsLeft <= 0 && Morebits.wiki.nbrOfCheckpointsLeft <= 0) { Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.event(self); } }; // Change per action wanted /** @memberof Morebits.wiki */ Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.event = function() { if (Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice) { Morebits.status.actionCompleted(Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice); } if (Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect) { // if it isn't a URL, make it one. TODO: This breaks on the articles 'http://', 'ftp://', and similar ones. if (!(/^\w+:\/\//).test(Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect)) { Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = mw.util.getUrl(Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect); if (Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.followRedirect === false) { Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect += '?redirect=no'; } } window.setTimeout(function() { window.location = Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect; }, Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.timeOut); } }; /** @memberof Morebits.wiki */ Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.timeOut = typeof window.wpActionCompletedTimeOut === 'undefined' ? 5000 : window.wpActionCompletedTimeOut; /** @memberof Morebits.wiki */ Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = null; /** @memberof Morebits.wiki */ Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = null; /** @memberof Morebits.wiki */ Morebits.wiki.addCheckpoint = function() { ++Morebits.wiki.nbrOfCheckpointsLeft; }; /** @memberof Morebits.wiki */ Morebits.wiki.removeCheckpoint = function() { if (--Morebits.wiki.nbrOfCheckpointsLeft <= 0 && Morebits.wiki.numberOfActionsLeft <= 0) { Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.event(); } }; /* **************** Morebits.wiki.api **************** */ /** * An easy way to talk to the MediaWiki API. Accepts either json or xml * (default) formats; if json is selected, will default to `formatversion=2` * unless otherwise specified. Similarly, enforces newer `errorformat`s, * defaulting to `html` if unspecified. `uselang` enforced to the wiki's * content language. * * In new code, the use of the last 3 parameters should be avoided, instead * use {@link Morebits.wiki.api#setStatusElement|setStatusElement()} to bind * the status element (if needed) and use `.then()` or `.catch()` on the * promise returned by `post()`, rather than specify the `onSuccess` or * `onFailure` callbacks. * * @memberof Morebits.wiki * @class * @param {string} currentAction - The current action (required). * @param {object} query - The query (required). * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - The function to call when request is successful. * @param {Morebits.status} [statusElement] - A Morebits.status object to use for status messages. * @param {Function} [onError] - The function to call if an error occurs. */ Morebits.wiki.api = function(currentAction, query, onSuccess, statusElement, onError) { this.currentAction = currentAction; this.query = query; this.query.assert = 'user'; // Enforce newer error formats, preferring html if (!query.errorformat || ['wikitext', 'plaintext'].indexOf(query.errorformat) === -1) { this.query.errorformat = 'html'; } // Explicitly use the wiki's content language to minimize confusion, // see #1179 for discussion this.query.uselang = 'content'; this.query.errorlang = 'uselang'; this.query.errorsuselocal = 1; this.onSuccess = onSuccess; this.onError = onError; if (statusElement) { this.setStatusElement(statusElement); } else { this.statelem = new Morebits.status(currentAction); } // JSON is used throughout Morebits/Twinkle, but xml remains the default for backwards compatibility if (!query.format) { this.query.format = 'xml'; } else if (query.format === 'json' && !query.formatversion) { this.query.formatversion = '2'; } else if (['xml', 'json'].indexOf(query.format) === -1) { this.statelem.error('Invalid API format: only xml and json are supported.'); } // Ignore tags for queries and most common unsupported actions, produces warnings if (query.action && ['query', 'review', 'stabilize', 'pagetriageaction', 'watch'].indexOf(query.action) !== -1) { delete query.tags; } else if (!query.tags && morebitsWikiChangeTag) { query.tags = morebitsWikiChangeTag; } }; Morebits.wiki.api.prototype = { currentAction: '', onSuccess: null, onError: null, parent: window, // use global context if there is no parent object query: null, response: null, responseXML: null, // use `response` instead; retained for backwards compatibility statelem: null, // this non-standard name kept for backwards compatibility statusText: null, // result received from the API, normally "success" or "error" errorCode: null, // short text error code, if any, as documented in the MediaWiki API errorText: null, // full error description, if any badtokenRetry: false, // set to true if this on a retry attempted after a badtoken error /** * Keep track of parent object for callbacks. * * @param {*} parent */ setParent: function(parent) { this.parent = parent; }, /** @param {Morebits.status} statusElement */ setStatusElement: function(statusElement) { this.statelem = statusElement; this.statelem.status(this.currentAction); }, /** * Carry out the request. * * @param {object} callerAjaxParameters - Do not specify a parameter unless you really * really want to give jQuery some extra parameters. * @returns {promise} - A jQuery promise object that is resolved or rejected with the api object. */ post: function(callerAjaxParameters) { ++Morebits.wiki.numberOfActionsLeft; var queryString = $.map(this.query, function(val, i) { if (Array.isArray(val)) { return encodeURIComponent(i) + '=' + val.map(encodeURIComponent).join('|'); } else if (val !== undefined) { return encodeURIComponent(i) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val); } }).join('&').replace(/^(.*?)(\btoken=[^&]*)&(.*)/, '$1$3&$2'); // token should always be the last item in the query string (bug TW-B-0013) var ajaxparams = $.extend({}, { context: this, type: this.query.action === 'query' ? 'GET' : 'POST', url: mw.util.wikiScript('api'), data: queryString, dataType: this.query.format, headers: { 'Api-User-Agent': morebitsWikiApiUserAgent } }, callerAjaxParameters); return $.ajax(ajaxparams).then( function onAPIsuccess(response, statusText) { this.statusText = statusText; this.response = this.responseXML = response; // Limit to first error if (this.query.format === 'json') { this.errorCode = response.errors && response.errors[0].code; if (this.query.errorformat === 'html') { this.errorText = response.errors && response.errors[0].html; } else if (this.query.errorformat === 'wikitext' || this.query.errorformat === 'plaintext') { this.errorText = response.errors && response.errors[0].text; } } else { this.errorCode = $(response).find('errors error').eq(0).attr('code'); // Sufficient for html, wikitext, or plaintext errorformats this.errorText = $(response).find('errors error').eq(0).text(); } if (typeof this.errorCode === 'string') { // the API didn't like what we told it, e.g., bad edit token or an error creating a page return this.returnError(callerAjaxParameters); } // invoke success callback if one was supplied if (this.onSuccess) { // set the callback context to this.parent for new code and supply the API object // as the first argument to the callback (for legacy code) this.onSuccess.call(this.parent, this); } else { this.statelem.info(msg('done', 'yerinə yetirildi')); } Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted(); return $.Deferred().resolveWith(this.parent, [this]); }, // only network and server errors reach here - complaints from the API itself are caught in success() function onAPIfailure(jqXHR, statusText, errorThrown) { this.statusText = statusText; this.errorThrown = errorThrown; // frequently undefined this.errorText = msg('api-error', statusText, jqXHR.statusText, statusText + ' "' + jqXHR.statusText + '" occurred while contacting the API.'); return this.returnError(); } ); }, returnError: function(callerAjaxParameters) { if (this.errorCode === 'badtoken' && !this.badtokenRetry) { this.statelem.warn(msg('invalid-token-retrying', 'Invalid token. Getting a new token and retrying...')); this.badtokenRetry = true; // Get a new CSRF token and retry. If the original action needs a different // type of action than CSRF, we do one pointless retry before bailing out return Morebits.wiki.api.getToken().then(function(token) { this.query.token = token; return this.post(callerAjaxParameters); }.bind(this)); } this.statelem.error(this.errorText + ' (' + this.errorCode + ')'); // invoke failure callback if one was supplied if (this.onError) { // set the callback context to this.parent for new code and supply the API object // as the first argument to the callback for legacy code this.onError.call(this.parent, this); } // don't complete the action so that the error remains displayed return $.Deferred().rejectWith(this.parent, [this]); }, getStatusElement: function() { return this.statelem; }, getErrorCode: function() { return this.errorCode; }, getErrorText: function() { return this.errorText; }, getXML: function() { // retained for backwards compatibility, use getResponse() instead return this.responseXML; }, getResponse: function() { return this.response; } }; var morebitsWikiApiUserAgent = 'morebits.js ([[w:WT:TW]])'; /** * Set the custom user agent header, which is used for server-side logging. * Note that doing so will set the useragent for every `Morebits.wiki.api` * process performed thereafter. * * @see {@link https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/mediawiki-api-announce/2014-November/000075.html} * for original announcement. * * @memberof Morebits.wiki.api * @param {string} [ua=morebits.js ([[w:WT:TW]])] - User agent. The default * value of `morebits.js ([[w:WT:TW]])` will be appended to any provided * value. */ Morebits.wiki.api.setApiUserAgent = function(ua) { morebitsWikiApiUserAgent = (ua ? ua + ' ' : '') + 'morebits.js ([[w:WT:TW]])'; }; /** * Change/revision tag applied to Morebits actions when no other tags are specified. * Unused by default per {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=970618849#Adding_tags_to_Twinkle_edits_and_actions|EnWiki consensus}. * * @constant * @memberof Morebits.wiki.api * @type {string} */ var morebitsWikiChangeTag = ''; /** * Get a new CSRF token on encountering token errors. * * @memberof Morebits.wiki.api * @returns {string} MediaWiki CSRF token. */ Morebits.wiki.api.getToken = function() { var tokenApi = new Morebits.wiki.api(msg('getting-token', 'Getting token'), { action: 'query', meta: 'tokens', type: 'csrf', format: 'json' }); return tokenApi.post().then(function(apiobj) { return apiobj.response.query.tokens.csrftoken; }); }; /* **************** Morebits.wiki.page **************** */ /** * Use the MediaWiki API to load a page and optionally edit it, move it, etc. * * Callers are not permitted to directly access the properties of this class! * All property access is through the appropriate get___() or set___() method. * * Callers should set {@link Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice} and {@link Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect} * before the first call to {@link Morebits.wiki.page.load()}. * * Each of the callback functions takes one parameter, which is a * reference to the Morebits.wiki.page object that registered the callback. * Callback functions may invoke any Morebits.wiki.page prototype method using this reference. * * * Call sequence for common operations (optional final user callbacks not shown): * * - Edit current contents of a page (no edit conflict): * `.load(userTextEditCallback) -> ctx.loadApi.post() -> * ctx.loadApi.post.success() -> ctx.fnLoadSuccess() -> userTextEditCallback() -> * .save() -> ctx.saveApi.post() -> ctx.loadApi.post.success() -> ctx.fnSaveSuccess()` * * - Edit current contents of a page (with edit conflict): * `.load(userTextEditCallback) -> ctx.loadApi.post() -> * ctx.loadApi.post.success() -> ctx.fnLoadSuccess() -> userTextEditCallback() -> * .save() -> ctx.saveApi.post() -> ctx.loadApi.post.success() -> * ctx.fnSaveError() -> ctx.loadApi.post() -> ctx.loadApi.post.success() -> * ctx.fnLoadSuccess() -> userTextEditCallback() -> .save() -> * ctx.saveApi.post() -> ctx.loadApi.post.success() -> ctx.fnSaveSuccess()` * * - Append to a page (similar for prepend and newSection): * `.append() -> ctx.loadApi.post() -> ctx.loadApi.post.success() -> * ctx.fnLoadSuccess() -> ctx.fnAutoSave() -> .save() -> ctx.saveApi.post() -> * ctx.loadApi.post.success() -> ctx.fnSaveSuccess()` * * Notes: * 1. All functions following Morebits.wiki.api.post() are invoked asynchronously from the jQuery AJAX library. * 2. The sequence for append/prepend/newSection could be slightly shortened, * but it would require significant duplication of code for little benefit. * * * @memberof Morebits.wiki * @class * @param {string} pageName - The name of the page, prefixed by the namespace (if any). * For the current page, use `mw.config.get('wgPageName')`. * @param {string|Morebits.status} [status] - A string describing the action about to be undertaken, * or a Morebits.status object */ Morebits.wiki.page = function(pageName, status) { if (!status) { status = msg('opening-page', pageName, '"' + pageName + '" səhifəsi açılır'); } /** * Private context variables. * * This context is not visible to the outside, thus all the data here * must be accessed via getter and setter functions. * * @private */ var ctx = { // backing fields for public properties pageName: pageName, pageExists: false, editSummary: null, changeTags: null, testActions: null, // array if any valid actions callbackParameters: null, statusElement: status instanceof Morebits.status ? status : new Morebits.status(status), // - edit pageText: null, editMode: 'all', // save() replaces entire contents of the page by default appendText: null, // can't reuse pageText for this because pageText is needed to follow a redirect prependText: null, // can't reuse pageText for this because pageText is needed to follow a redirect newSectionText: null, newSectionTitle: null, createOption: null, minorEdit: false, botEdit: false, pageSection: null, maxConflictRetries: 2, maxRetries: 2, followRedirect: false, followCrossNsRedirect: true, watchlistOption: 'nochange', watchlistExpiry: null, creator: null, timestamp: null, // - revert revertOldID: null, // - move moveDestination: null, moveTalkPage: false, moveSubpages: false, moveSuppressRedirect: false, // - protect protectEdit: null, protectMove: null, protectCreate: null, protectCascade: null, // - creation lookup lookupNonRedirectCreator: false, // - stabilize (FlaggedRevs) flaggedRevs: null, // internal status pageLoaded: false, csrfToken: null, loadTime: null, lastEditTime: null, pageID: null, contentModel: null, revertCurID: null, revertUser: null, watched: false, fullyProtected: false, suppressProtectWarning: false, conflictRetries: 0, retries: 0, // callbacks onLoadSuccess: null, onLoadFailure: null, onSaveSuccess: null, onSaveFailure: null, onLookupCreationSuccess: null, onLookupCreationFailure: null, onMoveSuccess: null, onMoveFailure: null, onDeleteSuccess: null, onDeleteFailure: null, onUndeleteSuccess: null, onUndeleteFailure: null, onProtectSuccess: null, onProtectFailure: null, onStabilizeSuccess: null, onStabilizeFailure: null, // internal objects loadQuery: null, loadApi: null, saveApi: null, lookupCreationApi: null, moveApi: null, moveProcessApi: null, patrolApi: null, patrolProcessApi: null, triageApi: null, triageProcessListApi: null, triageProcessApi: null, deleteApi: null, deleteProcessApi: null, undeleteApi: null, undeleteProcessApi: null, protectApi: null, protectProcessApi: null, stabilizeApi: null, stabilizeProcessApi: null }; var emptyFunction = function() { }; /** * Loads the text for the page. * * @param {Function} onSuccess - Callback function which is called when the load has succeeded. * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function which is called when the load fails. */ this.load = function(onSuccess, onFailure) { ctx.onLoadSuccess = onSuccess; ctx.onLoadFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction; // Need to be able to do something after the page loads if (!onSuccess) { ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: no onSuccess callback provided to load()!'); ctx.onLoadFailure(this); return; } ctx.loadQuery = { action: 'query', prop: 'info|revisions', inprop: 'watched', intestactions: 'edit', // can be expanded curtimestamp: '', meta: 'tokens', type: 'csrf', titles: ctx.pageName, format: 'json' // don't need rvlimit=1 because we don't need rvstartid here and only one actual rev is returned by default }; if (ctx.editMode === 'all') { ctx.loadQuery.rvprop = 'content|timestamp'; // get the page content at the same time, if needed } else if (ctx.editMode === 'revert') { ctx.loadQuery.rvprop = 'timestamp'; ctx.loadQuery.rvlimit = 1; ctx.loadQuery.rvstartid = ctx.revertOldID; } if (ctx.followRedirect) { ctx.loadQuery.redirects = ''; // follow all redirects } if (typeof ctx.pageSection === 'number') { ctx.loadQuery.rvsection = ctx.pageSection; } if (Morebits.userIsSysop) { ctx.loadQuery.inprop += '|protection'; } ctx.loadApi = new Morebits.wiki.api(msg('retrieving-page', 'Səhifə əldə edilir...'), ctx.loadQuery, fnLoadSuccess, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onLoadFailure); ctx.loadApi.setParent(this); ctx.loadApi.post(); }; /** * Saves the text for the page to Wikipedia. * Must be preceded by successfully calling `load()`. * * Warning: Calling `save()` can result in additional calls to the * previous `load()` callbacks to recover from edit conflicts! In this * case, callers must make the same edit to the new pageText and * re-invoke `save()`. This behavior can be disabled with * `setMaxConflictRetries(0)`. * * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function which is called when the save has succeeded. * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function which is called when the save fails. */ this.save = function(onSuccess, onFailure) { ctx.onSaveSuccess = onSuccess; ctx.onSaveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction; // are we getting our editing token from mw.user.tokens? var canUseMwUserToken = fnCanUseMwUserToken('edit'); if (!ctx.pageLoaded && !canUseMwUserToken) { ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: attempt to save a page that has not been loaded!'); ctx.onSaveFailure(this); return; } if (!ctx.editSummary) { // new section mode allows (nay, encourages) using the // title as the edit summary, but the query needs // editSummary to be undefined or '', not null if (ctx.editMode === 'new' && ctx.newSectionTitle) { ctx.editSummary = ''; } else { ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: edit summary not set before save!'); ctx.onSaveFailure(this); return; } } // shouldn't happen if canUseMwUserToken === true if (ctx.fullyProtected && !ctx.suppressProtectWarning && !confirm( ctx.fullyProtected === 'infinity' ? msg('protected-indef-edit-warning', ctx.pageName, 'You are about to make an edit to the fully protected page "' + ctx.pageName + '" (protected indefinitely). \n\nClick OK to proceed with the edit, or Cancel to skip this edit.' ) : msg('protected-edit-warning', ctx.pageName, ctx.fullyProtected, 'You are about to make an edit to the fully protected page "' + ctx.pageName + '" (protection expiring ' + new Morebits.date(ctx.fullyProtected).calendar('utc') + ' (UTC)). \n\nClick OK to proceed with the edit, or Cancel to skip this edit.' ) ) ) { ctx.statusElement.error(msg('protected-aborted', 'Edit to fully protected page was aborted.')); ctx.onSaveFailure(this); return; } ctx.retries = 0; var query = { action: 'edit', title: ctx.pageName, summary: ctx.editSummary, token: canUseMwUserToken ? mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken') : ctx.csrfToken, watchlist: ctx.watchlistOption, format: 'json' }; if (ctx.changeTags) { query.tags = ctx.changeTags; } if (fnApplyWatchlistExpiry()) { query.watchlistexpiry = ctx.watchlistExpiry; } if (typeof ctx.pageSection === 'number') { query.section = ctx.pageSection; } // Set minor edit attribute. If these parameters are present with any value, it is interpreted as true if (ctx.minorEdit) { query.minor = true; } else { query.notminor = true; // force Twinkle config to override user preference setting for "all edits are minor" } // Set bot edit attribute. If this parameter is present with any value, it is interpreted as true if (ctx.botEdit) { query.bot = true; } switch (ctx.editMode) { case 'append': if (ctx.appendText === null) { ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: append text not set before save!'); ctx.onSaveFailure(this); return; } query.appendtext = ctx.appendText; // use mode to append to current page contents break; case 'prepend': if (ctx.prependText === null) { ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: prepend text not set before save!'); ctx.onSaveFailure(this); return; } query.prependtext = ctx.prependText; // use mode to prepend to current page contents break; case 'new': if (!ctx.newSectionText) { // API doesn't allow empty new section text ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: new section text not set before save!'); ctx.onSaveFailure(this); return; } query.section = 'new'; query.text = ctx.newSectionText; // add a new section to current page query.sectiontitle = ctx.newSectionTitle || ctx.editSummary; // done by the API, but non-'' values would get treated as text break; case 'revert': query.undo = ctx.revertCurID; query.undoafter = ctx.revertOldID; if (ctx.lastEditTime) { query.basetimestamp = ctx.lastEditTime; // check that page hasn't been edited since it was loaded } query.starttimestamp = ctx.loadTime; // check that page hasn't been deleted since it was loaded (don't recreate bad stuff) break; default: // 'all' query.text = ctx.pageText; // replace entire contents of the page if (ctx.lastEditTime) { query.basetimestamp = ctx.lastEditTime; // check that page hasn't been edited since it was loaded } query.starttimestamp = ctx.loadTime; // check that page hasn't been deleted since it was loaded (don't recreate bad stuff) break; } if (['recreate', 'createonly', 'nocreate'].indexOf(ctx.createOption) !== -1) { query[ctx.createOption] = ''; } if (canUseMwUserToken && ctx.followRedirect) { query.redirect = true; } ctx.saveApi = new Morebits.wiki.api(msg('saving-page', 'Dəyişikliklər yayımlanır...'), query, fnSaveSuccess, ctx.statusElement, fnSaveError); ctx.saveApi.setParent(this); ctx.saveApi.post(); }; /** * Adds the text provided via `setAppendText()` to the end of the * page. Does not require calling `load()` first, unless a watchlist * expiry is used. * * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function which is called when the method has succeeded. * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function which is called when the method fails. */ this.append = function(onSuccess, onFailure) { ctx.editMode = 'append'; if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('edit')) { this.save(onSuccess, onFailure); } else { ctx.onSaveSuccess = onSuccess; ctx.onSaveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction; this.load(fnAutoSave, ctx.onSaveFailure); } }; /** * Adds the text provided via `setPrependText()` to the start of the * page. Does not require calling `load()` first, unless a watchlist * expiry is used. * * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function which is called when the method has succeeded. * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function which is called when the method fails. */ this.prepend = function(onSuccess, onFailure) { ctx.editMode = 'prepend'; if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('edit')) { this.save(onSuccess, onFailure); } else { ctx.onSaveSuccess = onSuccess; ctx.onSaveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction; this.load(fnAutoSave, ctx.onSaveFailure); } }; /** * Creates a new section with the text provided by `setNewSectionText()` * and section title from `setNewSectionTitle()`. * If `editSummary` is provided, that will be used instead of the * autogenerated "->Title (new section" edit summary. * Does not require calling `load()` first, unless a watchlist expiry * is used. * * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function which is called when the method has succeeded. * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function which is called when the method fails. */ this.newSection = function(onSuccess, onFailure) { ctx.editMode = 'new'; if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('edit')) { this.save(onSuccess, onFailure); } else { ctx.onSaveSuccess = onSuccess; ctx.onSaveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction; this.load(fnAutoSave, ctx.onSaveFailure); } }; /** @returns {string} The name of the loaded page, including the namespace */ this.getPageName = function() { return ctx.pageName; }; /** @returns {string} The text of the page after a successful load() */ this.getPageText = function() { return ctx.pageText; }; /** @param {string} pageText - Updated page text that will be saved when `save()` is called */ this.setPageText = function(pageText) { ctx.editMode = 'all'; ctx.pageText = pageText; }; /** @param {string} appendText - Text that will be appended to the page when `append()` is called */ this.setAppendText = function(appendText) { ctx.editMode = 'append'; ctx.appendText = appendText; }; /** @param {string} prependText - Text that will be prepended to the page when `prepend()` is called */ this.setPrependText = function(prependText) { ctx.editMode = 'prepend'; ctx.prependText = prependText; }; /** @param {string} newSectionText - Text that will be added in a new section on the page when `newSection()` is called */ this.setNewSectionText = function(newSectionText) { ctx.editMode = 'new'; ctx.newSectionText = newSectionText; }; /** * @param {string} newSectionTitle - Title for the new section created when `newSection()` is called * If missing, `ctx.editSummary` will be used. Issues may occur if a substituted template is used. */ this.setNewSectionTitle = function(newSectionTitle) { ctx.editMode = 'new'; ctx.newSectionTitle = newSectionTitle; }; // Edit-related setter methods: /** * Set the edit summary that will be used when `save()` is called. * Unnecessary if editMode is 'new' and newSectionTitle is provided. * * @param {string} summary */ this.setEditSummary = function(summary) { ctx.editSummary = summary; }; /** * Set any custom tag(s) to be applied to the API action. * A number of actions don't support it, most notably watch, review, * and stabilize ({@link https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T247721|T247721}), and * pagetriageaction ({@link https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T252980|T252980}). * * @param {string|string[]} tags - String or array of tag(s). */ this.setChangeTags = function(tags) { ctx.changeTags = tags; }; /** * @param {string} [createOption=null] - Can take the following four values: * - recreate: create the page if it does not exist, or edit it if it exists. * - createonly: create the page if it does not exist, but return an * error if it already exists. * - nocreate: don't create the page, only edit it if it already exists. * - `null`: create the page if it does not exist, unless it was deleted * in the moment between loading the page and saving the edit (default). * */ this.setCreateOption = function(createOption) { ctx.createOption = createOption; }; /** @param {boolean} minorEdit - Set true to mark the edit as a minor edit. */ this.setMinorEdit = function(minorEdit) { ctx.minorEdit = minorEdit; }; /** @param {boolean} botEdit - Set true to mark the edit as a bot edit */ this.setBotEdit = function(botEdit) { ctx.botEdit = botEdit; }; /** * @param {number} pageSection - Integer specifying the section number to load or save. * If specified as `null`, the entire page will be retrieved. */ this.setPageSection = function(pageSection) { ctx.pageSection = pageSection; }; /** * @param {number} maxConflictRetries - Number of retries for save errors involving an edit conflict or * loss of token. Default: 2. */ this.setMaxConflictRetries = function(maxConflictRetries) { ctx.maxConflictRetries = maxConflictRetries; }; /** * @param {number} maxRetries - Number of retries for save errors not involving an edit conflict or * loss of token. Default: 2. */ this.setMaxRetries = function(maxRetries) { ctx.maxRetries = maxRetries; }; /** * Set whether and how to watch the page, including setting an expiry. * * @param {boolean|string|Morebits.date|Date} [watchlistOption=false] - * Basically a mix of MW API and Twinkley options available pre-expiry: * - `true`|`'yes'`|`'watch'`: page will be added to the user's * watchlist when the action is called. Defaults to an indefinite * watch unless `watchlistExpiry` is provided. * - `false`|`'no'`|`'nochange'`: watchlist status of the page (including expiry) will not be changed. * - `'default'`|`'preferences'`: watchlist status of the page will be * set based on the user's preference settings when the action is * called. Defaults to an indefinite watch unless `watchlistExpiry` is * provided. * - `'unwatch'`: explicitly unwatch the page. * - Any other `string` or `number`, or a `Morebits.date` or `Date` * object: watch page until the specified time, deferring to * `watchlistExpiry` if provided. * @param {string|number|Morebits.date|Date} [watchlistExpiry=infinity] - * A date-like string or number, or a date object. If a string or number, * can be relative (2 weeks) or other similarly date-like (i.e. NOT "potato"): * ISO 8601: 2038-01-09T03:14:07Z * MediaWiki: 20380109031407 * UNIX: 2147483647 * SQL: 2038-01-09 03:14:07 * Can also be `infinity` or infinity-like (`infinite`, `indefinite`, and `never`). * See {@link https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/source/mediawiki-libs-Timestamp/browse/master/src/ConvertibleTimestamp.php;4e53b859a9580c55958078f46dd4f3a44d0fcaa0$57-109?as=source&blame=off} */ this.setWatchlist = function(watchlistOption, watchlistExpiry) { if (watchlistOption instanceof Morebits.date || watchlistOption instanceof Date) { watchlistOption = watchlistOption.toISOString(); } if (typeof watchlistExpiry === 'undefined') { watchlistExpiry = 'infinity'; } else if (watchlistExpiry instanceof Morebits.date || watchlistExpiry instanceof Date) { watchlistExpiry = watchlistExpiry.toISOString(); } switch (watchlistOption) { case 'nochange': case 'no': case false: case undefined: ctx.watchlistOption = 'nochange'; // The MW API allows for changing expiry with nochange (as "nochange" refers to the binary status), // but by keeping this null it will default to any existing expiry, ensure there is actually "no change." ctx.watchlistExpiry = null; break; case 'unwatch': // expiry unimportant ctx.watchlistOption = 'unwatch'; break; case 'preferences': case 'default': ctx.watchlistOption = 'preferences'; // The API allows an expiry here, but there is as of yet (T265716) // no expiry preference option, so it's a bit devoid of context. ctx.watchlistExpiry = watchlistExpiry; break; case 'watch': case 'yes': case true: ctx.watchlistOption = 'watch'; ctx.watchlistExpiry = watchlistExpiry; break; default: // Not really a "default" per se but catches "any other string" ctx.watchlistOption = 'watch'; ctx.watchlistExpiry = watchlistOption; break; } }; /** * Set a watchlist expiry. setWatchlist can mostly handle this by * itself, so this is here largely for completeness and compatibility * with the full suite of options. * * @param {string|number|Morebits.date|Date} [watchlistExpiry=infinity] - * A date-like string or number, or a date object. If a string or number, * can be relative (2 weeks) or other similarly date-like (i.e. NOT "potato"): * ISO 8601: 2038-01-09T03:14:07Z * MediaWiki: 20380109031407 * UNIX: 2147483647 * SQL: 2038-01-09 03:14:07 * Can also be `infinity` or infinity-like (`infinite`, `indefinite`, and `never`). * See {@link https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/source/mediawiki-libs-Timestamp/browse/master/src/ConvertibleTimestamp.php;4e53b859a9580c55958078f46dd4f3a44d0fcaa0$57-109?as=source&blame=off} */ this.setWatchlistExpiry = function(watchlistExpiry) { if (typeof watchlistExpiry === 'undefined') { watchlistExpiry = 'infinity'; } else if (watchlistExpiry instanceof Morebits.date || watchlistExpiry instanceof Date) { watchlistExpiry = watchlistExpiry.toISOString(); } ctx.watchlistExpiry = watchlistExpiry; }; /** * @deprecated As of December 2020, use setWatchlist. * @param {boolean} [watchlistOption=false] - * - `True`: page watchlist status will be set based on the user's * preference settings when `save()` is called. * - `False`: watchlist status of the page will not be changed. * * Watchlist notes: * 1. The MediaWiki API value of 'unwatch', which explicitly removes * the page from the user's watchlist, is not used. * 2. If both `setWatchlist()` and `setWatchlistFromPreferences()` are * called, the last call takes priority. * 3. Twinkle modules should use the appropriate preference to set the watchlist options. * 4. Most Twinkle modules use `setWatchlist()`. `setWatchlistFromPreferences()` * is only needed for the few Twinkle watchlist preferences that * accept a string value of `default`. */ this.setWatchlistFromPreferences = function(watchlistOption) { console.warn('NOTE: Morebits.wiki.page.setWatchlistFromPreferences was deprecated December 2020, please use setWatchlist'); // eslint-disable-line no-console if (watchlistOption) { ctx.watchlistOption = 'preferences'; } else { ctx.watchlistOption = 'nochange'; } }; /** * @param {boolean} [followRedirect=false] - * - `true`: a maximum of one redirect will be followed. In the event * of a redirect, a message is displayed to the user and the redirect * target can be retrieved with getPageName(). * - `false`: (default) the requested pageName will be used without regard to any redirect. * @param {boolean} [followCrossNsRedirect=true] - Not applicable if `followRedirect` is not set true. * - `true`: (default) follow redirect even if it is a cross-namespace redirect * - `false`: don't follow redirect if it is cross-namespace, edit the redirect itself. */ this.setFollowRedirect = function(followRedirect, followCrossNsRedirect) { if (ctx.pageLoaded) { ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: cannot change redirect setting after the page has been loaded!'); return; } ctx.followRedirect = followRedirect; ctx.followCrossNsRedirect = typeof followCrossNsRedirect !== 'undefined' ? followCrossNsRedirect : ctx.followCrossNsRedirect; }; // lookup-creation setter function /** * @param {boolean} flag - If set true, the author and timestamp of * the first non-redirect version of the page is retrieved. * * Warning: * 1. If there are no revisions among the first 50 that are * non-redirects, or if there are less 50 revisions and all are * redirects, the original creation is retrieved. * 2. Revisions that the user is not privileged to access * (revdeled/suppressed) will be treated as non-redirects. * 3. Must not be used when the page has a non-wikitext contentmodel * such as Modulespace Lua or user JavaScript/CSS. */ this.setLookupNonRedirectCreator = function(flag) { ctx.lookupNonRedirectCreator = flag; }; // Move-related setter functions /** @param {string} destination */ this.setMoveDestination = function(destination) { ctx.moveDestination = destination; }; /** @param {boolean} flag */ this.setMoveTalkPage = function(flag) { ctx.moveTalkPage = !!flag; }; /** @param {boolean} flag */ this.setMoveSubpages = function(flag) { ctx.moveSubpages = !!flag; }; /** @param {boolean} flag */ this.setMoveSuppressRedirect = function(flag) { ctx.moveSuppressRedirect = !!flag; }; // Protect-related setter functions /** * @param {string} level - The right required for the specific action * e.g. autoconfirmed, sysop, templateeditor, extendedconfirmed * (enWiki-only). * @param {string} [expiry=infinity] */ this.setEditProtection = function(level, expiry) { ctx.protectEdit = { level: level, expiry: expiry || 'infinity' }; }; this.setMoveProtection = function(level, expiry) { ctx.protectMove = { level: level, expiry: expiry || 'infinity' }; }; this.setCreateProtection = function(level, expiry) { ctx.protectCreate = { level: level, expiry: expiry || 'infinity' }; }; this.setCascadingProtection = function(flag) { ctx.protectCascade = !!flag; }; this.suppressProtectWarning = function() { ctx.suppressProtectWarning = true; }; // Revert-related getters/setters: this.setOldID = function(oldID) { ctx.revertOldID = oldID; }; /** @returns {string} The current revision ID of the page */ this.getCurrentID = function() { return ctx.revertCurID; }; /** @returns {string} Last editor of the page */ this.getRevisionUser = function() { return ctx.revertUser; }; /** @returns {string} ISO 8601 timestamp at which the page was last edited. */ this.getLastEditTime = function() { return ctx.lastEditTime; }; // Miscellaneous getters/setters: /** * Define an object for use in a callback function. * * `callbackParameters` is for use by the caller only. The parameters * allow a caller to pass the proper context into its callback * function. Callers must ensure that any changes to the * callbackParameters object within a `load()` callback still permit a * proper re-entry into the `load()` callback if an edit conflict is * detected upon calling `save()`. * * @param {object} callbackParameters */ this.setCallbackParameters = function(callbackParameters) { ctx.callbackParameters = callbackParameters; }; /** * @returns {object} - The object previously set by `setCallbackParameters()`. */ this.getCallbackParameters = function() { return ctx.callbackParameters; }; /** * @param {Morebits.status} statusElement */ this.setStatusElement = function(statusElement) { ctx.statusElement = statusElement; }; /** * @returns {Morebits.status} Status element created by the constructor. */ this.getStatusElement = function() { return ctx.statusElement; }; /** * @param {string} level - The right required for edits not to require * review. Possible options: none, autoconfirmed, review (not on enWiki). * @param {string} [expiry=infinity] */ this.setFlaggedRevs = function(level, expiry) { ctx.flaggedRevs = { level: level, expiry: expiry || 'infinity' }; }; /** * @returns {boolean} True if the page existed on the wiki when it was last loaded. */ this.exists = function() { return ctx.pageExists; }; /** * @returns {string} Page ID of the page loaded. 0 if the page doesn't * exist. */ this.getPageID = function() { return ctx.pageID; }; /** * @returns {string} - Content model of the page. Possible values * include (but may not be limited to): `wikitext`, `javascript`, * `css`, `json`, `Scribunto`, `sanitized-css`, `MassMessageListContent`. * Also gettable via `mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel')`. */ this.getContentModel = function() { return ctx.contentModel; }; /** * @returns {boolean|string} - Watched status of the page. Boolean * unless it's being watched temporarily, in which case returns the * expiry string. */ this.getWatched = function () { return ctx.watched; }; /** * @returns {string} ISO 8601 timestamp at which the page was last loaded. */ this.getLoadTime = function() { return ctx.loadTime; }; /** * @returns {string} The user who created the page following `lookupCreation()`. */ this.getCreator = function() { return ctx.creator; }; /** * @returns {string} The ISOString timestamp of page creation following `lookupCreation()`. */ this.getCreationTimestamp = function() { return ctx.timestamp; }; /** @returns {boolean} whether or not you can edit the page */ this.canEdit = function() { return !!ctx.testActions && ctx.testActions.indexOf('edit') !== -1; }; /** * Retrieves the username of the user who created the page as well as * the timestamp of creation. The username can be retrieved using the * `getCreator()` function; the timestamp can be retrieved using the * `getCreationTimestamp()` function. * Prior to June 2019 known as `lookupCreator()`. * * @param {Function} onSuccess - Callback function to be called when * the username and timestamp are found within the callback. * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function to be called when * the lookup fails */ this.lookupCreation = function(onSuccess, onFailure) { ctx.onLookupCreationSuccess = onSuccess; ctx.onLookupCreationFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction; if (!onSuccess) { ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: no onSuccess callback provided to lookupCreation()!'); ctx.onLookupCreationFailure(this); return; } var query = { action: 'query', prop: 'revisions', titles: ctx.pageName, rvlimit: 1, rvprop: 'user|timestamp', rvdir: 'newer', format: 'json' }; // Only the wikitext content model can reliably handle // rvsection, others return an error when paired with the // content rvprop. Relatedly, non-wikitext models don't // understand the #REDIRECT concept, so we shouldn't attempt // the redirect resolution in fnLookupCreationSuccess if (ctx.lookupNonRedirectCreator) { query.rvsection = 0; query.rvprop += '|content'; } if (ctx.followRedirect) { query.redirects = ''; // follow all redirects } ctx.lookupCreationApi = new Morebits.wiki.api(msg('getting-creator', 'Retrieving page creation information'), query, fnLookupCreationSuccess, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onLookupCreationFailure); ctx.lookupCreationApi.setParent(this); ctx.lookupCreationApi.post(); }; /** * Reverts a page to `revertOldID` set by `setOldID`. * * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function to run on success. * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function to run on failure. */ this.revert = function(onSuccess, onFailure) { ctx.onSaveSuccess = onSuccess; ctx.onSaveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction; if (!ctx.revertOldID) { ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: revision ID to revert to was not set before revert!'); ctx.onSaveFailure(this); return; } ctx.editMode = 'revert'; this.load(fnAutoSave, ctx.onSaveFailure); }; /** * Moves a page to another title. * * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function to run on success. * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function to run on failure. */ this.move = function(onSuccess, onFailure) { ctx.onMoveSuccess = onSuccess; ctx.onMoveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction; if (!fnPreflightChecks.call(this, 'move', ctx.onMoveFailure)) { return; // abort } if (!ctx.moveDestination) { ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: destination page name was not set before move!'); ctx.onMoveFailure(this); return; } if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('move')) { fnProcessMove.call(this, this); } else { var query = fnNeedTokenInfoQuery('move'); ctx.moveApi = new Morebits.wiki.api(msg('getting-token', 'retrieving token...'), query, fnProcessMove, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onMoveFailure); ctx.moveApi.setParent(this); ctx.moveApi.post(); } }; /** * Marks the page as patrolled, using `rcid` (if available) or `revid`. * * Patrolling as such doesn't need to rely on loading the page in * question; simply passing a revid to the API is sufficient, so in * those cases just using {@link Morebits.wiki.api} is probably preferable. * * No error handling since we don't actually care about the errors. */ this.patrol = function() { if (!Morebits.userIsSysop && !Morebits.userIsInGroup('patroller')) { return; } // If a link is present, don't need to check if it's patrolled if ($('.patrollink').length) { var patrolhref = $('.patrollink a').attr('href'); ctx.rcid = mw.util.getParamValue('rcid', patrolhref); fnProcessPatrol(this, this); } else { var patrolQuery = { action: 'query', prop: 'info', meta: 'tokens', type: 'patrol', // as long as we're querying, might as well get a token list: 'recentchanges', // check if the page is unpatrolled titles: ctx.pageName, rcprop: 'patrolled', rctitle: ctx.pageName, rclimit: 1, format: 'json' }; ctx.patrolApi = new Morebits.wiki.api(msg('getting-token', 'retrieving token...'), patrolQuery, fnProcessPatrol); ctx.patrolApi.setParent(this); ctx.patrolApi.post(); } }; /** * Marks the page as reviewed by the PageTriage extension. * * Will, by it's nature, mark as patrolled as well. Falls back to * patrolling if not in an appropriate namespace. * * Doesn't inherently rely on loading the page in question; simply * passing a `pageid` to the API is sufficient, so in those cases just * using {@link Morebits.wiki.api} is probably preferable. * * Will first check if the page is queued via * {@link Morebits.wiki.page~fnProcessTriageList|fnProcessTriageList}. * * No error handling since we don't actually care about the errors. * * @see {@link https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PageTriage} Referred to as "review" on-wiki. */ this.triage = function() { // Fall back to patrol if not a valid triage namespace if (mw.config.get('pageTriageNamespaces').indexOf(new mw.Title(ctx.pageName).getNamespaceId()) === -1) { this.patrol(); } else { if (!Morebits.userIsSysop && !Morebits.userIsInGroup('patroller')) { return; } // If on the page in question, don't need to query for page ID if (new mw.Title(Morebits.pageNameNorm).getPrefixedText() === new mw.Title(ctx.pageName).getPrefixedText()) { ctx.pageID = mw.config.get('wgArticleId'); fnProcessTriageList(this, this); } else { var query = fnNeedTokenInfoQuery('triage'); ctx.triageApi = new Morebits.wiki.api(msg('getting-token', 'retrieving token...'), query, fnProcessTriageList); ctx.triageApi.setParent(this); ctx.triageApi.post(); } } }; // |delete| is a reserved word in some flavours of JS /** * Deletes a page (for admins only). * * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function to run on success. * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function to run on failure. */ this.deletePage = function(onSuccess, onFailure) { ctx.onDeleteSuccess = onSuccess; ctx.onDeleteFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction; if (!fnPreflightChecks.call(this, 'delete', ctx.onDeleteFailure)) { return; // abort } if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('delete')) { fnProcessDelete.call(this, this); } else { var query = fnNeedTokenInfoQuery('delete'); ctx.deleteApi = new Morebits.wiki.api(msg('getting-token', 'retrieving token...'), query, fnProcessDelete, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onDeleteFailure); ctx.deleteApi.setParent(this); ctx.deleteApi.post(); } }; /** * Undeletes a page (for admins only). * * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function to run on success. * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function to run on failure. */ this.undeletePage = function(onSuccess, onFailure) { ctx.onUndeleteSuccess = onSuccess; ctx.onUndeleteFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction; if (!fnPreflightChecks.call(this, 'undelete', ctx.onUndeleteFailure)) { return; // abort } if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('undelete')) { fnProcessUndelete.call(this, this); } else { var query = fnNeedTokenInfoQuery('undelete'); ctx.undeleteApi = new Morebits.wiki.api(msg('getting-token', 'retrieving token...'), query, fnProcessUndelete, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onUndeleteFailure); ctx.undeleteApi.setParent(this); ctx.undeleteApi.post(); } }; /** * Protects a page (for admins only). * * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function to run on success. * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function to run on failure. */ this.protect = function(onSuccess, onFailure) { ctx.onProtectSuccess = onSuccess; ctx.onProtectFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction; if (!fnPreflightChecks.call(this, 'protect', ctx.onProtectFailure)) { return; // abort } if (!ctx.protectEdit && !ctx.protectMove && !ctx.protectCreate) { ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: you must set edit and/or move and/or create protection before calling protect()!'); ctx.onProtectFailure(this); return; } // because of the way MW API interprets protection levels // (absolute, not differential), we always need to request // protection levels from the server var query = fnNeedTokenInfoQuery('protect'); ctx.protectApi = new Morebits.wiki.api(msg('getting-token', 'retrieving token...'), query, fnProcessProtect, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onProtectFailure); ctx.protectApi.setParent(this); ctx.protectApi.post(); }; /** * Apply FlaggedRevs protection settings. Only works on wikis where * the extension is installed (`$wgFlaggedRevsProtection = true` * i.e. where FlaggedRevs settings appear on the "protect" tab). * * @see {@link https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:FlaggedRevs} * Referred to as "pending changes" on-wiki. * * @param {Function} [onSuccess] * @param {Function} [onFailure] */ this.stabilize = function(onSuccess, onFailure) { ctx.onStabilizeSuccess = onSuccess; ctx.onStabilizeFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction; if (!fnPreflightChecks.call(this, 'FlaggedRevs', ctx.onStabilizeFailure)) { return; // abort } if (!ctx.flaggedRevs) { ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: you must set flaggedRevs before calling stabilize()!'); ctx.onStabilizeFailure(this); return; } if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('stabilize')) { fnProcessStabilize.call(this, this); } else { var query = fnNeedTokenInfoQuery('stabilize'); ctx.stabilizeApi = new Morebits.wiki.api(msg('getting-token', 'retrieving token...'), query, fnProcessStabilize, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onStabilizeFailure); ctx.stabilizeApi.setParent(this); ctx.stabilizeApi.post(); } }; /* * Private member functions * These are not exposed outside */ /** * Determines whether we can save an API call by using the csrf token * sent with the page HTML, or whether we need to ask the server for * more info (e.g. protection or watchlist expiry). * * Currently used for `append`, `prepend`, `newSection`, `move`, * `stabilize`, `deletePage`, and `undeletePage`. Not used for * `protect` since it always needs to request protection status. * * @param {string} [action=edit] - The action being undertaken, e.g. * "edit" or "delete". In practice, only "edit" or "notedit" matters. * @returns {boolean} */ var fnCanUseMwUserToken = function(action) { action = typeof action !== 'undefined' ? action : 'edit'; // IE doesn't support default parameters // If a watchlist expiry is set, we must always load the page // to avoid overwriting indefinite protection. Of course, not // needed if setting indefinite watching! if (ctx.watchlistExpiry && !Morebits.string.isInfinity(ctx.watchlistExpiry)) { return false; } // API-based redirect resolution only works for action=query and // action=edit in append/prepend/new modes if (ctx.followRedirect) { if (!ctx.followCrossNsRedirect) { return false; // must load the page to check for cross namespace redirects } if (action !== 'edit' || (ctx.editMode === 'all' || ctx.editMode === 'revert')) { return false; } } // do we need to fetch the edit protection expiry? if (Morebits.userIsSysop && !ctx.suppressProtectWarning) { if (new mw.Title(Morebits.pageNameNorm).getPrefixedText() !== new mw.Title(ctx.pageName).getPrefixedText()) { return false; } // wgRestrictionEdit is null on non-existent pages, // so this neatly handles nonexistent pages var editRestriction = mw.config.get('wgRestrictionEdit'); if (!editRestriction || editRestriction.indexOf('sysop') !== -1) { return false; } } return !!mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'); }; /** * When functions can't use * {@link Morebits.wiki.page~fnCanUseMwUserToken|fnCanUseMwUserToken} * or require checking protection or watched status, maintain the query * in one place. Used for {@link Morebits.wiki.page#deletePage|delete}, * {@link Morebits.wiki.page#undeletePage|undelete}, * {@link* Morebits.wiki.page#protect|protect}, * {@link Morebits.wiki.page#stabilize|stabilize}, * and {@link Morebits.wiki.page#move|move} * (basically, just not {@link Morebits.wiki.page#load|load}). * * @param {string} action - The action being undertaken, e.g. "edit" or * "delete". * @returns {object} Appropriate query. */ var fnNeedTokenInfoQuery = function(action) { var query = { action: 'query', meta: 'tokens', type: 'csrf', titles: ctx.pageName, prop: 'info', inprop: 'watched', format: 'json' }; // Protection not checked for flagged-revs or non-sysop moves if (action !== 'stabilize' && (action !== 'move' || Morebits.userIsSysop)) { query.inprop += '|protection'; } if (ctx.followRedirect && action !== 'undelete') { query.redirects = ''; // follow all redirects } return query; }; // callback from loadSuccess() for append(), prepend(), and newSection() threads var fnAutoSave = function(pageobj) { pageobj.save(ctx.onSaveSuccess, ctx.onSaveFailure); }; // callback from loadApi.post() var fnLoadSuccess = function() { var response = ctx.loadApi.getResponse().query; if (!fnCheckPageName(response, ctx.onLoadFailure)) { return; // abort } var page = response.pages[0], rev; ctx.pageExists = !page.missing; if (ctx.pageExists) { rev = page.revisions[0]; ctx.lastEditTime = rev.timestamp; ctx.pageText = rev.content; ctx.pageID = page.pageid; } else { ctx.pageText = ''; // allow for concatenation, etc. ctx.pageID = 0; // nonexistent in response, matches wgArticleId } ctx.csrfToken = response.tokens.csrftoken; if (!ctx.csrfToken) { ctx.statusElement.error(msg('token-fetch-fail', 'Failed to retrieve edit token.')); ctx.onLoadFailure(this); return; } ctx.loadTime = ctx.loadApi.getResponse().curtimestamp; if (!ctx.loadTime) { ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to retrieve current timestamp.'); ctx.onLoadFailure(this); return; } ctx.contentModel = page.contentmodel; ctx.watched = page.watchlistexpiry || page.watched; // extract protection info, to alert admins when they are about to edit a protected page // Includes cascading protection if (Morebits.userIsSysop) { var editProt = page.protection.filter(function(pr) { return pr.type === 'edit' && pr.level === 'sysop'; }).pop(); if (editProt) { ctx.fullyProtected = editProt.expiry; } else { ctx.fullyProtected = false; } } ctx.revertCurID = page.lastrevid; var testactions = page.actions; ctx.testActions = []; // was null Object.keys(testactions).forEach(function(action) { if (testactions[action]) { ctx.testActions.push(action); } }); if (ctx.editMode === 'revert') { ctx.revertCurID = rev && rev.revid; if (!ctx.revertCurID) { ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to retrieve current revision ID.'); ctx.onLoadFailure(this); return; } ctx.revertUser = rev && rev.user; if (!ctx.revertUser) { if (rev && rev.userhidden) { // username was RevDel'd or oversighted ctx.revertUser = '<username hidden>'; } else { ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to retrieve user who made the revision.'); ctx.onLoadFailure(this); return; } } // set revert edit summary ctx.editSummary = '[[Help:Revert|Reverted]] to revision ' + ctx.revertOldID + ' by ' + ctx.revertUser + ': ' + ctx.editSummary; } ctx.pageLoaded = true; // alert("Generate edit conflict now"); // for testing edit conflict recovery logic ctx.onLoadSuccess(this); // invoke callback }; // helper function to parse the page name returned from the API var fnCheckPageName = function(response, onFailure) { if (!onFailure) { onFailure = emptyFunction; } var page = response.pages && response.pages[0]; if (page) { // check for invalid titles if (page.invalid) { ctx.statusElement.error(msg('invalid-title', ctx.pageName, 'The page title is invalid: ' + ctx.pageName)); onFailure(this); return false; // abort } // retrieve actual title of the page after normalization and redirects var resolvedName = page.title; if (response.redirects) { // check for cross-namespace redirect: var origNs = new mw.Title(ctx.pageName).namespace; var newNs = new mw.Title(resolvedName).namespace; if (origNs !== newNs && !ctx.followCrossNsRedirect) { ctx.statusElement.error(msg('cross-redirect-abort', ctx.pageName, resolvedName, ctx.pageName + ' is a cross-namespace redirect to ' + resolvedName + ', aborted')); onFailure(this); return false; } // only notify user for redirects, not normalization new Morebits.status('Note', msg('redirected', ctx.pageName, resolvedName, 'Redirected from ' + ctx.pageName + ' to ' + resolvedName)); } ctx.pageName = resolvedName; // update to redirect target or normalized name } else { // could be a circular redirect or other problem ctx.statusElement.error(msg('redirect-resolution-fail', ctx.pageName, 'Could not resolve redirects for: ' + ctx.pageName)); onFailure(this); // force error to stay on the screen ++Morebits.wiki.numberOfActionsLeft; return false; // abort } return true; // all OK }; /** * Determine whether we should provide a watchlist expiry. Will not * do so if the page is currently permanently watched, or the current * expiry is *after* the new, provided expiry. Only handles strings * recognized by {@link Morebits.date} or relative timeframes with * unit it can process. Relies on the fact that fnCanUseMwUserToken * requires page loading if a watchlistexpiry is provided, so we are * ensured of knowing the watch status by the use of this. * * @returns {boolean} */ var fnApplyWatchlistExpiry = function() { if (ctx.watchlistExpiry) { if (!ctx.watched || Morebits.string.isInfinity(ctx.watchlistExpiry)) { return true; } else if (typeof ctx.watched === 'string') { var newExpiry; // Attempt to determine if the new expiry is a // relative (e.g. `1 month`) or absolute datetime var rel = ctx.watchlistExpiry.split(' '); try { newExpiry = new Morebits.date().add(rel[0], rel[1]); } catch (e) { newExpiry = new Morebits.date(ctx.watchlistExpiry); } // If the date is valid, only use it if it extends the current expiry if (newExpiry.isValid()) { if (newExpiry.isAfter(new Morebits.date(ctx.watched))) { return true; } } else { // If it's still not valid, hope it's a valid MW expiry format that // Morebits.date doesn't recognize, so just default to using it. // This will also include minor typos. return true; } } } return false; }; // callback from saveApi.post() var fnSaveSuccess = function() { ctx.editMode = 'all'; // cancel append/prepend/newSection/revert modes var response = ctx.saveApi.getResponse(); // see if the API thinks we were successful if (response.edit.result === 'Success') { // real success // default on success action - display link for edited page var link = document.createElement('a'); link.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl(ctx.pageName)); link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(ctx.pageName)); ctx.statusElement.info(['yerinə yetirildi (', link, ')']); if (ctx.onSaveSuccess) { ctx.onSaveSuccess(this); // invoke callback } return; } // errors here are only generated by extensions which hook APIEditBeforeSave within MediaWiki, // which as of 1.34.0-wmf.23 (Sept 2019) should only encompass captcha messages if (response.edit.captcha) { ctx.statusElement.error('Could not save the page because the wiki server wanted you to fill out a CAPTCHA.'); } else { ctx.statusElement.error(msg('api-error-unknown', 'Unknown error received from API while saving page')); } // force error to stay on the screen ++Morebits.wiki.numberOfActionsLeft; ctx.onSaveFailure(this); }; // callback from saveApi.post() var fnSaveError = function() { var errorCode = ctx.saveApi.getErrorCode(); // check for edit conflict if (errorCode === 'editconflict' && ctx.conflictRetries++ < ctx.maxConflictRetries) { // edit conflicts can occur when the page needs to be purged from the server cache var purgeQuery = { action: 'purge', titles: ctx.pageName // redirects are already resolved }; var purgeApi = new Morebits.wiki.api(msg('editconflict-purging', 'Edit conflict detected, purging server cache'), purgeQuery, function() { --Morebits.wiki.numberOfActionsLeft; // allow for normal completion if retry succeeds ctx.statusElement.info(msg('editconflict-retrying', 'Edit conflict detected, reapplying edit')); if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('edit')) { ctx.saveApi.post(); // necessarily append, prepend, or newSection, so this should work as desired } else { ctx.loadApi.post(); // reload the page and reapply the edit } }, ctx.statusElement); purgeApi.post(); // check for network or server error } else if ((errorCode === null || errorCode === undefined) && ctx.retries++ < ctx.maxRetries) { // the error might be transient, so try again ctx.statusElement.info(msg('save-failed-retrying', 2, 'Save failed, retrying in 2 seconds ...')); --Morebits.wiki.numberOfActionsLeft; // allow for normal completion if retry succeeds // wait for sometime for client to regain connectivity sleep(2000).then(function() { ctx.saveApi.post(); // give it another go! }); // hard error, give up } else { switch (errorCode) { case 'protectedpage': // non-admin attempting to edit a protected page - this gives a friendlier message than the default ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to save edit: Page is protected'); break; case 'abusefilter-disallowed': ctx.statusElement.error('The edit was disallowed by the edit filter: "' + ctx.saveApi.getResponse().error.abusefilter.description + '".'); break; case 'abusefilter-warning': ctx.statusElement.error([ 'A warning was returned by the edit filter: "', ctx.saveApi.getResponse().error.abusefilter.description, '". If you wish to proceed with the edit, please carry it out again. This warning will not appear a second time.' ]); // We should provide the user with a way to automatically retry the action if they so choose - // I can't see how to do this without creating a UI dependency on Morebits.wiki.page though -- TTO break; case 'spamblacklist': // If multiple items are blacklisted, we only return the first var spam = ctx.saveApi.getResponse().error.spamblacklist.matches[0]; ctx.statusElement.error('Could not save the page because the URL ' + spam + ' is on the spam blacklist'); break; default: ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to save edit: ' + ctx.saveApi.getErrorText()); } ctx.editMode = 'all'; // cancel append/prepend/newSection/revert modes if (ctx.onSaveFailure) { ctx.onSaveFailure(this); // invoke callback } } }; var isTextRedirect = function(text) { if (!text) { // no text - content empty or inaccessible (revdelled or suppressed) return false; } return Morebits.l10n.redirectTagAliases.some(function(tag) { return new RegExp('^\\s*' + tag + '\\W', 'i').test(text); }); }; var fnLookupCreationSuccess = function() { var response = ctx.lookupCreationApi.getResponse().query; if (!fnCheckPageName(response, ctx.onLookupCreationFailure)) { return; // abort } var rev = response.pages[0].revisions && response.pages[0].revisions[0]; if (!rev) { ctx.statusElement.error('Could not find any revisions of ' + ctx.pageName); ctx.onLookupCreationFailure(this); return; } if (!ctx.lookupNonRedirectCreator || !isTextRedirect(rev.content)) { ctx.creator = rev.user; if (!ctx.creator) { ctx.statusElement.error('Could not find name of page creator'); ctx.onLookupCreationFailure(this); return; } ctx.timestamp = rev.timestamp; if (!ctx.timestamp) { ctx.statusElement.error('Səhifənin yaradılma vaxtını tapmaq mümkün olmadı'); ctx.onLookupCreationFailure(this); return; } ctx.statusElement.info('səhifə yaratma məlumatları əldə edildi'); ctx.onLookupCreationSuccess(this); } else { ctx.lookupCreationApi.query.rvlimit = 50; // modify previous query to fetch more revisions ctx.lookupCreationApi.query.titles = ctx.pageName; // update pageName if redirect resolution took place in earlier query ctx.lookupCreationApi = new Morebits.wiki.api('Retrieving page creation information', ctx.lookupCreationApi.query, fnLookupNonRedirectCreator, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onLookupCreationFailure); ctx.lookupCreationApi.setParent(this); ctx.lookupCreationApi.post(); } }; var fnLookupNonRedirectCreator = function() { var response = ctx.lookupCreationApi.getResponse().query; var revs = response.pages[0].revisions; for (var i = 0; i < revs.length; i++) { if (!isTextRedirect(revs[i].content)) { ctx.creator = revs[i].user; ctx.timestamp = revs[i].timestamp; break; } } if (!ctx.creator) { // fallback to give first revision author if no non-redirect version in the first 50 ctx.creator = revs[0].user; ctx.timestamp = revs[0].timestamp; if (!ctx.creator) { ctx.statusElement.error('Could not find name of page creator'); ctx.onLookupCreationFailure(this); return; } } if (!ctx.timestamp) { ctx.statusElement.error('Could not find timestamp of page creation'); ctx.onLookupCreationFailure(this); return; } ctx.statusElement.info('retrieved page creation information'); ctx.onLookupCreationSuccess(this); }; /** * Common checks for action methods. Used for move, undelete, delete, * protect, stabilize. * * @param {string} action - The action being checked. * @param {string} onFailure - Failure callback. * @returns {boolean} */ var fnPreflightChecks = function(action, onFailure) { // if a non-admin tries to do this, don't bother if (!Morebits.userIsSysop && action !== 'move') { ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot ' + action + 'page : only admins can do that'); onFailure(this); return false; } if (!ctx.editSummary) { ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: ' + action + ' reason not set (use setEditSummary function)!'); onFailure(this); return false; } return true; // all OK }; /** * Common checks for fnProcess functions (`fnProcessDelete`, `fnProcessMove`, etc. * Used for move, undelete, delete, protect, stabilize. * * @param {string} action - The action being checked. * @param {string} onFailure - Failure callback. * @param {string} response - The response document from the API call. * @returns {boolean} */ var fnProcessChecks = function(action, onFailure, response) { var missing = response.pages[0].missing; // No undelete as an existing page could have deleted revisions var actionMissing = missing && ['delete', 'stabilize', 'move'].indexOf(action) !== -1; var protectMissing = action === 'protect' && missing && (ctx.protectEdit || ctx.protectMove); var saltMissing = action === 'protect' && !missing && ctx.protectCreate; if (actionMissing || protectMissing || saltMissing) { ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot ' + action + ' the page because it ' + (missing ? 'no longer' : 'already') + ' exists'); onFailure(this); return false; } // Delete, undelete, move // extract protection info var editprot; if (action === 'undelete') { editprot = response.pages[0].protection.filter(function(pr) { return pr.type === 'create' && pr.level === 'sysop'; }).pop(); } else if (action === 'delete' || action === 'move') { editprot = response.pages[0].protection.filter(function(pr) { return pr.type === 'edit' && pr.level === 'sysop'; }).pop(); } if (editprot && !ctx.suppressProtectWarning && !confirm('You are about to ' + action + ' the fully protected page "' + ctx.pageName + (editprot.expiry === 'infinity' ? '" (protected indefinitely)' : '" (protection expiring ' + new Morebits.date(editprot.expiry).calendar('utc') + ' (UTC))') + '. \n\nClick OK to proceed with ' + action + ', or Cancel to skip.')) { ctx.statusElement.error('Aborted ' + action + ' on fully protected page.'); onFailure(this); return false; } if (!response.tokens.csrftoken) { ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to retrieve token.'); onFailure(this); return false; } return true; // all OK }; var fnProcessMove = function() { var pageTitle, token; if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('move')) { token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'); pageTitle = ctx.pageName; } else { var response = ctx.moveApi.getResponse().query; if (!fnProcessChecks('move', ctx.onMoveFailure, response)) { return; // abort } token = response.tokens.csrftoken; var page = response.pages[0]; pageTitle = page.title; ctx.watched = page.watchlistexpiry || page.watched; } var query = { action: 'move', from: pageTitle, to: ctx.moveDestination, token: token, reason: ctx.editSummary, watchlist: ctx.watchlistOption, format: 'json' }; if (ctx.changeTags) { query.tags = ctx.changeTags; } if (fnApplyWatchlistExpiry()) { query.watchlistexpiry = ctx.watchlistExpiry; } if (ctx.moveTalkPage) { query.movetalk = 'true'; } if (ctx.moveSubpages) { query.movesubpages = 'true'; } if (ctx.moveSuppressRedirect) { query.noredirect = 'true'; } ctx.moveProcessApi = new Morebits.wiki.api(msg('moving-page', 'moving page...'), query, ctx.onMoveSuccess, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onMoveFailure); ctx.moveProcessApi.setParent(this); ctx.moveProcessApi.post(); }; var fnProcessPatrol = function() { var query = { action: 'patrol', format: 'json' }; // Didn't need to load the page if (ctx.rcid) { query.rcid = ctx.rcid; query.token = mw.user.tokens.get('patrolToken'); } else { var response = ctx.patrolApi.getResponse().query; // Don't patrol if not unpatrolled if (!response.recentchanges[0].unpatrolled) { return; } var lastrevid = response.pages[0].lastrevid; if (!lastrevid) { return; } query.revid = lastrevid; var token = response.tokens.csrftoken; if (!token) { return; } query.token = token; } if (ctx.changeTags) { query.tags = ctx.changeTags; } var patrolStat = new Morebits.status('Marking page as patrolled'); ctx.patrolProcessApi = new Morebits.wiki.api('patrolling page...', query, null, patrolStat); ctx.patrolProcessApi.setParent(this); ctx.patrolProcessApi.post(); }; // Ensure that the page is curatable var fnProcessTriageList = function() { if (ctx.pageID) { ctx.csrfToken = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'); } else { var response = ctx.triageApi.getResponse().query; ctx.pageID = response.pages[0].pageid; if (!ctx.pageID) { return; } ctx.csrfToken = response.tokens.csrftoken; if (!ctx.csrfToken) { return; } } var query = { action: 'pagetriagelist', page_id: ctx.pageID, format: 'json' }; ctx.triageProcessListApi = new Morebits.wiki.api('checking curation status...', query, fnProcessTriage); ctx.triageProcessListApi.setParent(this); ctx.triageProcessListApi.post(); }; // callback from triageProcessListApi.post() var fnProcessTriage = function() { var responseList = ctx.triageProcessListApi.getResponse().pagetriagelist; // Exit if not in the queue if (!responseList || responseList.result !== 'success') { return; } var page = responseList.pages && responseList.pages[0]; // Do nothing if page already triaged/patrolled if (!page || !parseInt(page.patrol_status, 10)) { var query = { action: 'pagetriageaction', pageid: ctx.pageID, reviewed: 1, // tags: ctx.changeTags, // pagetriage tag support: [[phab:T252980]] // Could use an adder to modify/create note: // summaryAd, but that seems overwrought token: ctx.csrfToken, format: 'json' }; var triageStat = new Morebits.status('Marking page as curated'); ctx.triageProcessApi = new Morebits.wiki.api('curating page...', query, null, triageStat); ctx.triageProcessApi.setParent(this); ctx.triageProcessApi.post(); } }; var fnProcessDelete = function() { var pageTitle, token; if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('delete')) { token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'); pageTitle = ctx.pageName; } else { var response = ctx.deleteApi.getResponse().query; if (!fnProcessChecks('delete', ctx.onDeleteFailure, response)) { return; // abort } token = response.tokens.csrftoken; var page = response.pages[0]; pageTitle = page.title; ctx.watched = page.watchlistexpiry || page.watched; } var query = { action: 'delete', title: pageTitle, token: token, reason: ctx.editSummary, watchlist: ctx.watchlistOption, format: 'json' }; if (ctx.changeTags) { query.tags = ctx.changeTags; } if (fnApplyWatchlistExpiry()) { query.watchlistexpiry = ctx.watchlistExpiry; } ctx.deleteProcessApi = new Morebits.wiki.api('deleting page...', query, ctx.onDeleteSuccess, ctx.statusElement, fnProcessDeleteError); ctx.deleteProcessApi.setParent(this); ctx.deleteProcessApi.post(); }; // callback from deleteProcessApi.post() var fnProcessDeleteError = function() { var errorCode = ctx.deleteProcessApi.getErrorCode(); // check for "Database query error" if (errorCode === 'internal_api_error_DBQueryError' && ctx.retries++ < ctx.maxRetries) { ctx.statusElement.info('Database query error, retrying'); --Morebits.wiki.numberOfActionsLeft; // allow for normal completion if retry succeeds ctx.deleteProcessApi.post(); // give it another go! } else if (errorCode === 'missingtitle') { ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot delete the page, because it no longer exists'); if (ctx.onDeleteFailure) { ctx.onDeleteFailure.call(this, ctx.deleteProcessApi); // invoke callback } // hard error, give up } else { ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to delete the page: ' + ctx.deleteProcessApi.getErrorText()); if (ctx.onDeleteFailure) { ctx.onDeleteFailure.call(this, ctx.deleteProcessApi); // invoke callback } } }; var fnProcessUndelete = function() { var pageTitle, token; if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('undelete')) { token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'); pageTitle = ctx.pageName; } else { var response = ctx.undeleteApi.getResponse().query; if (!fnProcessChecks('undelete', ctx.onUndeleteFailure, response)) { return; // abort } token = response.tokens.csrftoken; var page = response.pages[0]; pageTitle = page.title; ctx.watched = page.watchlistexpiry || page.watched; } var query = { action: 'undelete', title: pageTitle, token: token, reason: ctx.editSummary, watchlist: ctx.watchlistOption, format: 'json' }; if (ctx.changeTags) { query.tags = ctx.changeTags; } if (fnApplyWatchlistExpiry()) { query.watchlistexpiry = ctx.watchlistExpiry; } ctx.undeleteProcessApi = new Morebits.wiki.api('undeleting page...', query, ctx.onUndeleteSuccess, ctx.statusElement, fnProcessUndeleteError); ctx.undeleteProcessApi.setParent(this); ctx.undeleteProcessApi.post(); }; // callback from undeleteProcessApi.post() var fnProcessUndeleteError = function() { var errorCode = ctx.undeleteProcessApi.getErrorCode(); // check for "Database query error" if (errorCode === 'internal_api_error_DBQueryError') { if (ctx.retries++ < ctx.maxRetries) { ctx.statusElement.info('Database query error, retrying'); --Morebits.wiki.numberOfActionsLeft; // allow for normal completion if retry succeeds ctx.undeleteProcessApi.post(); // give it another go! } else { ctx.statusElement.error('Repeated database query error, please try again'); if (ctx.onUndeleteFailure) { ctx.onUndeleteFailure.call(this, ctx.undeleteProcessApi); // invoke callback } } } else if (errorCode === 'cantundelete') { ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot undelete the page, either because there are no revisions to undelete or because it has already been undeleted'); if (ctx.onUndeleteFailure) { ctx.onUndeleteFailure.call(this, ctx.undeleteProcessApi); // invoke callback } // hard error, give up } else { ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to undelete the page: ' + ctx.undeleteProcessApi.getErrorText()); if (ctx.onUndeleteFailure) { ctx.onUndeleteFailure.call(this, ctx.undeleteProcessApi); // invoke callback } } }; var fnProcessProtect = function() { var response = ctx.protectApi.getResponse().query; if (!fnProcessChecks('protect', ctx.onProtectFailure, response)) { return; // abort } var token = response.tokens.csrftoken; var page = response.pages[0]; var pageTitle = page.title; ctx.watched = page.watchlistexpiry || page.watched; // Fetch existing protection levels var prs = response.pages[0].protection; var editprot, moveprot, createprot; prs.forEach(function(pr) { // Filter out protection from cascading if (pr.type === 'edit' && !pr.source) { editprot = pr; } else if (pr.type === 'move') { moveprot = pr; } else if (pr.type === 'create') { createprot = pr; } }); // Fall back to current levels if not explicitly set if (!ctx.protectEdit && editprot) { ctx.protectEdit = { level: editprot.level, expiry: editprot.expiry }; } if (!ctx.protectMove && moveprot) { ctx.protectMove = { level: moveprot.level, expiry: moveprot.expiry }; } if (!ctx.protectCreate && createprot) { ctx.protectCreate = { level: createprot.level, expiry: createprot.expiry }; } // Default to pre-existing cascading protection if unchanged (similar to above) if (ctx.protectCascade === null) { ctx.protectCascade = !!prs.filter(function(pr) { return pr.cascade; }).length; } // Warn if cascading protection being applied with an invalid protection level, // which for edit protection will cause cascading to be silently stripped if (ctx.protectCascade) { // On move protection, this is technically stricter than the MW API, // but seems reasonable to avoid dumb values and misleading log entries (T265626) if (((!ctx.protectEdit || ctx.protectEdit.level !== 'sysop') || (!ctx.protectMove || ctx.protectMove.level !== 'sysop')) && !confirm('You have cascading protection enabled on "' + ctx.pageName + '" but have not selected uniform sysop-level protection.\n\n' + 'Click OK to adjust and proceed with sysop-level cascading protection, or Cancel to skip this action.')) { ctx.statusElement.error('Cascading protection was aborted.'); ctx.onProtectFailure(this); return; } ctx.protectEdit.level = 'sysop'; ctx.protectMove.level = 'sysop'; } // Build protection levels and expirys (expiries?) for query var protections = [], expirys = []; if (ctx.protectEdit) { protections.push('edit=' + ctx.protectEdit.level); expirys.push(ctx.protectEdit.expiry); } if (ctx.protectMove) { protections.push('move=' + ctx.protectMove.level); expirys.push(ctx.protectMove.expiry); } if (ctx.protectCreate) { protections.push('create=' + ctx.protectCreate.level); expirys.push(ctx.protectCreate.expiry); } var query = { action: 'protect', title: pageTitle, token: token, protections: protections.join('|'), expiry: expirys.join('|'), reason: ctx.editSummary, watchlist: ctx.watchlistOption, format: 'json' }; // Only shows up in logs, not page history [[phab:T259983]] if (ctx.changeTags) { query.tags = ctx.changeTags; } if (fnApplyWatchlistExpiry()) { query.watchlistexpiry = ctx.watchlistExpiry; } if (ctx.protectCascade) { query.cascade = 'true'; } ctx.protectProcessApi = new Morebits.wiki.api('səhifə mühafizə edilir...', query, ctx.onProtectSuccess, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onProtectFailure); ctx.protectProcessApi.setParent(this); ctx.protectProcessApi.post(); }; var fnProcessStabilize = function() { var pageTitle, token; if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('stabilize')) { token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'); pageTitle = ctx.pageName; } else { var response = ctx.stabilizeApi.getResponse().query; // 'stabilize' as a verb not necessarily well understood if (!fnProcessChecks('stabilize', ctx.onStabilizeFailure, response)) { return; // abort } token = response.tokens.csrftoken; var page = response.pages[0]; pageTitle = page.title; // Doesn't support watchlist expiry [[phab:T263336]] // ctx.watched = page.watchlistexpiry || page.watched; } var query = { action: 'stabilize', title: pageTitle, token: token, protectlevel: ctx.flaggedRevs.level, expiry: ctx.flaggedRevs.expiry, // tags: ctx.changeTags, // flaggedrevs tag support: [[phab:T247721]] reason: ctx.editSummary, watchlist: ctx.watchlistOption, format: 'json' }; /* Doesn't support watchlist expiry [[phab:T263336]] if (fnApplyWatchlistExpiry()) { query.watchlistexpiry = ctx.watchlistExpiry; } */ ctx.stabilizeProcessApi = new Morebits.wiki.api('configuring stabilization settings...', query, ctx.onStabilizeSuccess, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onStabilizeFailure); ctx.stabilizeProcessApi.setParent(this); ctx.stabilizeProcessApi.post(); }; var sleep = function(milliseconds) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); setTimeout(deferred.resolve, milliseconds); return deferred; }; }; // end Morebits.wiki.page /* Morebits.wiki.page TODO: (XXX) * - Should we retry loads also? * - Need to reset current action before the save? * - Deal with action.completed stuff * - Need to reset all parameters once done (e.g. edit summary, move destination, etc.) */ /* **************** Morebits.wiki.preview **************** */ /** * Use the API to parse a fragment of wikitext and render it as HTML. * * The suggested implementation pattern (in {@link Morebits.simpleWindow} and * {@link Morebits.quickForm} situations) is to construct a * `Morebits.wiki.preview` object after rendering a `Morebits.quickForm`, and * bind the object to an arbitrary property of the form (e.g. |previewer|). * For an example, see twinklewarn.js. * * @memberof Morebits.wiki * @class * @param {HTMLElement} previewbox - The element that will contain the rendered HTML, * usually a <div> element. */ Morebits.wiki.preview = function(previewbox) { this.previewbox = previewbox; $(previewbox).addClass('morebits-previewbox').hide(); /** * Displays the preview box, and begins an asynchronous attempt * to render the specified wikitext. * * @param {string} wikitext - Wikitext to render; most things should work, including `subst:` and `~~~~`. * @param {string} [pageTitle] - Optional parameter for the page this should be rendered as being on, if omitted it is taken as the current page. * @param {string} [sectionTitle] - If provided, render the text as a new section using this as the title. * @returns {jQuery.promise} */ this.beginRender = function(wikitext, pageTitle, sectionTitle) { $(previewbox).show(); var statusspan = document.createElement('span'); previewbox.appendChild(statusspan); Morebits.status.init(statusspan); var query = { action: 'parse', prop: 'text', pst: 'true', // PST = pre-save transform; this makes substitution work properly text: wikitext, title: pageTitle || mw.config.get('wgPageName'), disablelimitreport: true, format: 'json' }; if (sectionTitle) { query.section = 'new'; query.sectiontitle = sectionTitle; } var renderApi = new Morebits.wiki.api('yüklənir...', query, fnRenderSuccess, new Morebits.status('Sınaq göstərişi')); return renderApi.post(); }; var fnRenderSuccess = function(apiobj) { var html = apiobj.getResponse().parse.text; if (!html) { apiobj.statelem.error('sınaq göstərişi edilə bilmədi və ya şablon boşaldılıb'); return; } previewbox.innerHTML = html; $(previewbox).find('a').attr('target', '_blank'); // this makes links open in new tab }; /** Hides the preview box and clears it. */ this.closePreview = function() { $(previewbox).empty().hide(); }; }; /* **************** Morebits.wikitext **************** */ /** * Wikitext manipulation. * * @namespace Morebits.wikitext * @memberof Morebits */ Morebits.wikitext = {}; /** * Get the value of every parameter found in the wikitext of a given template. * * @memberof Morebits.wikitext * @param {string} text - Wikitext containing a template. * @param {number} [start=0] - Index noting where in the text the template begins. * @returns {object} `{name: templateName, parameters: {key: value}}`. */ Morebits.wikitext.parseTemplate = function(text, start) { start = start || 0; var level = []; // Track of how deep we are ({{, {{{, or [[) var count = -1; // Number of parameters found var unnamed = 0; // Keep track of what number an unnamed parameter should receive var equals = -1; // After finding "=" before a parameter, the index; otherwise, -1 var current = ''; var result = { name: '', parameters: {} }; var key, value; /** * Function to handle finding parameter values. * * @param {boolean} [final=false] - Whether this is the final * parameter and we need to remove the trailing `}}`. */ function findParam(final) { // Nothing found yet, this must be the template name if (count === -1) { result.name = current.substring(2).trim(); ++count; } else { // In a parameter if (equals !== -1) { // We found an equals, so save the parameter as key: value key = current.substring(0, equals).trim(); value = final ? current.substring(equals + 1, current.length - 2).trim() : current.substring(equals + 1).trim(); result.parameters[key] = value; equals = -1; } else { // No equals, so it must be unnamed; no trim since whitespace allowed var param = final ? current.substring(equals + 1, current.length - 2) : current; if (param) { result.parameters[++unnamed] = param; ++count; } } } } for (var i = start; i < text.length; ++i) { var test3 = text.substr(i, 3); if (test3 === '{{{' || (test3 === '}}}' && level[level.length - 1] === 3)) { current += test3; i += 2; if (test3 === '{{{') { level.push(3); } else { level.pop(); } continue; } var test2 = text.substr(i, 2); // Entering a template (or link) if (test2 === '{{' || test2 === '[[') { current += test2; ++i; if (test2 === '{{') { level.push(2); } else { level.push('wl'); } continue; } // Either leaving a link or template/parser function if ((test2 === '}}' && level[level.length - 1] === 2) || (test2 === ']]' && level[level.length - 1] === 'wl')) { current += test2; ++i; level.pop(); // Find the final parameter if this really is the end if (test2 === '}}' && level.length === 0) { findParam(true); break; } continue; } if (text.charAt(i) === '|' && level.length === 1) { // Another pipe found, toplevel, so parameter coming up! findParam(); current = ''; } else if (equals === -1 && text.charAt(i) === '=' && level.length === 1) { // Equals found, toplevel equals = current.length; current += text.charAt(i); } else { // Just advance the position current += text.charAt(i); } } return result; }; /** * Adjust and manipulate the wikitext of a page. * * @class * @memberof Morebits.wikitext * @param {string} text - Wikitext to be manipulated. */ Morebits.wikitext.page = function mediawikiPage(text) { this.text = text; }; Morebits.wikitext.page.prototype = { text: '', /** * Removes links to `link_target` from the page text. * * @param {string} link_target * @returns {Morebits.wikitext.page} */ removeLink: function(link_target) { // Remove a leading colon, to be handled later if (link_target.indexOf(':') === 0) { link_target = link_target.slice(1); } var link_re_string = '', ns = '', title = link_target; var idx = link_target.indexOf(':'); if (idx > 0) { ns = link_target.slice(0, idx); title = link_target.slice(idx + 1); link_re_string = Morebits.namespaceRegex(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds')[ns.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '_')]) + ':'; } link_re_string += Morebits.pageNameRegex(title); // Allow for an optional leading colon, e.g. [[:User:Test]] // Files and Categories become links with a leading colon, e.g. [[:File:Test.png]] var colon = new RegExp(Morebits.namespaceRegex([6, 14])).test(ns) ? ':' : ':?'; var link_simple_re = new RegExp('\\[\\[' + colon + '(' + link_re_string + ')\\]\\]', 'g'); var link_named_re = new RegExp('\\[\\[' + colon + link_re_string + '\\|(.+?)\\]\\]', 'g'); this.text = this.text.replace(link_simple_re, '$1').replace(link_named_re, '$1'); return this; }, /** * Comments out images from page text; if used in a gallery, deletes the whole line. * If used as a template argument (not necessarily with `File:` prefix), the template parameter is commented out. * * @param {string} image - Image name without `File:` prefix. * @param {string} [reason] - Reason to be included in comment, alongside the commented-out image. * @returns {Morebits.wikitext.page} */ commentOutImage: function(image, reason) { var unbinder = new Morebits.unbinder(this.text); unbinder.unbind('<!--', '-->'); reason = reason ? reason + ': ' : ''; var image_re_string = Morebits.pageNameRegex(image); // Check for normal image links, i.e. [[File:Foobar.png|...]] // Will eat the whole link var links_re = new RegExp('\\[\\[' + Morebits.namespaceRegex(6) + ':\\s*' + image_re_string + '\\s*[\\|(?:\\]\\])]'); var allLinks = Morebits.string.splitWeightedByKeys(unbinder.content, '[[', ']]'); for (var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; ++i) { if (links_re.test(allLinks[i])) { var replacement = '<!-- ' + reason + allLinks[i] + ' -->'; unbinder.content = unbinder.content.replace(allLinks[i], replacement); } } // unbind the newly created comments unbinder.unbind('<!--', '-->'); // Check for gallery images, i.e. instances that must start on a new line, // eventually preceded with some space, and must include File: prefix // Will eat the whole line. var gallery_image_re = new RegExp('(^\\s*' + Morebits.namespaceRegex(6) + ':\\s*' + image_re_string + '\\s*(?:\\|.*?$|$))', 'mg'); unbinder.content = unbinder.content.replace(gallery_image_re, '<!-- ' + reason + '$1 -->'); // unbind the newly created comments unbinder.unbind('<!--', '-->'); // Check free image usages, for example as template arguments, might have the File: prefix excluded, but must be preceded by an | // Will only eat the image name and the preceding bar and an eventual named parameter var free_image_re = new RegExp('(\\|\\s*(?:[\\w\\s]+\\=)?\\s*(?:' + Morebits.namespaceRegex(6) + ':\\s*)?' + image_re_string + ')', 'mg'); unbinder.content = unbinder.content.replace(free_image_re, '<!-- ' + reason + '$1 -->'); // Rebind the content now, we are done! this.text = unbinder.rebind(); return this; }, /** * Converts uses of [[File:`image`]] to [[File:`image`|`data`]]. * * @param {string} image - Image name without File: prefix. * @param {string} data - The display options. * @returns {Morebits.wikitext.page} */ addToImageComment: function(image, data) { var image_re_string = Morebits.pageNameRegex(image); var links_re = new RegExp('\\[\\[' + Morebits.namespaceRegex(6) + ':\\s*' + image_re_string + '\\s*[\\|(?:\\]\\])]'); var allLinks = Morebits.string.splitWeightedByKeys(this.text, '[[', ']]'); for (var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; ++i) { if (links_re.test(allLinks[i])) { var replacement = allLinks[i]; // just put it at the end? replacement = replacement.replace(/\]\]$/, '|' + data + ']]'); this.text = this.text.replace(allLinks[i], replacement); } } var gallery_re = new RegExp('^(\\s*' + image_re_string + '.*?)\\|?(.*?)$', 'mg'); var newtext = '$1|$2 ' + data; this.text = this.text.replace(gallery_re, newtext); return this; }, /** * Remove all transclusions of a template from page text. * * @param {string} template - Page name whose transclusions are to be removed, * include namespace prefix only if not in template namespace. * @returns {Morebits.wikitext.page} */ removeTemplate: function(template) { var template_re_string = Morebits.pageNameRegex(template); var links_re = new RegExp('\\{\\{(?:' + Morebits.namespaceRegex(10) + ':)?\\s*' + template_re_string + '\\s*[\\|(?:\\}\\})]'); var allTemplates = Morebits.string.splitWeightedByKeys(this.text, '{{', '}}', [ '{{{', '}}}' ]); for (var i = 0; i < allTemplates.length; ++i) { if (links_re.test(allTemplates[i])) { this.text = this.text.replace(allTemplates[i], ''); } } return this; }, /** * Smartly insert a tag atop page text but after specified templates, * such as hatnotes, short description, or deletion and protection templates. * Notably, does *not* insert a newline after the tag. * * @param {string} tag - The tag to be inserted. * @param {string|string[]} regex - Templates after which to insert tag, * given as either as a (regex-valid) string or an array to be joined by pipes. * @param {string} [flags=i] - Regex flags to apply. `''` to provide no flags; * other falsey values will default to `i`. * @param {string|string[]} [preRegex] - Optional regex string or array to match * before any template matches (i.e. before `{{`), such as html comments. * @returns {Morebits.wikitext.page} */ insertAfterTemplates: function(tag, regex, flags, preRegex) { if (typeof tag === 'undefined') { throw new Error('No tag provided'); } // .length is only a property of strings and arrays so we // shouldn't need to check type if (typeof regex === 'undefined' || !regex.length) { throw new Error('No regex provided'); } else if (Array.isArray(regex)) { regex = regex.join('|'); } if (typeof flags !== 'string') { flags = 'i'; } if (!preRegex || !preRegex.length) { preRegex = ''; } else if (Array.isArray(preRegex)) { preRegex = preRegex.join('|'); } // Regex is extra complicated to allow for templates with // parameters and to handle whitespace properly this.text = this.text.replace( new RegExp( // leading whitespace '^\\s*' + // capture template(s) '(?:((?:\\s*' + // Pre-template regex, such as leading html comments preRegex + '|' + // begin template format '\\{\\{\\s*(?:' + // Template regex regex + // end main template name, optionally with a number // Probably remove the (?:) though ')\\d*\\s*' + // template parameters '(\\|(?:\\{\\{[^{}]*\\}\\}|[^{}])*)?' + // end template format '\\}\\})+' + // end capture '(?:\\s*\\n)?)' + // trailing whitespace '\\s*)?', flags), '$1' + tag ); return this; }, /** * Get the manipulated wikitext. * * @returns {string} */ getText: function() { return this.text; } }; /* *********** Morebits.userspaceLogger ************ */ /** * Handles logging actions to a userspace log. * Used in CSD, PROD, and XFD. * * @memberof Morebits * @class * @param {string} logPageName - Title of the subpage of the current user's log. */ Morebits.userspaceLogger = function(logPageName) { if (!logPageName) { throw new Error('no log page name specified'); } /** * The text to prefix the log with upon creation, defaults to empty. * * @type {string} */ this.initialText = ''; /** * The header level to use for months, defaults to 3 (`===`). * * @type {number} */ this.headerLevel = 3; this.changeTags = ''; /** * Log the entry. * * @param {string} logText - Doesn't include leading `#` or `*`. * @param {string} summaryText - Edit summary. * @returns {JQuery.Promise} */ this.log = function(logText, summaryText) { var def = $.Deferred(); if (!logText) { return def.reject(); } var page = new Morebits.wiki.page('User:' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '/' + logPageName, 'Adding entry to userspace log'); // make this '... to ' + logPageName ? page.load(function(pageobj) { // add blurb if log page doesn't exist or is blank var text = pageobj.getPageText() || this.initialText; // create monthly header if it doesn't exist already var date = new Morebits.date(pageobj.getLoadTime()); if (!date.monthHeaderRegex().exec(text)) { text += '\n\n' + date.monthHeader(this.headerLevel); } pageobj.setPageText(text + '\n' + logText); pageobj.setEditSummary(summaryText); pageobj.setChangeTags(this.changeTags); pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); pageobj.save(def.resolve, def.reject); }.bind(this)); return def; }; }; /* **************** Morebits.status **************** */ /** * Create and show status messages of varying urgency. * {@link Morebits.status.init|Morebits.status.init()} must be called before * any status object is created, otherwise those statuses won't be visible. * * @memberof Morebits * @class * @param {string} text - Text before the the colon `:`. * @param {string} stat - Text after the colon `:`. * @param {string} [type=status] - Determine the font color of the status * line, allowable values are: `status` (blue), `info` (green), `warn` (red), * or `error` (bold red). */ Morebits.status = function Status(text, stat, type) { this.textRaw = text; this.text = Morebits.createHtml(text); this.type = type || 'status'; this.generate(); if (stat) { this.update(stat, type); } }; /** * Specify an area for status message elements to be added to. * * @memberof Morebits.status * @param {HTMLElement} root - Usually a div element. * @throws If `root` is not an `HTMLElement`. */ Morebits.status.init = function(root) { if (!(root instanceof Element)) { throw new Error('object not an instance of Element'); } while (root.hasChildNodes()) { root.removeChild(root.firstChild); } Morebits.status.root = root; Morebits.status.errorEvent = null; }; Morebits.status.root = null; /** * @memberof Morebits.status * @param {Function} handler - Function to execute on error. * @throws When `handler` is not a function. */ Morebits.status.onError = function(handler) { if (typeof handler === 'function') { Morebits.status.errorEvent = handler; } else { throw 'Morebits.status.onError: handler is not a function'; } }; Morebits.status.prototype = { stat: null, statRaw: null, text: null, textRaw: null, type: 'status', target: null, node: null, linked: false, /** Add the status element node to the DOM. */ link: function() { if (!this.linked && Morebits.status.root) { Morebits.status.root.appendChild(this.node); this.linked = true; } }, /** Remove the status element node from the DOM. */ unlink: function() { if (this.linked) { Morebits.status.root.removeChild(this.node); this.linked = false; } }, /** * Update the status. * * @param {string} status - Part of status message after colon. * @param {string} type - 'status' (blue), 'info' (green), 'warn' * (red), or 'error' (bold red). */ update: function(status, type) { this.statRaw = status; this.stat = Morebits.createHtml(status); if (type) { this.type = type; if (type === 'error') { // hack to force the page not to reload when an error is output - see also Morebits.status() above Morebits.wiki.numberOfActionsLeft = 1000; // call error callback if (Morebits.status.errorEvent) { Morebits.status.errorEvent(); } // also log error messages in the browser console console.error(this.textRaw + ': ' + this.statRaw); // eslint-disable-line no-console } } this.render(); }, /** Produce the html for first part of the status message. */ generate: function() { this.node = document.createElement('div'); this.node.appendChild(document.createElement('span')).appendChild(this.text); this.node.appendChild(document.createElement('span')).appendChild(document.createTextNode(': ')); this.target = this.node.appendChild(document.createElement('span')); this.target.appendChild(document.createTextNode('')); // dummy node }, /** Complete the html, for the second part of the status message. */ render: function() { this.node.className = 'morebits_status_' + this.type; while (this.target.hasChildNodes()) { this.target.removeChild(this.target.firstChild); } this.target.appendChild(this.stat); this.link(); }, status: function(status) { this.update(status, 'status'); }, info: function(status) { this.update(status, 'info'); }, warn: function(status) { this.update(status, 'warn'); }, error: function(status) { this.update(status, 'error'); } }; /** * @memberof Morebits.status * @param {string} text - Before colon * @param {string} status - After colon * @returns {Morebits.status} - `status`-type (blue) */ Morebits.status.status = function(text, status) { return new Morebits.status(text, status); }; /** * @memberof Morebits.status * @param {string} text - Before colon * @param {string} status - After colon * @returns {Morebits.status} - `info`-type (green) */ Morebits.status.info = function(text, status) { return new Morebits.status(text, status, 'info'); }; /** * @memberof Morebits.status * @param {string} text - Before colon * @param {string} status - After colon * @returns {Morebits.status} - `warn`-type (red) */ Morebits.status.warn = function(text, status) { return new Morebits.status(text, status, 'warn'); }; /** * @memberof Morebits.status * @param {string} text - Before colon * @param {string} status - After colon * @returns {Morebits.status} - `error`-type (bold red) */ Morebits.status.error = function(text, status) { return new Morebits.status(text, status, 'error'); }; /** * For the action complete message at the end, create a status line without * a colon separator. * * @memberof Morebits.status * @param {string} text */ Morebits.status.actionCompleted = function(text) { var node = document.createElement('div'); node.appendChild(document.createElement('b')).appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); node.className = 'morebits_status_info morebits_action_complete'; if (Morebits.status.root) { Morebits.status.root.appendChild(node); } }; /** * Display the user's rationale, comments, etc. Back to them after a failure, * so that they may re-use it. * * @memberof Morebits.status * @param {string} comments * @param {string} message */ Morebits.status.printUserText = function(comments, message) { var p = document.createElement('p'); p.innerHTML = message; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'toccolours'; div.style.marginTop = '0'; div.style.whiteSpace = 'pre-wrap'; div.textContent = comments; p.appendChild(div); Morebits.status.root.appendChild(p); }; /** * Simple helper function to create a simple node. * * @param {string} type - Type of HTML element. * @param {string} content - Text content. * @param {string} [color] - Font color. * @returns {HTMLElement} */ Morebits.htmlNode = function (type, content, color) { var node = document.createElement(type); if (color) { node.style.color = color; } node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(content)); return node; }; /** * Add shift-click support for checkboxes. The wikibits version * (`window.addCheckboxClickHandlers`) has some restrictions, and doesn't work * with checkboxes inside a sortable table, so let's build our own. * * @param jQuerySelector * @param jQueryContext */ Morebits.checkboxShiftClickSupport = function (jQuerySelector, jQueryContext) { var lastCheckbox = null; function clickHandler(event) { var thisCb = this; if (event.shiftKey && lastCheckbox !== null) { var cbs = $(jQuerySelector, jQueryContext); // can't cache them, obviously, if we want to support resorting var index = -1, lastIndex = -1, i; for (i = 0; i < cbs.length; i++) { if (cbs[i] === thisCb) { index = i; if (lastIndex > -1) { break; } } if (cbs[i] === lastCheckbox) { lastIndex = i; if (index > -1) { break; } } } if (index > -1 && lastIndex > -1) { // inspired by wikibits var endState = thisCb.checked; var start, finish; if (index < lastIndex) { start = index + 1; finish = lastIndex; } else { start = lastIndex; finish = index - 1; } for (i = start; i <= finish; i++) { if (cbs[i].checked !== endState) { cbs[i].click(); } } } } lastCheckbox = thisCb; return true; } $(jQuerySelector, jQueryContext).click(clickHandler); }; /* **************** Morebits.batchOperation **************** */ /** * Iterates over a group of pages (or arbitrary objects) and executes a worker function * for each. * * `setPageList(pageList)`: Sets the list of pages to work on. It should be an * array of page names strings. * * `setOption(optionName, optionValue)`: Sets a known option: * - `chunkSize` (integer): The size of chunks to break the array into (default * 50). Setting this to a small value (<5) can cause problems. * - `preserveIndividualStatusLines` (boolean): Keep each page's status element * visible when worker is complete? See note below. * * `run(worker, postFinish)`: Runs the callback `worker` for each page in the * list. The callback must call `workerSuccess` when succeeding, or * `workerFailure` when failing. If using {@link Morebits.wiki.api} or * {@link Morebits.wiki.page}, this is easily done by passing these two * functions as parameters to the methods on those objects: for instance, * `page.save(batchOp.workerSuccess, batchOp.workerFailure)`. Make sure the * methods are called directly if special success/failure cases arise. If you * omit to call these methods, the batch operation will stall after the first * chunk! Also ensure that either workerSuccess or workerFailure is called no * more than once. The second callback `postFinish` is executed when the * entire batch has been processed. * * If using `preserveIndividualStatusLines`, you should try to ensure that the * `workerSuccess` callback has access to the page title. This is no problem for * {@link Morebits.wiki.page} objects. But when using the API, please set the * |pageName| property on the {@link Morebits.wiki.api} object. * * There are sample batchOperation implementations using Morebits.wiki.page in * twinklebatchdelete.js, twinklebatchundelete.js, and twinklebatchprotect.js. * * @memberof Morebits * @class * @param {string} [currentAction] */ Morebits.batchOperation = function(currentAction) { var ctx = { // backing fields for public properties pageList: null, options: { chunkSize: 50, preserveIndividualStatusLines: false }, // internal counters, etc. statusElement: new Morebits.status(currentAction || msg('batch-starting', 'Performing batch operation')), worker: null, // function that executes for each item in pageList postFinish: null, // function that executes when the whole batch has been processed countStarted: 0, countFinished: 0, countFinishedSuccess: 0, currentChunkIndex: -1, pageChunks: [], running: false }; // shouldn't be needed by external users, but provided anyway for maximum flexibility this.getStatusElement = function() { return ctx.statusElement; }; /** * Sets the list of pages to work on. * * @param {Array} pageList - Array of objects over which you wish to execute the worker function * This is usually the list of page names (strings). */ this.setPageList = function(pageList) { ctx.pageList = pageList; }; /** * Sets a known option. * * @param {string} optionName - Name of the option: * - chunkSize (integer): The size of chunks to break the array into * (default 50). Setting this to a small value (<5) can cause problems. * - preserveIndividualStatusLines (boolean): Keep each page's status * element visible when worker is complete? * @param {number|boolean} optionValue - Value to which the option is * to be set. Should be an integer for chunkSize and a boolean for * preserveIndividualStatusLines. */ this.setOption = function(optionName, optionValue) { ctx.options[optionName] = optionValue; }; /** * Runs the first callback for each page in the list. * The callback must call workerSuccess when succeeding, or workerFailure when failing. * Runs the optional second callback when the whole batch has been processed. * * @param {Function} worker * @param {Function} [postFinish] */ this.run = function(worker, postFinish) { if (ctx.running) { ctx.statusElement.error('Batch operation is already running'); return; } ctx.running = true; ctx.worker = worker; ctx.postFinish = postFinish; ctx.countStarted = 0; ctx.countFinished = 0; ctx.countFinishedSuccess = 0; ctx.currentChunkIndex = -1; ctx.pageChunks = []; var total = ctx.pageList.length; if (!total) { ctx.statusElement.info(msg('batch-no-pages', 'no pages specified')); ctx.running = false; if (ctx.postFinish) { ctx.postFinish(); } return; } // chunk page list into more manageable units ctx.pageChunks = Morebits.array.chunk(ctx.pageList, ctx.options.chunkSize); // start the process Morebits.wiki.addCheckpoint(); ctx.statusElement.status('0%'); fnStartNewChunk(); }; /** * To be called by worker before it terminates successfully. * * @param {(Morebits.wiki.page|Morebits.wiki.api|string)} arg - * This should be the `Morebits.wiki.page` or `Morebits.wiki.api` object used by worker * (for the adjustment of status lines emitted by them). * If no Morebits.wiki.* object is used (e.g. you're using `mw.Api()` or something else), and * `preserveIndividualStatusLines` option is on, give the page name (string) as argument. */ this.workerSuccess = function(arg) { if (arg instanceof Morebits.wiki.api || arg instanceof Morebits.wiki.page) { // update or remove status line var statelem = arg.getStatusElement(); if (ctx.options.preserveIndividualStatusLines) { if (arg.getPageName || arg.pageName || (arg.query && arg.query.title)) { // we know the page title - display a relevant message var pageName = arg.getPageName ? arg.getPageName() : arg.pageName || arg.query.title; statelem.info(msg('batch-done-page', pageName, 'yerinə yetirildi ([[' + pageName + ']])')); } else { // we don't know the page title - just display a generic message statelem.info(msg('done', 'yerinə yetirildi')); } } else { // remove the status line automatically produced by Morebits.wiki.* statelem.unlink(); } } else if (typeof arg === 'string' && ctx.options.preserveIndividualStatusLines) { new Morebits.status(arg, msg('batch-done-page', arg, 'yerinə yetirildi ([[' + arg + ']])')); } ctx.countFinishedSuccess++; fnDoneOne(); }; this.workerFailure = function() { fnDoneOne(); }; // private functions var thisProxy = this; var fnStartNewChunk = function() { var chunk = ctx.pageChunks[++ctx.currentChunkIndex]; if (!chunk) { return; // done! yay } // start workers for the current chunk ctx.countStarted += chunk.length; chunk.forEach(function(page) { ctx.worker(page, thisProxy); }); }; var fnDoneOne = function() { ctx.countFinished++; // update overall status line var total = ctx.pageList.length; if (ctx.countFinished < total) { var progress = Math.round(100 * ctx.countFinished / total); ctx.statusElement.status(msg('percent', progress, progress + '%')); // start a new chunk if we're close enough to the end of the previous chunk, and // we haven't already started the next one if (ctx.countFinished >= (ctx.countStarted - Math.max(ctx.options.chunkSize / 10, 2)) && Math.floor(ctx.countFinished / ctx.options.chunkSize) > ctx.currentChunkIndex) { fnStartNewChunk(); } } else if (ctx.countFinished === total) { var statusString = msg('batch-progress', ctx.countFinishedSuccess, ctx.countFinished, 'Tamamlandı (' + ctx.countFinishedSuccess + '/' + ctx.countFinished + ' sayda əməliyyat uğurla yerinə yetirildi)'); if (ctx.countFinishedSuccess < ctx.countFinished) { ctx.statusElement.warn(statusString); } else { ctx.statusElement.info(statusString); } if (ctx.postFinish) { ctx.postFinish(); } Morebits.wiki.removeCheckpoint(); ctx.running = false; } else { // ctx.countFinished > total // just for giggles! (well, serious debugging, actually) ctx.statusElement.warn('Done (overshot by ' + (ctx.countFinished - total) + ')'); Morebits.wiki.removeCheckpoint(); ctx.running = false; } }; }; /** * Given a set of asynchronous functions to run along with their dependencies, * run them in an efficient sequence so that multiple functions * that don't depend on each other are triggered simultaneously. Where * dependencies exist, it ensures that the dependency functions finish running * before the dependent function runs. The values resolved by the dependencies * are made available to the dependant as arguments. * * @memberof Morebits * @class */ Morebits.taskManager = function(context) { this.taskDependencyMap = new Map(); this.failureCallbackMap = new Map(); this.deferreds = new Map(); this.allDeferreds = []; // Hack: IE doesn't support Map.prototype.values this.context = context || window; /** * Register a task along with its dependencies (tasks which should have finished * execution before we can begin this one). Each task is a function that must return * a promise. The function will get the values resolved by the dependency functions * as arguments. * * @param {Function} func - A task. * @param {Function[]} deps - Its dependencies. * @param {Function} [onFailure] - a failure callback that's run if the task or any one * of its dependencies fail. */ this.add = function(func, deps, onFailure) { this.taskDependencyMap.set(func, deps); this.failureCallbackMap.set(func, onFailure || function() {}); var deferred = $.Deferred(); this.deferreds.set(func, deferred); this.allDeferreds.push(deferred); }; /** * Run all the tasks. Multiple tasks may be run at once. * * @returns {jQuery.Promise} - Resolved if all tasks succeed, rejected otherwise. */ this.execute = function() { var self = this; // proxy for `this` for use inside functions where `this` is something else this.taskDependencyMap.forEach(function(deps, task) { var dependencyPromisesArray = deps.map(function(dep) { return self.deferreds.get(dep); }); $.when.apply(self.context, dependencyPromisesArray).then(function() { var result = task.apply(self.context, arguments); if (result === undefined) { // maybe the function threw, or it didn't return anything mw.log.error('Morebits.taskManager: task returned undefined'); self.deferreds.get(task).reject.apply(self.context, arguments); self.failureCallbackMap.get(task).apply(self.context, []); } result.then(function() { self.deferreds.get(task).resolve.apply(self.context, arguments); }, function() { // task failed self.deferreds.get(task).reject.apply(self.context, arguments); self.failureCallbackMap.get(task).apply(self.context, arguments); }); }, function() { // one or more of the dependencies failed self.failureCallbackMap.get(task).apply(self.context, arguments); }); }); return $.when.apply(null, this.allDeferreds); // resolved when everything is done! }; }; /** * A simple draggable window, now a wrapper for jQuery UI's dialog feature. * * @memberof Morebits * @class * @requires jquery.ui.dialog * @param {number} width * @param {number} height - The maximum allowable height for the content area. */ Morebits.simpleWindow = function SimpleWindow(width, height) { var content = document.createElement('div'); this.content = content; content.className = 'morebits-dialog-content'; content.id = 'morebits-dialog-content-' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1e15); this.height = height; $(this.content).dialog({ autoOpen: false, buttons: { 'Placeholder button': function() {} }, dialogClass: 'morebits-dialog', width: Math.min(parseInt(window.innerWidth, 10), parseInt(width ? width : 800, 10)), // give jQuery the given height value (which represents the anticipated height of the dialog) here, so // it can position the dialog appropriately // the 20 pixels represents adjustment for the extra height of the jQuery dialog "chrome", compared // to that of the old SimpleWindow height: height + 20, close: function(event) { // dialogs and their content can be destroyed once closed $(event.target).dialog('destroy').remove(); }, resizeStart: function() { this.scrollbox = $(this).find('.morebits-scrollbox')[0]; if (this.scrollbox) { this.scrollbox.style.maxHeight = 'none'; } }, resizeStop: function() { this.scrollbox = null; }, resize: function() { this.style.maxHeight = ''; if (this.scrollbox) { this.scrollbox.style.width = ''; } } }); var $widget = $(this.content).dialog('widget'); // delete the placeholder button (it's only there so the buttonpane gets created) $widget.find('button').each(function(key, value) { value.parentNode.removeChild(value); }); // add container for the buttons we add, and the footer links (if any) var buttonspan = document.createElement('span'); buttonspan.className = 'morebits-dialog-buttons'; var linksspan = document.createElement('span'); linksspan.className = 'morebits-dialog-footerlinks'; $widget.find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane').append(buttonspan, linksspan); // resize the scrollbox with the dialog, if one is present $widget.resizable('option', 'alsoResize', '#' + this.content.id + ' .morebits-scrollbox, #' + this.content.id); }; Morebits.simpleWindow.prototype = { buttons: [], height: 600, hasFooterLinks: false, scriptName: null, /** * Focuses the dialog. This might work, or on the contrary, it might not. * * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow} */ focus: function() { $(this.content).dialog('moveToTop'); return this; }, /** * Closes the dialog. If this is set as an event handler, it will stop the event * from doing anything more. * * @param {event} [event] * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow} */ close: function(event) { if (event) { event.preventDefault(); } $(this.content).dialog('close'); return this; }, /** * Shows the dialog. Calling display() on a dialog that has previously been closed * might work, but it is not guaranteed. * * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow} */ display: function() { if (this.scriptName) { var $widget = $(this.content).dialog('widget'); $widget.find('.morebits-dialog-scriptname').remove(); var scriptnamespan = document.createElement('span'); scriptnamespan.className = 'morebits-dialog-scriptname'; scriptnamespan.textContent = this.scriptName + ' \u00B7 '; // U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT = &middot; $widget.find('.ui-dialog-title').prepend(scriptnamespan); } var dialog = $(this.content).dialog('open'); if (window.setupTooltips && window.pg && window.pg.re && window.pg.re.diff) { // tie in with NAVPOP dialog.parent()[0].ranSetupTooltipsAlready = false; window.setupTooltips(dialog.parent()[0]); } this.setHeight(this.height); // init height algorithm return this; }, /** * Sets the dialog title. * * @param {string} title * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow} */ setTitle: function(title) { $(this.content).dialog('option', 'title', title); return this; }, /** * Sets the script name, appearing as a prefix to the title to help users determine which * user script is producing which dialog. For instance, Twinkle modules set this to "Twinkle". * * @param {string} name * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow} */ setScriptName: function(name) { this.scriptName = name; return this; }, /** * Sets the dialog width. * * @param {number} width * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow} */ setWidth: function(width) { $(this.content).dialog('option', 'width', width); return this; }, /** * Sets the dialog's maximum height. The dialog will auto-size to fit its contents, * but the content area will grow no larger than the height given here. * * @param {number} height * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow} */ setHeight: function(height) { this.height = height; // from display time onwards, let the browser determine the optimum height, // and instead limit the height at the given value // note that the given height will exclude the approx. 20px that the jQuery UI // chrome has in height in addition to the height of an equivalent "classic" // Morebits.simpleWindow if (parseInt(getComputedStyle($(this.content).dialog('widget')[0], null).height, 10) > window.innerHeight) { $(this.content).dialog('option', 'height', window.innerHeight - 2).dialog('option', 'position', 'top'); } else { $(this.content).dialog('option', 'height', 'auto'); } $(this.content).dialog('widget').find('.morebits-dialog-content')[0].style.maxHeight = parseInt(this.height - 30, 10) + 'px'; return this; }, /** * Sets the content of the dialog to the given element node, usually from rendering * a {@link Morebits.quickForm}. * Re-enumerates the footer buttons, but leaves the footer links as they are. * Be sure to call this at least once before the dialog is displayed... * * @param {HTMLElement} content * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow} */ setContent: function(content) { this.purgeContent(); this.addContent(content); return this; }, /** * Adds the given element node to the dialog content. * * @param {HTMLElement} content * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow} */ addContent: function(content) { this.content.appendChild(content); // look for submit buttons in the content, hide them, and add a proxy button to the button pane var thisproxy = this; $(this.content).find('input[type="submit"], button[type="submit"]').each(function(key, value) { value.style.display = 'none'; var button = document.createElement('button'); button.textContent = value.hasAttribute('value') ? value.getAttribute('value') : value.textContent ? value.textContent : msg('submit', 'Sorğunu göndər'); button.className = value.className || 'submitButtonProxy'; // here is an instance of cheap coding, probably a memory-usage hit in using a closure here button.addEventListener('click', function() { value.click(); }, false); thisproxy.buttons.push(button); }); // remove all buttons from the button pane and re-add them if (this.buttons.length > 0) { $(this.content).dialog('widget').find('.morebits-dialog-buttons').empty().append(this.buttons)[0].removeAttribute('data-empty'); } else { $(this.content).dialog('widget').find('.morebits-dialog-buttons')[0].setAttribute('data-empty', 'data-empty'); // used by CSS } return this; }, /** * Removes all contents from the dialog, barring any footer links. * * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow} */ purgeContent: function() { this.buttons = []; // delete all buttons in the buttonpane $(this.content).dialog('widget').find('.morebits-dialog-buttons').empty(); while (this.content.hasChildNodes()) { this.content.removeChild(this.content.firstChild); } return this; }, /** * Adds a link in the bottom-right corner of the dialog. * This can be used to provide help or policy links. * For example, Twinkle's CSD module adds a link to the CSD policy page, * as well as a link to Twinkle's documentation. * * @param {string} text - Display text. * @param {string} wikiPage - Link target. * @param {boolean} [prep=false] - Set true to prepend rather than append. * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow} */ addFooterLink: function(text, wikiPage, prep) { var $footerlinks = $(this.content).dialog('widget').find('.morebits-dialog-footerlinks'); if (this.hasFooterLinks) { var bullet = document.createElement('span'); bullet.textContent = msg('bullet-separator', ' \u2022 '); // U+2022 BULLET if (prep) { $footerlinks.prepend(bullet); } else { $footerlinks.append(bullet); } } var link = document.createElement('a'); link.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl(wikiPage)); link.setAttribute('title', wikiPage); link.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); link.textContent = text; if (prep) { $footerlinks.prepend(link); } else { $footerlinks.append(link); } this.hasFooterLinks = true; return this; }, /** * Sets whether the window should be modal or not. Modal dialogs create * an overlay below the dialog but above other page elements. This * must be used (if necessary) before calling display(). * * @param {boolean} [modal=false] - If set to true, other items on the * page will be disabled, i.e., cannot be interacted with. * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow} */ setModality: function(modal) { $(this.content).dialog('option', 'modal', modal); return this; } }; /** * Enables or disables all footer buttons on all {@link Morebits.simpleWindow}s in the current page. * This should be called with `false` when the button(s) become irrelevant (e.g. just before * {@link Morebits.status.init} is called). * This is not an instance method so that consumers don't have to keep a reference to the * original `Morebits.simpleWindow` object sitting around somewhere. Anyway, most of the time * there will only be one `Morebits.simpleWindow` open, so this shouldn't matter. * * @memberof Morebits.simpleWindow * @param {boolean} enabled */ Morebits.simpleWindow.setButtonsEnabled = function(enabled) { $('.morebits-dialog-buttons button').prop('disabled', !enabled); }; }(window, document, jQuery)); // End wrap with anonymous function /** * If this script is being executed outside a ResourceLoader context, we add some * global assignments for legacy scripts, hopefully these can be removed down the line. * * IMPORTANT NOTE: * PLEASE DO NOT USE THESE ALIASES IN NEW CODE! * Thanks. */ if (typeof arguments === 'undefined') { // typeof is here for a reason... /* global Morebits */ window.SimpleWindow = Morebits.simpleWindow; window.QuickForm = Morebits.quickForm; window.Wikipedia = Morebits.wiki; window.Status = Morebits.status; } // </nowiki>

mediaviki, gadget, morebits, diqqət, dəyişiklikləri, yayımladıqdan, sonra, etdiyiniz, dəyişiklikləri, görmək, üçün, brauzerinizin, keşinin, yenilənməsi, lazım, bilər, firefox, safari, reload, düyməsinə, basılı, tutarkən, shift, düyməsinə, basın, ctrl, ctrl, üç. Diqqet Deyisiklikleri yayimladiqdan sonra etdiyiniz deyisiklikleri gormek ucun brauzerinizin kesinin yenilenmesi lazim ola biler Firefox Safari Reload duymesine basili tutarken Shift duymesine basin ve ya Ctrl F5 ve ya Ctrl R Mac ucun R Google Chrome Ctrl Shift R Mac ucun Shift R Internet Explorer Edge Refresh duymesini basili tutarken Ctrl duymesine basin ve ya sadece Ctrl F5 Opera Ctrl F5 lt nowiki gt A library full of lots of goodness for user scripts on MediaWiki wikis including Wikipedia The highlights include link Morebits wiki api make calls to the MediaWiki API link Morebits wiki page modify pages on the wiki edit revert delete etc link Morebits date enhanced date object processing sort of a light moment js link Morebits quickForm generate quick HTML forms on the fly link Morebits simpleWindow a wrapper for jQuery UI Dialog with a custom look and extra features link Morebits status a rough and ready status message displayer used by the Morebits wiki classes link Morebits wikitext utilities for dealing with wikitext link Morebits string utilities for manipulating strings link Morebits array utilities for manipulating arrays link Morebits ip utilities to help process IP addresses Dependencies The whole thing relies on jQuery But most wikis should provide this by default link Morebits quickForm link Morebits simpleWindow and link Morebits status rely on the morebits css file for their styling link Morebits simpleWindow and link Morebits quickForm tooltips rely on jQuery UI Dialog from ResourceLoader module name jquery ui To create a gadget based on morebits js use this syntax in MediaWiki Gadgets definition GadgetName ResourceLoader dependencies mediawiki user mediawiki util mediawiki Title jquery ui morebits js morebits css GadgetName js Alternatively you can configure morebits js as a hidden gadget in MediaWiki Gadgets definition morebits ResourceLoader dependencies mediawiki user mediawiki util mediawiki Title jquery ui hidden morebits js morebits css and then load ext gadget morebits as one of the dependencies for the new gadget All the stuff here works on all browsers for which MediaWiki provides JavaScript support This library is maintained by the maintainers of Twinkle For queries suggestions help etc head to Wikipedia talk Twinkle on English Wikipedia http en wikipedia org wiki WT TW The latest development source is available at link https github com wikimedia gadgets twinkle blob master morebits js GitHub namespace Morebits function window document Wrap entire file with anonymous function lends Morebits var Morebits window Morebits Morebits allow global access i18n support for strings in Morebits Morebits i18n parser null Set an i18n library to use with Morebits Examples Use jquery i18n Morebits i18n setParser get i18n Use banana i18n or orange i18n var banana new Banana en Morebits i18n setParser get banana i18n param Object parser setParser function parser if parser typeof parser get function throw new Error Morebits i18n parser must implement get Morebits i18n parser parser private returns string getMessage function var args Array prototype slice call arguments array of size n 1st arg message name 2nd to n 1 th arg message parameters nth arg legacy English fallback var msgName args 0 var fallback args args length 1 if Morebits i18n parser return fallback i18n libraries are generally invoked with variable number of arguments as msg msgName parameters var i18nMessage Morebits i18n parser get apply null args slice 0 1 if no i18n message exists i18n libraries generally give back the message name if i18nMessage msgName return fallback return i18nMessage shortcut var msg Morebits i18n getMessage Wiki specific configurations for Morebits Morebits l10n Local aliases for redirect magic word Check using api php action query amp format json amp meta siteinfo amp formatversion 2 amp siprop magicwords redirectTagAliases REDIRECT Takes a string as argument and checks if it is a timestamp or not If not it returns null If yes it returns an array of integers in the format year month date hour minute second which can be passed to Date UTC param string str returns number null signatureTimestampFormat function str HH mm DD Month YYYY UTC var rgx d 2 d 2 d 1 2 w d 4 UTC var match rgx exec str if match return null var month Morebits date localeData months indexOf match 4 if month 1 return null year month date hour minute return match 5 month match 3 match 1 match 2 Simple helper function to see what groups a user might belong param string group e g sysop extendedconfirmed etc returns boolean Morebits userIsInGroup function group return mw config get wgUserGroups indexOf group 1 Hardcodes whether the user is a sysop used a lot type boolean Morebits userIsSysop Morebits userIsInGroup sysop Deprecated as of February 2021 use link Morebits ip sanitizeIPv6 deprecated Use link Morebits ip sanitizeIPv6 Converts an IPv6 address to the canonical form stored and used by MediaWiki JavaScript translation of the link https gerrit wikimedia org r plugins gitiles mediawiki core 8eb6ac3e84ea3312d391ca96c12c49e3ad0753bb includes utils IP php 131 IP sanitizeIP function from the IPUtils library Addresses are verbose uppercase normalized and expanded to 8 words param string address The IPv6 address with or without CIDR returns string Morebits sanitizeIPv6 function address console warn NOTE Morebits sanitizeIPv6 was renamed to Morebits ip sanitizeIPv6 in February 2021 please use that instead eslint disable line no console return Morebits ip sanitizeIPv6 address Determines whether the current page is a redirect or soft redirect Fails to detect soft redirects on edit history etc pages Will attempt to detect Module RfD with the same failure points returns boolean Morebits isPageRedirect function return mw config get wgIsRedirect document getElementById softredirect box RfD length Stores a normalized underscores converted to spaces version of the wgPageName variable type string Morebits pageNameNorm mw config get wgPageName replace g Create a string for use in regex matching a page name Accounts for leading character s capitalization underscores as spaces and special characters being escaped See also link Morebits namespaceRegex param string pageName Page name without namespace returns string For a page name Foo bar returns the string Ff oo bar Morebits pageNameRegex function pageName if pageName return var firstChar pageName 0 remainder Morebits string escapeRegExp pageName slice 1 if mw Title phpCharToUpper firstChar firstChar toLowerCase return mw Title phpCharToUpper firstChar firstChar toLowerCase remainder return Morebits string escapeRegExp firstChar remainder Converts string or array of DOM nodes into an HTML fragment Wikilink syntax is transformed into HTML anchor Used in Morebits quickForm and Morebits status internal param string Node string Node input returns DocumentFragment Morebits createHtml function input var fragment document createDocumentFragment if input return fragment if Array isArray input input input for var i 0 i lt input length i if input i instanceof Node fragment appendChild input i else parseHTML Morebits createHtml renderWikilinks input i forEach function node fragment appendChild node return fragment Converts wikilinks to HTML anchor tags param text returns Morebits createHtml renderWikilinks function text var ub new Morebits unbinder text Don t convert wikilinks within code tags as they re used for displaying wiki code ub unbind lt code gt lt code gt ub content ub content replace g function target text if target target text return lt a target blank href mw util getUrl target title target replace g amp 34 gt text lt a gt return ub rebind Create a string for use in regex matching all namespace aliases regardless of the capitalization and underscores spaces Doesn t include the optional leading but if there s more than one item wraps the list in a non capturing group This means you can do Morebits namespaceRegex 4 Morebits pageNameRegex Twinkle to match a full page Uses link Morebits pageNameRegex param number namespaces Array of namespace numbers Unused invalid namespace numbers are silently discarded example returns Ff Ii Ll Ee Ii Mm Aa Gg Ee Morebits namespaceRegex 6 returns string Regex suitable string of all namespace aliases Morebits namespaceRegex function namespaces if Array isArray namespaces namespaces namespaces var aliases regex each mw config get wgNamespaceIds function name number if namespaces indexOf number 1 Namespaces are completely agnostic as to case and a regex string is more useful compatible than a RegExp object so we accept any casing for any letter aliases push name split map function char return Morebits pageNameRegex char join switch aliases length case 0 regex break case 1 regex aliases 0 break default regex aliases join break return regex Morebits quickForm Creation of simple and standard forms without much specific coding namespace Morebits quickForm memberof Morebits class param event event Function to execute when form is submitted param string eventType submit Type of the event Morebits quickForm function QuickForm event eventType this root new Morebits quickForm element type form event event eventType eventType Renders the HTML output of the quickForm memberof Morebits quickForm returns HTMLElement Morebits quickForm prototype render function QuickFormRender var ret this root render ret names return ret Append element to the form memberof Morebits quickForm param object Morebits quickForm element data A quickform element or the object with which a quickform element is constructed returns Morebits quickForm element Same as what is passed to the function Morebits quickForm prototype append function QuickFormAppend data return this root append data Create a new element for the the form Index to Morebits quickForm element types Global attributes id className style tooltip extra data adminonly select A combo box aka drop down Attributes name label multiple size list event disabled option An element for a combo box Attributes value label selected disabled optgroup A group of option s Attributes label list field A fieldset aka group box Attributes name label disabled checkbox A checkbox Must use list parameter Attributes name list event Attributes within list name label value checked disabled event subgroup radio A radio button Must use list parameter Attributes name list event Attributes within list name label value checked disabled event subgroup input A text input box Attributes name label value size placeholder maxlength disabled required readonly event number A number input box Attributes Everything the text input has as well as min max step list dyninput A set of text boxes with Remove buttons and an Add button Attributes name label min max sublabel value size maxlength event hidden An invisible form field Attributes name value header A level 5 header Attributes label div A generic placeholder element or label Attributes name label submit A submit button Morebits simpleWindow moves these to the footer of the dialog Attributes name label disabled button A generic button Attributes name label disabled event textarea A big multi line text box Attributes name label value cols rows disabled required readonly fragment A DocumentFragment object No attributes and no global attributes except adminonly There is some difference on how types handle the label attribute div select field checkbox radio input textarea header and dyninput can accept an array of items and the label item s can be Element s option optgroup dyninput element submit and button accept only a single string memberof Morebits quickForm class param object data Object representing the quickform element Should specify one of the available types from the index above as well as any relevant and available attributes example new Morebits quickForm element name target type input label Your target tooltip Enter your target Required required true Morebits quickForm element function QuickFormElement data this data data this childs memberof Morebits quickForm element type number Morebits quickForm element id 0 Appends an element to current element memberof Morebits quickForm element param Morebits quickForm element data A quickForm element or the object required to create the quickForm element returns Morebits quickForm element The same element passed in Morebits quickForm element prototype append function QuickFormElementAppend data var child if data instanceof Morebits quickForm element child data else child new Morebits quickForm element data this childs push child return child Renders the HTML output for the quickForm element This should be called without parameters form render memberof Morebits quickForm element returns HTMLElement Morebits quickForm element prototype render function QuickFormElementRender internal subgroup id var currentNode this compute this data internal subgroup id for var i 0 i lt this childs length i do not pass internal subgroup id to recursive calls currentNode 1 appendChild this childs i render return currentNode 0 memberof Morebits quickForm element Morebits quickForm element prototype compute function QuickFormElementCompute data in id var node var childContainer null var label var id in id in id node Morebits quickForm element id if data adminonly amp amp Morebits userIsSysop hell hack alpha data type hidden var i current subnode switch data type case form node document createElement form node className quickform node setAttribute action javascript void 0 if data event node addEventListener data eventType submit data event false break case fragment node document createDocumentFragment fragments can t have any attributes so just return it straight away return node node case select node document createElement div node setAttribute id div id if data label label node appendChild document createElement label label setAttribute for id label appendChild Morebits createHtml data label label style marginRight 3px var select node appendChild document createElement select if data event select addEventListener change data event false if data multiple select setAttribute multiple multiple if data size select setAttribute size data size if data disabled select setAttribute disabled disabled select setAttribute name data name if data list for i 0 i lt data list length i current data list i if current list current type optgroup else current type option subnode this compute current select appendChild subnode 0 childContainer select break case option node document createElement option node values data value node setAttribute value data value if data selected node setAttribute selected selected if data disabled node setAttribute disabled disabled node setAttribute label data label node appendChild document createTextNode data label break case optgroup node document createElement optgroup node setAttribute label data label if data list for i 0 i lt data list length i current data list i current type option must be options here subnode this compute current node appendChild subnode 0 break case field node document createElement fieldset label node appendChild document createElement legend label appendChild Morebits createHtml data label if data name node setAttribute name data name if data disabled node setAttribute disabled disabled break case checkbox case radio node document createElement div if data list for i 0 i lt data list length i var cur id id i current data list i var cur div if current type header inline hack cur div node appendChild document createElement h6 cur div appendChild document createTextNode current label if current tooltip Morebits quickForm element generateTooltip cur div current continue cur div node appendChild document createElement div subnode cur div appendChild document createElement input subnode values current value subnode setAttribute value current value subnode setAttribute type data type subnode setAttribute id cur id subnode setAttribute name current name data name If name is provided on the individual checkbox add a data single attribute which indicates it isn t part of a list of checkboxes with same name Used in getInputData if current name subnode setAttribute data single data single if current checked subnode setAttribute checked checked if current disabled subnode setAttribute disabled disabled label cur div appendChild document createElement label label appendChild Morebits createHtml current label label setAttribute for cur id if current tooltip Morebits quickForm element generateTooltip label current styles go on the label doesn t make sense to style a checkbox radio if current style label setAttribute style current style var event if current subgroup var tmpgroup current subgroup if Array isArray tmpgroup tmpgroup tmpgroup var subgroupRaw new Morebits quickForm element type div id id i subgroup each tmpgroup function idx el var newEl extend el if newEl type newEl type data type newEl name current name data name newEl name subgroupRaw append newEl var subgroup subgroupRaw render cur id subgroup className quickformSubgroup subnode subgroup subgroup subnode shown false event function e if e target checked e target parentNode appendChild e target subgroup if e target type radio var name e target name if e target form names name undefined e target form names name parentNode removeChild e target form names name subgroup e target form names name e target else e target parentNode removeChild e target subgroup subnode addEventListener change event true if current checked subnode parentNode appendChild subgroup else if data type radio event function e if e target checked var name e target name if e target form names name undefined e target form names name parentNode removeChild e target form names name subgroup delete e target form names name subnode addEventListener change event true add users event last so it can interact with the subgroup if data event subnode addEventListener change data event false else if current event subnode addEventListener change current event true if data shiftClickSupport amp amp data type checkbox Morebits checkboxShiftClickSupport Morebits quickForm getElements node data name break input is actually a text type so number here inherits the same stuff case number case input node document createElement div node setAttribute id div id if data label label node appendChild document createElement label label appendChild Morebits createHtml data label label setAttribute for data id id label style marginRight 3px subnode node appendChild document createElement input subnode setAttribute name data name if data type input subnode setAttribute type text else subnode setAttribute type number min max step list forEach function att if data att subnode setAttribute att data att value size placeholder maxlength forEach function att if data att subnode setAttribute att data att disabled required readonly forEach function att if data att subnode setAttribute att att if data event subnode addEventListener keyup data event false childContainer subnode break case dyninput var min data min 1 var max data max Infinity node document createElement div label node appendChild document createElement h5 label appendChild Morebits createHtml data label var listNode node appendChild document createElement div var more this compute type button label more disabled min gt max event function e var new node new Morebits quickForm element e target sublist e target area appendChild new node render if e target counter gt e target max e target setAttribute disabled disabled e stopPropagation node appendChild more 0 var moreButton more 1 var sublist type dyninput element label data sublabel data label name data name value data value size data size remove false maxlength data maxlength event data event for i 0 i lt min i var elem new Morebits quickForm element sublist listNode appendChild elem render sublist remove true sublist morebutton moreButton sublist listnode listNode moreButton sublist sublist moreButton area listNode moreButton max max min moreButton counter 0 break case dyninput element Private similar to normal input node document createElement div if data label label node appendChild document createElement label label appendChild document createTextNode data label label setAttribute for id label style marginRight 3px subnode node appendChild document createElement input if data value subnode setAttribute value data value subnode setAttribute name data name subnode setAttribute type text if data size subnode setAttribute size data size if data maxlength subnode setAttribute maxlength data maxlength if data event subnode addEventListener keyup data event false if data remove var remove this compute type button label remove event function e var list e target listnode var node e target inputnode var more e target morebutton list removeChild node more counter more removeAttribute disabled e stopPropagation node appendChild remove 0 var removeButton remove 1 removeButton inputnode node removeButton listnode data listnode removeButton morebutton data morebutton break case hidden node document createElement input node setAttribute type hidden node values data value node setAttribute value data value node setAttribute name data name break case header node document createElement h5 node appendChild Morebits createHtml data label break case div node document createElement div if data name node setAttribute name data name if data label var result document createElement span result className quickformDescription result appendChild Morebits createHtml data label node appendChild result break case submit node document createElement span childContainer node appendChild document createElement input childContainer setAttribute type submit if data label childContainer setAttribute value data label childContainer setAttribute name data name submit if data disabled childContainer setAttribute disabled disabled break case button node document createElement span childContainer node appendChild document createElement input childContainer setAttribute type button if data label childContainer setAttribute value data label childContainer setAttribute name data name if data disabled childContainer setAttribute disabled disabled if data event childContainer addEventListener click data event false break case textarea node document createElement div node setAttribute id div id if data label label node appendChild document createElement h5 var labelElement document createElement label labelElement appendChild Morebits createHtml data label labelElement setAttribute for data id id label appendChild labelElement subnode node appendChild document createElement textarea subnode setAttribute name data name if data cols subnode setAttribute cols data cols if data rows subnode setAttribute rows data rows if data disabled subnode setAttribute disabled disabled if data required subnode setAttribute required required if data readonly subnode setAttribute readonly readonly if data value subnode value data value childContainer subnode break default throw new Error Morebits quickForm unknown element type data type toString if childContainer childContainer node if data tooltip Morebits quickForm element generateTooltip label node data if data extra childContainer extra data extra if data data childContainer data data data if data style childContainer setAttribute style data style if data className childContainer className childContainer className childContainer className data className data className childContainer setAttribute id data id id return node childContainer Create a jQuery UI based tooltip memberof Morebits quickForm element requires jquery ui param HTMLElement node The HTML element beside which a tooltip is to be generated param object data Tooltip related configuration data Morebits quickForm element generateTooltip function QuickFormElementGenerateTooltip node data var tooltipButton node appendChild document createElement span tooltipButton className morebits tooltipButton tooltipButton title data tooltip Provides the content for jQuery UI tooltipButton appendChild document createTextNode msg tooltip mark tooltipButton tooltip position my left top at center bottom collision flipfit Deprecated in UI 1 12 but MW stuck on 1 9 2 indefinitely see 398 and T71386 tooltipClass morebits ui tooltip Some utility methods for manipulating quickForms after their creation None of these work for dyninput type fields at present Returns an object containing all filled form data entered by the user with the object keys being the form element names Disabled fields will be ignored but not hidden fields memberof Morebits quickForm param HTMLFormElement form returns object With field names as keys input data as values Morebits quickForm getInputData function form var result for var i 0 i lt form elements length i var field form elements i if field disabled field name field type field type submit field type button continue For elements in subgroups quickform prepends element names with name of the parent group followed by a period get rid of that var fieldNameNorm field name slice field name indexOf 1 switch field type case radio if field checked result fieldNameNorm field value break case checkbox if field dataset single result fieldNameNorm field checked boolean else result fieldNameNorm result fieldNameNorm if field checked result fieldNameNorm push field value break case select multiple result fieldNameNorm field val field value doesn t work break case text falls through case textarea result fieldNameNorm field value trim break default could be select one date number email etc if field value result fieldNameNorm field value break return result Returns all form elements with a given field name or ID memberof Morebits quickForm param HTMLFormElement form param string fieldName The name or id of the fields returns HTMLElement Array of matching form elements Morebits quickForm getElements function QuickFormGetElements form fieldName var form form fieldName escapeSelector fieldName sanitize input var elements form find name fieldName if elements length gt 0 return elements toArray elements form find fieldName return elements toArray Searches the array of elements for a checkbox or radio button with a certain value attribute and returns the first such element Returns null if not found memberof Morebits quickForm param HTMLInputElement elementArray Array of checkbox or radio elements param string value Value to search for returns HTMLInputElement Morebits quickForm getCheckboxOrRadio function QuickFormGetCheckboxOrRadio elementArray value var found grep elementArray function el return el value value if found length gt 0 return found 0 return null Returns the amp lt div gt containing the form element or the form element itself May not work as expected on checkboxes or radios memberof Morebits quickForm param HTMLElement element returns HTMLElement Morebits quickForm getElementContainer function QuickFormGetElementContainer element for divs headings and fieldsets the container is the element itself if element instanceof HTMLFieldSetElement element instanceof HTMLDivElement element instanceof HTMLHeadingElement return element for others just return the parent node return element parentNode Gets the HTML element that contains the label of the given form element mainly for internal use memberof Morebits quickForm param HTMLElement Morebits quickForm element element returns HTMLElement Morebits quickForm getElementLabelObject function QuickFormGetElementLabelObject element for buttons divs and headers the label is on the element itself if element type button element type submit element instanceof HTMLDivElement element instanceof HTMLHeadingElement return element for fieldsets the label is the child lt legend gt element else if element instanceof HTMLFieldSetElement return element getElementsByTagName legend 0 for textareas the label is the sibling lt h5 gt element else if element instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement return element parentNode getElementsByTagName h5 0 for others the label is the sibling lt label gt element return element parentNode getElementsByTagName label 0 Gets the label text of the element memberof Morebits quickForm param HTMLElement Morebits quickForm element element returns string Morebits quickForm getElementLabel function QuickFormGetElementLabel element var labelElement Morebits quickForm getElementLabelObject element if labelElement return null return labelElement firstChild textContent Sets the label of the element to the given text memberof Morebits quickForm param HTMLElement Morebits quickForm element element param string labelText returns boolean True if succeeded false if the label element is unavailable Morebits quickForm setElementLabel function QuickFormSetElementLabel element labelText var labelElement Morebits quickForm getElementLabelObject element if labelElement return false labelElement firstChild textContent labelText return true Stores the element s current label and temporarily sets the label to the given text memberof Morebits quickForm param HTMLElement Morebits quickForm element element param string temporaryLabelText returns boolean true if succeeded false if the label element is unavailable Morebits quickForm overrideElementLabel function QuickFormOverrideElementLabel element temporaryLabelText if element hasAttribute data oldlabel element setAttribute data oldlabel Morebits quickForm getElementLabel element return Morebits quickForm setElementLabel element temporaryLabelText Restores the label stored by overrideElementLabel memberof Morebits quickForm param HTMLElement Morebits quickForm element element returns boolean True if succeeded false if the label element is unavailable Morebits quickForm resetElementLabel function QuickFormResetElementLabel element if element hasAttribute data oldlabel return Morebits quickForm setElementLabel element element getAttribute data oldlabel return null Shows or hides a form element plus its label and tooltip memberof Morebits quickForm param HTMLElement jQuery string element HTML jQuery element or jQuery selector string param boolean visibility Skip this to toggle visibility Morebits quickForm setElementVisibility function QuickFormSetElementVisibility element visibility element toggle visibility Shows or hides the question mark icon which displays the tooltip next to a form element memberof Morebits quickForm param HTMLElement jQuery element param boolean visibility Skip this to toggle visibility Morebits quickForm setElementTooltipVisibility function QuickFormSetElementTooltipVisibility element visibility Morebits quickForm getElementContainer element find morebits tooltipButton toggle visibility external HTMLFormElement Get checked items in the form function external HTMLFormElement getChecked param string name Find checked property of elements i e a checkbox or a radiobutton with the given name or select options that have selected set to true don t try to mix selects with radio checkboxes param string type Optionally specify either radio or checkbox for the event that both checkboxes and radiobuttons have the same name returns string Contains the values of elements with the given name checked property set to true HTMLFormElement prototype getChecked function name type var elements this elements name if elements return var return array var i if elements instanceof HTMLSelectElement var options elements options for i 0 i lt options length i if options i selected if options i values return array push options i values else return array push options i value else if elements instanceof HTMLInputElement if type amp amp elements type type return else if elements checked return elements value else for i 0 i lt elements length i if elements i checked if type amp amp elements i type type continue if elements i values return array push elements i values else return array push elements i value return return array Does the same as link HTMLFormElement getChecked getChecked but with unchecked elements function external HTMLFormElement getUnchecked param string name Find checked property of elements i e a checkbox or a radiobutton with the given name or select options that have selected set to true don t try to mix selects with radio checkboxes param string type Optionally specify either radio or checkbox for the event that both checkboxes and radiobuttons have the same name returns string Contains the values of elements with the given name checked property set to true HTMLFormElement prototype getUnchecked function name type var elements this elements name if elements return var return array var i if elements instanceof HTMLSelectElement var options elements options for i 0 i lt options length i if options i selected if options i values return array push options i values else return array push options i value else if elements instanceof HTMLInputElement if type amp amp elements type type return else if elements checked return elements value else for i 0 i lt elements length i if elements i checked if type amp amp elements i type type continue if elements i values return array push elements i values else return array push elements i value return return array Utilities to help process IP addresses namespace Morebits ip memberof Morebits Morebits ip Converts an IPv6 address to the canonical form stored and used by MediaWiki JavaScript translation of the link https gerrit wikimedia org r plugins gitiles mediawiki core 8eb6ac3e84ea3312d391ca96c12c49e3ad0753bb includes utils IP php 131 IP sanitizeIP function from the IPUtils library Addresses are verbose uppercase normalized and expanded to 8 words param string address The IPv6 address with or without CIDR returns string sanitizeIPv6 function address address address trim if address return null if mw util isIPv6Address address true return address nothing else to do for IPv4 addresses or invalid ones Remove any whitespaces convert to upper case address address toUpperCase Expand zero abbreviations var abbrevPos address indexOf if abbrevPos gt 1 We know this is valid IPv6 Find the last index of the address before any CIDR number e g a b c 24 var CIDRStart address indexOf var addressEnd CIDRStart 1 CIDRStart 1 address length 1 If the is at the beginning var repeat extra pad if abbrevPos 0 repeat 0 extra address 0 for the address pad 9 7 2 due to If the is at the end else if abbrevPos addressEnd 1 repeat 0 extra pad 9 7 2 due to If the is in the middle else repeat 0 extra pad 8 6 2 due to var replacement repeat pad address split length 1 for var i 1 i lt pad i replacement repeat replacement extra address address replace replacement Remove leading zeros from each bloc as needed return address replace 0 0 9A Fa f 1 4 g 1 2 Determine if the given IP address is a range Just conjoins mw util isIPAddress with and without the allowBlock option param string ip returns boolean True if given a valid IP address range false otherwise isRange function ip return mw util isIPAddress ip true amp amp mw util isIPAddress ip Check that an IP range is within the CIDR limits Most likely to be useful in conjunction with wgRelevantUserName CIDR limits are hardcoded as 16 for IPv4 and 32 for IPv6 returns boolean True for valid ranges within the CIDR limits otherwise false ranges outside the limit single IPs non IPs validCIDR function ip if Morebits ip isRange ip var subnet parseInt ip match d 1 3 1 10 if subnet Should be redundant if mw util isIPv6Address ip true if subnet gt 32 return true else if subnet gt 16 return true return false Get the 64 subnet for an IPv6 address param string ipv6 The IPv6 address with or without a subnet returns boolean string False if not IPv6 or bigger than a 64 otherwise the sanitized 64 address get64 function ipv6 if ipv6 mw util isIPv6Address ipv6 true return false var subnetMatch ipv6 match d 1 3 if subnetMatch amp amp parseInt subnetMatch 1 10 lt 64 return false ipv6 Morebits ip sanitizeIPv6 ipv6 var ip re 0 9A F 1 4 4 0 9A F 1 4 3 0 9A F 1 4 d 1 3 return ipv6 replace ip re 1 0 0 0 0 64 Helper functions to manipulate strings namespace Morebits string memberof Morebits Morebits string param string str returns string toUpperCaseFirstChar function str str str toString return str substr 0 1 toUpperCase str substr 1 param string str returns string toLowerCaseFirstChar function str str str toString return str substr 0 1 toLowerCase str substr 1 Gives an array of substrings of str starting with start and ending with end which is not in skiplist Intended for use on wikitext with templates or links param string str param string start param string end param string string skiplist returns string throws If the start and end strings aren t of the same length throws If skiplist isn t an array or string splitWeightedByKeys function str start end skiplist if start length end length throw new Error start marker and end marker must be of the same length var level 0 var initial null var result if Array isArray skiplist if skiplist undefined skiplist else if typeof skiplist string skiplist skiplist else throw new Error non applicable skiplist parameter for var i 0 i lt str length i for var j 0 j lt skiplist length j if str substr i skiplist j length skiplist j i skiplist j length 1 continue if str substr i start length start if initial null initial i level i start length 1 else if str substr i end length end level i end length 1 if level amp amp initial null result push str substring initial i 1 initial null return result Formats freeform reason from a textarea for deletion other templates that are going to be substituted e g PROD XFD RPP Handles outside a nowiki tag Optionally also adds a signature if not present already param string str param boolean addSig returns string formatReasonText function str addSig var reason str toString trim var unbinder new Morebits unbinder reason unbinder unbind lt no wiki gt lt no wiki gt unbinder content unbinder content replace g subst reason unbinder rebind if addSig var sig sigIndex reason lastIndexOf sig if sigIndex 1 sigIndex reason length sig length reason sig return reason trim Formats a reason from a textarea for inclusion in a userspace log Replaces newlines with Pb and adds an extra before list items for proper formatting param string str returns string formatReasonForLog function str return str handle line breaks which otherwise break numbering replace n g pb put an extra in front before bulleted or numbered list items replace mg 1 replace mg 1 Like String prototype replace but escapes any dollar signs in the replacement string Useful when the the replacement string is arbitrary such as a username or freeform user input and could contain dollar signs param string string Text in which to replace param string RegExp pattern param string replacement returns string safeReplace function morebitsStringSafeReplace string pattern replacement return string replace pattern replacement replace g Determine if the user provided expiration will be considered an infinite length by MW see link https phabricator wikimedia org T68646 param string expiry returns boolean isInfinity function morebitsStringIsInfinity expiry return indefinite infinity infinite never indexOf expiry 1 Escapes a string to be used in a RegExp replacing spaces and underscores with as they are often equivalent param string text String to be escaped returns string The escaped text escapeRegExp function text return mw util escapeRegExp text replace g Helper functions to manipulate arrays namespace Morebits array memberof Morebits Morebits array Remove duplicated items from an array param Array arr returns Array A copy of the array with duplicates removed throws When provided a non array uniq function arr if Array isArray arr throw A non array object passed to Morebits array uniq return arr filter function item idx return arr indexOf item idx Remove non duplicated items from an array param Array arr returns Array A copy of the array with the first instance of each value removed subsequent instances of those values duplicates remain throws When provided a non array dups function arr if Array isArray arr throw A non array object passed to Morebits array dups return arr filter function item idx return arr indexOf item idx Break up an array into smaller arrays param Array arr param number size Size of each chunk except the last which could be different returns Array An array containing the smaller chunked arrays throws When provided a non array chunk function arr size if Array isArray arr throw A non array object passed to Morebits array chunk if typeof size number size lt 0 pretty impossible to do anything return arr we return an array consisting of this array var numChunks Math ceil arr length size var result new Array numChunks for var i 0 i lt numChunks i result i arr slice i size i 1 size return result Utilities to enhance select2 menus See twinklewarn twinklexfd twinkleblock for sample usages see link https select2 org namespace Morebits select2 memberof Morebits requires jquery select2 Morebits select2 matchers Custom matcher in which if the optgroup name matches all options in that group are shown like in jquery chosen optgroupFull function params data var originalMatcher fn select2 defaults defaults matcher var result originalMatcher params data if result amp amp params term amp amp data text toUpperCase indexOf params term toUpperCase 1 result children data children return result Custom matcher that matches from the beginning of words only wordBeginning function params data var originalMatcher fn select2 defaults defaults matcher var result originalMatcher params data if params term result amp amp new RegExp b mw util escapeRegExp params term i test result text return result return null Underline matched part of options highlightSearchMatches function data var searchTerm Morebits select2SearchQuery if searchTerm data loading return data text var idx data text toUpperCase indexOf searchTerm toUpperCase if idx lt 0 return data text return lt span gt append data text slice 0 idx lt span gt css text decoration underline text data text slice idx idx searchTerm length data text slice idx searchTerm length Intercept query as it is happening for use in highlightSearchMatches queryInterceptor function params Morebits select2SearchQuery params amp amp params term Open dropdown and begin search when the select2 selection has focus and a key is pressed see link https github com select2 select2 issues 3279 issuecomment 442524147 autoStart function ev if ev which lt 48 return var target ev target closest select2 container if target length return target target prev target select2 open var search target data select2 dropdown search target data select2 selection search Use DOM focus to work around a jQuery 3 6 0 regression https github com select2 select2 issues 5993 search 0 focus Temporarily hide a part of a string while processing the rest of it Used by link Morebits wikitext page commentOutImage Morebits wikitext page commentOutImage memberof Morebits class param string string The initial text to process example var u new Morebits unbinder Hello world lt world gt world u unbind lt gt text inside comment remains intact u content u content replace world g earth u rebind gives Hello earth lt world gt earth Morebits unbinder function Unbinder string if typeof string string throw new Error not a string The text being processed this content string this counter 0 this history this prefix UNIQ Math random this postfix UNIQ Morebits unbinder prototype Hide the region encapsulated by the prefix and postfix from string processing prefix and postfix will be used in a RegExp so items that need escaping should be use param string prefix param string postfix throws If either prefix or postfix is missing unbind function UnbinderUnbind prefix postfix if prefix postfix throw new Error Both prefix and postfix must be provided var re new RegExp prefix s S postfix g this content this content replace re Morebits unbinder getCallback this Restore the hidden portion of the content string returns string The processed output rebind function UnbinderRebind var content this content content self this for var current in this history if Object prototype hasOwnProperty call this history current content content replace current this history current return content prefix null UNIQ 0 5955981644938324 postfix null UNIQ content null string counter null 0 history null memberof Morebits unbinder Morebits unbinder getCallback function UnbinderGetCallback self return function UnbinderCallback match var current self prefix self counter self postfix self history current match self counter return current Morebits date Create a date object with enhanced processing capabilities a la link https momentjs com moment js MediaWiki timestamp format is also acceptable in addition to everything that JS Date accepts memberof Morebits class Morebits date function var args Array prototype slice call arguments Check MediaWiki formats Must be first since firefox erroneously accepts the timestamp format sans timezone See also 921 936 1174 1187 and the 14 digit string will be interpreted differently if args length 1 var param args 0 if d 14 test param YYYYMMDDHHmmss var digitMatch d 4 d 2 d 2 d 2 d 2 d 2 exec param if digitMatch year month date hour minute second this d new Date Date UTC apply null digitMatch 1 digitMatch 2 1 digitMatch 3 digitMatch 4 digitMatch 5 digitMatch 6 else if typeof param string Wikitext signature timestamp var dateParts Morebits l10n signatureTimestampFormat param if dateParts this d new Date Date UTC apply null dateParts if this d Try standard date this d new Function prototype bind apply Date Date concat args Still no if this isValid mw log warn Invalid Morebits date initialisation args Localized strings for date processing memberof Morebits date type object lt string string gt property string months property string monthsShort property string days property string daysShort property object lt string string gt relativeTimes private Morebits date localeData message names here correspond to MediaWiki message names months msg january Yanvar msg february Fevral msg march Mart msg april Aprel msg may long May msg june Iyun msg july Iyul msg august Avqust msg september Sentyabr msg october October msg november November msg december December monthsShort msg jan Yan msg feb Fev msg mar Mar msg apr Apr msg may May msg jun Iyn msg jul Iyl msg aug Avg msg sep Sen msg oct Okt msg nov Noy msg dec Dek days msg sunday bazar msg monday bazar ertesi msg tuesday cersenbe axsami msg wednesday cersenbe msg thursday cume axsami msg friday cume msg saturday senbe daysShort msg sun b msg mon b e msg tue c a msg wed c msg thu c a msg fri c msg sat s relativeTimes thisDay msg relative today bu gun saat hh mm prevDay msg relative prevday dunen saat hh mm nextDay msg relative nextday sabah saat hh mm thisWeek msg relative thisweek dddd saat hh mm pastWeek msg relative pastweek kecen dddd saat hh mm other msg relative other DD MM YYYY Map units with getter setter function names for add and subtract methods memberof Morebits date type object lt string string gt property string seconds property string minutes property string hours property string days property string weeks property string months property string years Morebits date unitMap seconds Seconds minutes Minutes hours Hours days Date weeks Week Not a function but handled in add through cunning use of multiplication months Month years FullYear Morebits date prototype returns boolean isValid function return isNaN this getTime param Date Morebits date date returns boolean isBefore function date return this getTime lt date getTime param Date Morebits date date returns boolean isAfter function date return this getTime gt date getTime returns string getUTCMonthName function return Morebits date localeData months this getUTCMonth returns string getUTCMonthNameAbbrev function return Morebits date localeData monthsShort this getUTCMonth returns string getMonthName function return Morebits date localeData months this getMonth returns string getMonthNameAbbrev function return Morebits date localeData monthsShort this getMonth returns string getUTCDayName function return Morebits date localeData days this getUTCDay returns string getUTCDayNameAbbrev function return Morebits date localeData daysShort this getUTCDay returns string getDayName function return Morebits date localeData days this getDay returns string getDayNameAbbrev function return Morebits date localeData daysShort this getDay Add a given number of minutes hours days weeks months or years to the date This is done in place The modified date object is also returned allowing chaining param number number Should be an integer param string unit throws If invalid or unsupported unit is given returns Morebits date add function number unit var num parseInt number 10 normalize if isNaN num throw new Error Invalid number number provided unit unit toLowerCase normalize var unitMap Morebits date unitMap var unitNorm unitMap unit unitMap unit s so that both singular and plural forms work if unitNorm No built in week functions so rather than build out ISO s getWeek setWeek just multiply Probably can t be used for Julian gt Gregorian changeovers etc if unitNorm Week unitNorm Date num 7 this set unitNorm this get unitNorm num return this throw new Error Invalid unit unit Only Object keys unitMap join are allowed Subtracts a given number of minutes hours days weeks months or years to the date This is done in place The modified date object is also returned allowing chaining param number number Should be an integer param string unit throws If invalid or unsupported unit is given returns Morebits date subtract function number unit return this add number unit Format the date into a string per the given format string Replacement syntax is a subset of that in moment js Syntax Output H Hours 24 hour HH Hours 24 hour padded to 2 digits h Hours 12 hour hh Hours 12 hour padded to 2 digits A AM or PM m Minutes mm Minutes padded to 2 digits s Seconds ss Seconds padded to 2 digits SSS Milliseconds fragment 3 digits d Day number of the week Sun 0 ddd Abbreviated day name dddd Full day name D Date DD Date padded to 2 digits M Month number 1 indexed MM Month number 1 indexed padded to 2 digits MMM Abbreviated month name MMMM Full month name Y Year YY Final two digits of year 20 for 2020 42 for 1942 YYYY Year same as Y param string formatstr Format the date into a string using the replacement syntax Use and to escape items If not provided will return the ISO 8601 formatted string param string number zone system system for browser default time zone utc or specify a time zone as number of minutes relative to UTC returns string format function formatstr zone if this isValid return Invalid date Put the truth out preferable to NaNNaNNan NaN NaN or whatever var udate this create a new date object that will contain the date to display as system time if zone utc udate new Morebits date this getTime add this getTimezoneOffset minutes else if typeof zone number convert to utc then add the utc offset given udate new Morebits date this getTime add this getTimezoneOffset zone minutes default to ISOString if formatstr return udate toISOString var pad function num len len len 2 Up to length of 00 1 return 00 num toString slice 0 len var h24 udate getHours m udate getMinutes s udate getSeconds ms udate getMilliseconds var D udate getDate M udate getMonth 1 Y udate getFullYear var h12 h24 12 12 amOrPm h24 gt 12 msg period pm PM msg period am AM var replacementMap HH pad h24 H h24 hh pad h12 h h12 A amOrPm mm pad m m m ss pad s s s SSS pad ms 3 dddd udate getDayName ddd udate getDayNameAbbrev d udate getDay DD pad D D D MMMM udate getMonthName MMM udate getMonthNameAbbrev MM pad M M M YYYY Y YY pad Y 100 Y Y var unbinder new Morebits unbinder formatstr escape stuff between unbinder unbind unbinder content unbinder content replace Regex notes d d 2 3 matches exactly 1 3 or 4 occurrences of d dd is treated as a double match of d Y 1 2 Y 2 matches exactly 1 2 or 4 occurrences of Y H 1 2 h 1 2 m 1 2 s 1 2 SSS d d 2 3 D 1 2 M 1 4 Y 1 2 Y 2 A g function match return replacementMap match return unbinder rebind replace g 1 Gives a readable relative time string such as Yesterday at 6 43 PM or Last Thursday at 11 45 AM Similar to calendar in moment js but with time zone support param string number zone system system for browser default time zone utc for UTC or specify a time zone as number of minutes past UTC returns string calendar function zone Zero out the hours minutes seconds and milliseconds keeping only the date find the difference Note that setHours returns the same thing as getTime var dateDiff new Date setHours 0 0 0 0 new Date this setHours 0 0 0 0 8 64e7 switch true case dateDiff 0 return this format Morebits date localeData relativeTimes thisDay zone case dateDiff 1 return this format Morebits date localeData relativeTimes prevDay zone case dateDiff gt 0 amp amp dateDiff lt 7 return this format Morebits date localeData relativeTimes pastWeek zone case dateDiff 1 return this format Morebits date localeData relativeTimes nextDay zone case dateDiff lt 0 amp amp dateDiff gt 7 return this format Morebits date localeData relativeTimes thisWeek zone default return this format Morebits date localeData relativeTimes other zone Get a regular expression that matches wikitext section titles such as December 2019 or Jan 2018 returns RegExp monthHeaderRegex function return new RegExp s this getUTCMonthName this getUTCMonthNameAbbrev s this getUTCFullYear s 1 mg Creates a wikitext section header with the month and year param number level 2 Header level Pass 0 for just the text with no wikitext markers returns string monthHeader function level Default to 2 but allow for 0 or stringy numbers level parseInt level 10 level isNaN level 2 level var header Array level 1 join String prototype repeat not supported in IE 11 var text this getUTCMonthName this getUTCFullYear if header length wikitext formatted header return header text header return text Just the string Allow native Date prototype methods to be used on Morebits date objects Object getOwnPropertyNames Date prototype forEach function func Exclude methods that collide with PageTriage s Date js external which clobbers native Date phab T268513 if add getDayName getMonthName indexOf func 1 Morebits date prototype func function return this d func apply this d Array prototype slice call arguments Morebits wiki Various objects for wiki editing and API access including link Morebits wiki api and link Morebits wiki page namespace Morebits wiki memberof Morebits Morebits wiki deprecated in favor of Morebits isPageRedirect as of November 2020 memberof Morebits wiki returns boolean Morebits wiki isPageRedirect function wikipediaIsPageRedirect console warn NOTE Morebits wiki isPageRedirect has been deprecated use Morebits isPageRedirect instead eslint disable line no console return Morebits isPageRedirect Morebits wiki actionCompleted memberof Morebits wiki type number Morebits wiki numberOfActionsLeft 0 memberof Morebits wiki type number Morebits wiki nbrOfCheckpointsLeft 0 Display message and or redirect to page upon completion of tasks Every call to Morebits wiki api post results in the dispatch of an asynchronous callback Each callback can in turn make an additional call to Morebits wiki api post to continue a processing sequence At the conclusion of the final callback of a processing sequence it is not possible to simply return to the original caller because there is no call stack leading back to the original context Instead Morebits wiki actionCompleted event is called to display the result to the user and to perform an optional page redirect The determination of when to call Morebits wiki actionCompleted event is managed through the globals Morebits wiki numberOfActionsLeft and Morebits wiki nbrOfCheckpointsLeft Morebits wiki numberOfActionsLeft is incremented at the start of every Morebits wiki api call and decremented after the completion of a callback function If a callback function does not create a new Morebits wiki api object before exiting it is the final step in the processing chain and Morebits wiki actionCompleted event will then be called Optionally callers may use Morebits wiki addCheckpoint to indicate that processing is not complete upon the conclusion of the final callback function This is used for batch operations The end of a batch is signaled by calling Morebits wiki removeCheckpoint memberof Morebits wiki Morebits wiki actionCompleted function self if Morebits wiki numberOfActionsLeft lt 0 amp amp Morebits wiki nbrOfCheckpointsLeft lt 0 Morebits wiki actionCompleted event self Change per action wanted memberof Morebits wiki Morebits wiki actionCompleted event function if Morebits wiki actionCompleted notice Morebits status actionCompleted Morebits wiki actionCompleted notice if Morebits wiki actionCompleted redirect if it isn t a URL make it one TODO This breaks on the articles http ftp and similar ones if w test Morebits wiki actionCompleted redirect Morebits wiki actionCompleted redirect mw util getUrl Morebits wiki actionCompleted redirect if Morebits wiki actionCompleted followRedirect false Morebits wiki actionCompleted redirect redirect no window setTimeout function window location Morebits wiki actionCompleted redirect Morebits wiki actionCompleted timeOut memberof Morebits wiki Morebits wiki actionCompleted timeOut typeof window wpActionCompletedTimeOut undefined 5000 window wpActionCompletedTimeOut memberof Morebits wiki Morebits wiki actionCompleted redirect null memberof Morebits wiki Morebits wiki actionCompleted notice null memberof Morebits wiki Morebits wiki addCheckpoint function Morebits wiki nbrOfCheckpointsLeft memberof Morebits wiki Morebits wiki removeCheckpoint function if Morebits wiki nbrOfCheckpointsLeft lt 0 amp amp Morebits wiki numberOfActionsLeft lt 0 Morebits wiki actionCompleted event Morebits wiki api An easy way to talk to the MediaWiki API Accepts either json or xml default formats if json is selected will default to formatversion 2 unless otherwise specified Similarly enforces newer errorformat s defaulting to html if unspecified uselang enforced to the wiki s content language In new code the use of the last 3 parameters should be avoided instead use link Morebits wiki api setStatusElement setStatusElement to bind the status element if needed and use then or catch on the promise returned by post rather than specify the onSuccess or onFailure callbacks memberof Morebits wiki class param string currentAction The current action required param object query The query required param Function onSuccess The function to call when request is successful param Morebits status statusElement A Morebits status object to use for status messages param Function onError The function to call if an error occurs Morebits wiki api function currentAction query onSuccess statusElement onError this currentAction currentAction this query query this query assert user Enforce newer error formats preferring html if query errorformat wikitext plaintext indexOf query errorformat 1 this query errorformat html Explicitly use the wiki s content language to minimize confusion see 1179 for discussion this query uselang content this query errorlang uselang this query errorsuselocal 1 this onSuccess onSuccess this onError onError if statusElement this setStatusElement statusElement else this statelem new Morebits status currentAction JSON is used throughout Morebits Twinkle but xml remains the default for backwards compatibility if query format this query format xml else if query format json amp amp query formatversion this query formatversion 2 else if xml json indexOf query format 1 this statelem error Invalid API format only xml and json are supported Ignore tags for queries and most common unsupported actions produces warnings if query action amp amp query review stabilize pagetriageaction watch indexOf query action 1 delete query tags else if query tags amp amp morebitsWikiChangeTag query tags morebitsWikiChangeTag Morebits wiki api prototype currentAction onSuccess null onError null parent window use global context if there is no parent object query null response null responseXML null use response instead retained for backwards compatibility statelem null this non standard name kept for backwards compatibility statusText null result received from the API normally success or error errorCode null short text error code if any as documented in the MediaWiki API errorText null full error description if any badtokenRetry false set to true if this on a retry attempted after a badtoken error Keep track of parent object for callbacks param parent setParent function parent this parent parent param Morebits status statusElement setStatusElement function statusElement this statelem statusElement this statelem status this currentAction Carry out the request param object callerAjaxParameters Do not specify a parameter unless you really really want to give jQuery some extra parameters returns promise A jQuery promise object that is resolved or rejected with the api object post function callerAjaxParameters Morebits wiki numberOfActionsLeft var queryString map this query function val i if Array isArray val return encodeURIComponent i val map encodeURIComponent join else if val undefined return encodeURIComponent i encodeURIComponent val join amp replace btoken amp amp 1 3 amp 2 token should always be the last item in the query string bug TW B 0013 var ajaxparams extend context this type this query action query GET POST url mw util wikiScript api data queryString dataType this query format headers Api User Agent morebitsWikiApiUserAgent callerAjaxParameters return ajax ajaxparams then function onAPIsuccess response statusText this statusText statusText this response this responseXML response Limit to first error if this query format json this errorCode response errors amp amp response errors 0 code if this query errorformat html this errorText response errors amp amp response errors 0 html else if this query errorformat wikitext this query errorformat plaintext this errorText response errors amp amp response errors 0 text else this errorCode response find errors error eq 0 attr code Sufficient for html wikitext or plaintext errorformats this errorText response find errors error eq 0 text if typeof this errorCode string the API didn t like what we told it e g bad edit token or an error creating a page return this returnError callerAjaxParameters invoke success callback if one was supplied if this onSuccess set the callback context to this parent for new code and supply the API object as the first argument to the callback for legacy code this onSuccess call this parent this else this statelem info msg done yerine yetirildi Morebits wiki actionCompleted return Deferred resolveWith this parent this only network and server errors reach here complaints from the API itself are caught in success function onAPIfailure jqXHR statusText errorThrown this statusText statusText this errorThrown errorThrown frequently undefined this errorText msg api error statusText jqXHR statusText statusText jqXHR statusText occurred while contacting the API return this returnError returnError function callerAjaxParameters if this errorCode badtoken amp amp this badtokenRetry this statelem warn msg invalid token retrying Invalid token Getting a new token and retrying this badtokenRetry true Get a new CSRF token and retry If the original action needs a different type of action than CSRF we do one pointless retry before bailing out return Morebits wiki api getToken then function token this query token token return this post callerAjaxParameters bind this this statelem error this errorText this errorCode invoke failure callback if one was supplied if this onError set the callback context to this parent for new code and supply the API object as the first argument to the callback for legacy code this onError call this parent this don t complete the action so that the error remains displayed return Deferred rejectWith this parent this getStatusElement function return this statelem getErrorCode function return this errorCode getErrorText function return this errorText getXML function retained for backwards compatibility use getResponse instead return this responseXML getResponse function return this response var morebitsWikiApiUserAgent morebits js w WT TW Set the custom user agent header which is used for server side logging Note that doing so will set the useragent for every Morebits wiki api process performed thereafter see link https lists wikimedia org pipermail mediawiki api announce 2014 November 000075 html for original announcement memberof Morebits wiki api param string ua morebits js w WT TW User agent The default value of morebits js w WT TW will be appended to any provided value Morebits wiki api setApiUserAgent function ua morebitsWikiApiUserAgent ua ua morebits js w WT TW Change revision tag applied to Morebits actions when no other tags are specified Unused by default per link https en wikipedia org w index php oldid 970618849 Adding tags to Twinkle edits and actions EnWiki consensus constant memberof Morebits wiki api type string var morebitsWikiChangeTag Get a new CSRF token on encountering token errors memberof Morebits wiki api returns string MediaWiki CSRF token Morebits wiki api getToken function var tokenApi new Morebits wiki api msg getting token Getting token action query meta tokens type csrf format json return tokenApi post then function apiobj return apiobj response query tokens csrftoken Morebits wiki page Use the MediaWiki API to load a page and optionally edit it move it etc Callers are not permitted to directly access the properties of this class All property access is through the appropriate get or set method Callers should set link Morebits wiki actionCompleted notice and link Morebits wiki actionCompleted redirect before the first call to link Morebits wiki page load Each of the callback functions takes one parameter which is a reference to the Morebits wiki page object that registered the callback Callback functions may invoke any Morebits wiki page prototype method using this reference Call sequence for common operations optional final user callbacks not shown Edit current contents of a page no edit conflict load userTextEditCallback gt ctx loadApi post gt ctx loadApi post success gt ctx fnLoadSuccess gt userTextEditCallback gt save gt ctx saveApi post gt ctx loadApi post success gt ctx fnSaveSuccess Edit current contents of a page with edit conflict load userTextEditCallback gt ctx loadApi post gt ctx loadApi post success gt ctx fnLoadSuccess gt userTextEditCallback gt save gt ctx saveApi post gt ctx loadApi post success gt ctx fnSaveError gt ctx loadApi post gt ctx loadApi post success gt ctx fnLoadSuccess gt userTextEditCallback gt save gt ctx saveApi post gt ctx loadApi post success gt ctx fnSaveSuccess Append to a page similar for prepend and newSection append gt ctx loadApi post gt ctx loadApi post success gt ctx fnLoadSuccess gt ctx fnAutoSave gt save gt ctx saveApi post gt ctx loadApi post success gt ctx fnSaveSuccess Notes 1 All functions following Morebits wiki api post are invoked asynchronously from the jQuery AJAX library 2 The sequence for append prepend newSection could be slightly shortened but it would require significant duplication of code for little benefit memberof Morebits wiki class param string pageName The name of the page prefixed by the namespace if any For the current page use mw config get wgPageName param string Morebits status status A string describing the action about to be undertaken or a Morebits status object Morebits wiki page function pageName status if status status msg opening page pageName pageName sehifesi acilir Private context variables This context is not visible to the outside thus all the data here must be accessed via getter and setter functions private var ctx backing fields for public properties pageName pageName pageExists false editSummary null changeTags null testActions null array if any valid actions callbackParameters null statusElement status instanceof Morebits status status new Morebits status status edit pageText null editMode all save replaces entire contents of the page by default appendText null can t reuse pageText for this because pageText is needed to follow a redirect prependText null can t reuse pageText for this because pageText is needed to follow a redirect newSectionText null newSectionTitle null createOption null minorEdit false botEdit false pageSection null maxConflictRetries 2 maxRetries 2 followRedirect false followCrossNsRedirect true watchlistOption nochange watchlistExpiry null creator null timestamp null revert revertOldID null move moveDestination null moveTalkPage false moveSubpages false moveSuppressRedirect false protect protectEdit null protectMove null protectCreate null protectCascade null creation lookup lookupNonRedirectCreator false stabilize FlaggedRevs flaggedRevs null internal status pageLoaded false csrfToken null loadTime null lastEditTime null pageID null contentModel null revertCurID null revertUser null watched false fullyProtected false suppressProtectWarning false conflictRetries 0 retries 0 callbacks onLoadSuccess null onLoadFailure null onSaveSuccess null onSaveFailure null onLookupCreationSuccess null onLookupCreationFailure null onMoveSuccess null onMoveFailure null onDeleteSuccess null onDeleteFailure null onUndeleteSuccess null onUndeleteFailure null onProtectSuccess null onProtectFailure null onStabilizeSuccess null onStabilizeFailure null internal objects loadQuery null loadApi null saveApi null lookupCreationApi null moveApi null moveProcessApi null patrolApi null patrolProcessApi null triageApi null triageProcessListApi null triageProcessApi null deleteApi null deleteProcessApi null undeleteApi null undeleteProcessApi null protectApi null protectProcessApi null stabilizeApi null stabilizeProcessApi null var emptyFunction function Loads the text for the page param Function onSuccess Callback function which is called when the load has succeeded param Function onFailure Callback function which is called when the load fails this load function onSuccess onFailure ctx onLoadSuccess onSuccess ctx onLoadFailure onFailure emptyFunction Need to be able to do something after the page loads if onSuccess ctx statusElement error Internal error no onSuccess callback provided to load ctx onLoadFailure this return ctx loadQuery action query prop info revisions inprop watched intestactions edit can be expanded curtimestamp meta tokens type csrf titles ctx pageName format json don t need rvlimit 1 because we don t need rvstartid here and only one actual rev is returned by default if ctx editMode all ctx loadQuery rvprop content timestamp get the page content at the same time if needed else if ctx editMode revert ctx loadQuery rvprop timestamp ctx loadQuery rvlimit 1 ctx loadQuery rvstartid ctx revertOldID if ctx followRedirect ctx loadQuery redirects follow all redirects if typeof ctx pageSection number ctx loadQuery rvsection ctx pageSection if Morebits userIsSysop ctx loadQuery inprop protection ctx loadApi new Morebits wiki api msg retrieving page Sehife elde edilir ctx loadQuery fnLoadSuccess ctx statusElement ctx onLoadFailure ctx loadApi setParent this ctx loadApi post Saves the text for the page to Wikipedia Must be preceded by successfully calling load Warning Calling save can result in additional calls to the previous load callbacks to recover from edit conflicts In this case callers must make the same edit to the new pageText and re invoke save This behavior can be disabled with setMaxConflictRetries 0 param Function onSuccess Callback function which is called when the save has succeeded param Function onFailure Callback function which is called when the save fails this save function onSuccess onFailure ctx onSaveSuccess onSuccess ctx onSaveFailure onFailure emptyFunction are we getting our editing token from mw user tokens var canUseMwUserToken fnCanUseMwUserToken edit if ctx pageLoaded amp amp canUseMwUserToken ctx statusElement error Internal error attempt to save a page that has not been loaded ctx onSaveFailure this return if ctx editSummary new section mode allows nay encourages using the title as the edit summary but the query needs editSummary to be undefined or not null if ctx editMode new amp amp ctx newSectionTitle ctx editSummary else ctx statusElement error Internal error edit summary not set before save ctx onSaveFailure this return shouldn t happen if canUseMwUserToken true if ctx fullyProtected amp amp ctx suppressProtectWarning amp amp confirm ctx fullyProtected infinity msg protected indef edit warning ctx pageName You are about to make an edit to the fully protected page ctx pageName protected indefinitely n nClick OK to proceed with the edit or Cancel to skip this edit msg protected edit warning ctx pageName ctx fullyProtected You are about to make an edit to the fully protected page ctx pageName protection expiring new Morebits date ctx fullyProtected calendar utc UTC n nClick OK to proceed with the edit or Cancel to skip this edit ctx statusElement error msg protected aborted Edit to fully protected page was aborted ctx onSaveFailure this return ctx retries 0 var query action edit title ctx pageName summary ctx editSummary token canUseMwUserToken mw user tokens get csrfToken ctx csrfToken watchlist ctx watchlistOption format json if ctx changeTags query tags ctx changeTags if fnApplyWatchlistExpiry query watchlistexpiry ctx watchlistExpiry if typeof ctx pageSection number query section ctx pageSection Set minor edit attribute If these parameters are present with any value it is interpreted as true if ctx minorEdit query minor true else query notminor true force Twinkle config to override user preference setting for all edits are minor Set bot edit attribute If this parameter is present with any value it is interpreted as true if ctx botEdit query bot true switch ctx editMode case append if ctx appendText null ctx statusElement error Internal error append text not set before save ctx onSaveFailure this return query appendtext ctx appendText use mode to append to current page contents break case prepend if ctx prependText null ctx statusElement error Internal error prepend text not set before save ctx onSaveFailure this return query prependtext ctx prependText use mode to prepend to current page contents break case new if ctx newSectionText API doesn t allow empty new section text ctx statusElement error Internal error new section text not set before save ctx onSaveFailure this return query section new query text ctx newSectionText add a new section to current page query sectiontitle ctx newSectionTitle ctx editSummary done by the API but non values would get treated as text break case revert query undo ctx revertCurID query undoafter ctx revertOldID if ctx lastEditTime query basetimestamp ctx lastEditTime check that page hasn t been edited since it was loaded query starttimestamp ctx loadTime check that page hasn t been deleted since it was loaded don t recreate bad stuff break default all query text ctx pageText replace entire contents of the page if ctx lastEditTime query basetimestamp ctx lastEditTime check that page hasn t been edited since it was loaded query starttimestamp ctx loadTime check that page hasn t been deleted since it was loaded don t recreate bad stuff break if recreate createonly nocreate indexOf ctx createOption 1 query ctx createOption if canUseMwUserToken amp amp ctx followRedirect query redirect true ctx saveApi new Morebits wiki api msg saving page Deyisiklikler yayimlanir query fnSaveSuccess ctx statusElement fnSaveError ctx saveApi setParent this ctx saveApi post Adds the text provided via setAppendText to the end of the page Does not require calling load first unless a watchlist expiry is used param Function onSuccess Callback function which is called when the method has succeeded param Function onFailure Callback function which is called when the method fails this append function onSuccess onFailure ctx editMode append if fnCanUseMwUserToken edit this save onSuccess onFailure else ctx onSaveSuccess onSuccess ctx onSaveFailure onFailure emptyFunction this load fnAutoSave ctx onSaveFailure Adds the text provided via setPrependText to the start of the page Does not require calling load first unless a watchlist expiry is used param Function onSuccess Callback function which is called when the method has succeeded param Function onFailure Callback function which is called when the method fails this prepend function onSuccess onFailure ctx editMode prepend if fnCanUseMwUserToken edit this save onSuccess onFailure else ctx onSaveSuccess onSuccess ctx onSaveFailure onFailure emptyFunction this load fnAutoSave ctx onSaveFailure Creates a new section with the text provided by setNewSectionText and section title from setNewSectionTitle If editSummary is provided that will be used instead of the autogenerated gt Title new section edit summary Does not require calling load first unless a watchlist expiry is used param Function onSuccess Callback function which is called when the method has succeeded param Function onFailure Callback function which is called when the method fails this newSection function onSuccess onFailure ctx editMode new if fnCanUseMwUserToken edit this save onSuccess onFailure else ctx onSaveSuccess onSuccess ctx onSaveFailure onFailure emptyFunction this load fnAutoSave ctx onSaveFailure returns string The name of the loaded page including the namespace this getPageName function return ctx pageName returns string The text of the page after a successful load this getPageText function return ctx pageText param string pageText Updated page text that will be saved when save is called this setPageText function pageText ctx editMode all ctx pageText pageText param string appendText Text that will be appended to the page when append is called this setAppendText function appendText ctx editMode append ctx appendText appendText param string prependText Text that will be prepended to the page when prepend is called this setPrependText function prependText ctx editMode prepend ctx prependText prependText param string newSectionText Text that will be added in a new section on the page when newSection is called this setNewSectionText function newSectionText ctx editMode new ctx newSectionText newSectionText param string newSectionTitle Title for the new section created when newSection is called If missing ctx editSummary will be used Issues may occur if a substituted template is used this setNewSectionTitle function newSectionTitle ctx editMode new ctx newSectionTitle newSectionTitle Edit related setter methods Set the edit summary that will be used when save is called Unnecessary if editMode is new and newSectionTitle is provided param string summary this setEditSummary function summary ctx editSummary summary Set any custom tag s to be applied to the API action A number of actions don t support it most notably watch review and stabilize link https phabricator wikimedia org T247721 T247721 and pagetriageaction link https phabricator wikimedia org T252980 T252980 param string string tags String or array of tag s this setChangeTags function tags ctx changeTags tags param string createOption null Can take the following four values recreate create the page if it does not exist or edit it if it exists createonly create the page if it does not exist but return an error if it already exists nocreate don t create the page only edit it if it already exists null create the page if it does not exist unless it was deleted in the moment between loading the page and saving the edit default this setCreateOption function createOption ctx createOption createOption param boolean minorEdit Set true to mark the edit as a minor edit this setMinorEdit function minorEdit ctx minorEdit minorEdit param boolean botEdit Set true to mark the edit as a bot edit this setBotEdit function botEdit ctx botEdit botEdit param number pageSection Integer specifying the section number to load or save If specified as null the entire page will be retrieved this setPageSection function pageSection ctx pageSection pageSection param number maxConflictRetries Number of retries for save errors involving an edit conflict or loss of token Default 2 this setMaxConflictRetries function maxConflictRetries ctx maxConflictRetries maxConflictRetries param number maxRetries Number of retries for save errors not involving an edit conflict or loss of token Default 2 this setMaxRetries function maxRetries ctx maxRetries maxRetries Set whether and how to watch the page including setting an expiry param boolean string Morebits date Date watchlistOption false Basically a mix of MW API and Twinkley options available pre expiry true yes watch page will be added to the user s watchlist when the action is called Defaults to an indefinite watch unless watchlistExpiry is provided false no nochange watchlist status of the page including expiry will not be changed default preferences watchlist status of the page will be set based on the user s preference settings when the action is called Defaults to an indefinite watch unless watchlistExpiry is provided unwatch explicitly unwatch the page Any other string or number or a Morebits date or Date object watch page until the specified time deferring to watchlistExpiry if provided param string number Morebits date Date watchlistExpiry infinity A date like string or number or a date object If a string or number can be relative 2 weeks or other similarly date like i e NOT potato ISO 8601 2038 01 09T03 14 07Z MediaWiki 20380109031407 UNIX 2147483647 SQL 2038 01 09 03 14 07 Can also be infinity or infinity like infinite indefinite and never See link https phabricator wikimedia org source mediawiki libs Timestamp browse master src ConvertibleTimestamp php 4e53b859a9580c55958078f46dd4f3a44d0fcaa0 57 109 as source amp blame off this setWatchlist function watchlistOption watchlistExpiry if watchlistOption instanceof Morebits date watchlistOption instanceof Date watchlistOption watchlistOption toISOString if typeof watchlistExpiry undefined watchlistExpiry infinity else if watchlistExpiry instanceof Morebits date watchlistExpiry instanceof Date watchlistExpiry watchlistExpiry toISOString switch watchlistOption case nochange case no case false case undefined ctx watchlistOption nochange The MW API allows for changing expiry with nochange as nochange refers to the binary status but by keeping this null it will default to any existing expiry ensure there is actually no change ctx watchlistExpiry null break case unwatch expiry unimportant ctx watchlistOption unwatch break case preferences case default ctx watchlistOption preferences The API allows an expiry here but there is as of yet T265716 no expiry preference option so it s a bit devoid of context ctx watchlistExpiry watchlistExpiry break case watch case yes case true ctx watchlistOption watch ctx watchlistExpiry watchlistExpiry break default Not really a default per se but catches any other string ctx watchlistOption watch ctx watchlistExpiry watchlistOption break Set a watchlist expiry setWatchlist can mostly handle this by itself so this is here largely for completeness and compatibility with the full suite of options param string number Morebits date Date watchlistExpiry infinity A date like string or number or a date object If a string or number can be relative 2 weeks or other similarly date like i e NOT potato ISO 8601 2038 01 09T03 14 07Z MediaWiki 20380109031407 UNIX 2147483647 SQL 2038 01 09 03 14 07 Can also be infinity or infinity like infinite indefinite and never See link https phabricator wikimedia org source mediawiki libs Timestamp browse master src ConvertibleTimestamp php 4e53b859a9580c55958078f46dd4f3a44d0fcaa0 57 109 as source amp blame off this setWatchlistExpiry function watchlistExpiry if typeof watchlistExpiry undefined watchlistExpiry infinity else if watchlistExpiry instanceof Morebits date watchlistExpiry instanceof Date watchlistExpiry watchlistExpiry toISOString ctx watchlistExpiry watchlistExpiry deprecated As of December 2020 use setWatchlist param boolean watchlistOption false True page watchlist status will be set based on the user s preference settings when save is called False watchlist status of the page will not be changed Watchlist notes 1 The MediaWiki API value of unwatch which explicitly removes the page from the user s watchlist is not used 2 If both setWatchlist and setWatchlistFromPreferences are called the last call takes priority 3 Twinkle modules should use the appropriate preference to set the watchlist options 4 Most Twinkle modules use setWatchlist setWatchlistFromPreferences is only needed for the few Twinkle watchlist preferences that accept a string value of default this setWatchlistFromPreferences function watchlistOption console warn NOTE Morebits wiki page setWatchlistFromPreferences was deprecated December 2020 please use setWatchlist eslint disable line no console if watchlistOption ctx watchlistOption preferences else ctx watchlistOption nochange param boolean followRedirect false true a maximum of one redirect will be followed In the event of a redirect a message is displayed to the user and the redirect target can be retrieved with getPageName false default the requested pageName will be used without regard to any redirect param boolean followCrossNsRedirect true Not applicable if followRedirect is not set true true default follow redirect even if it is a cross namespace redirect false don t follow redirect if it is cross namespace edit the redirect itself this setFollowRedirect function followRedirect followCrossNsRedirect if ctx pageLoaded ctx statusElement error Internal error cannot change redirect setting after the page has been loaded return ctx followRedirect followRedirect ctx followCrossNsRedirect typeof followCrossNsRedirect undefined followCrossNsRedirect ctx followCrossNsRedirect lookup creation setter function param boolean flag If set true the author and timestamp of the first non redirect version of the page is retrieved Warning 1 If there are no revisions among the first 50 that are non redirects or if there are less 50 revisions and all are redirects the original creation is retrieved 2 Revisions that the user is not privileged to access revdeled suppressed will be treated as non redirects 3 Must not be used when the page has a non wikitext contentmodel such as Modulespace Lua or user JavaScript CSS this setLookupNonRedirectCreator function flag ctx lookupNonRedirectCreator flag Move related setter functions param string destination this setMoveDestination function destination ctx moveDestination destination param boolean flag this setMoveTalkPage function flag ctx moveTalkPage flag param boolean flag this setMoveSubpages function flag ctx moveSubpages flag param boolean flag this setMoveSuppressRedirect function flag ctx moveSuppressRedirect flag Protect related setter functions param string level The right required for the specific action e g autoconfirmed sysop templateeditor extendedconfirmed enWiki only param string expiry infinity this setEditProtection function level expiry ctx protectEdit level level expiry expiry infinity this setMoveProtection function level expiry ctx protectMove level level expiry expiry infinity this setCreateProtection function level expiry ctx protectCreate level level expiry expiry infinity this setCascadingProtection function flag ctx protectCascade flag this suppressProtectWarning function ctx suppressProtectWarning true Revert related getters setters this setOldID function oldID ctx revertOldID oldID returns string The current revision ID of the page this getCurrentID function return ctx revertCurID returns string Last editor of the page this getRevisionUser function return ctx revertUser returns string ISO 8601 timestamp at which the page was last edited this getLastEditTime function return ctx lastEditTime Miscellaneous getters setters Define an object for use in a callback function callbackParameters is for use by the caller only The parameters allow a caller to pass the proper context into its callback function Callers must ensure that any changes to the callbackParameters object within a load callback still permit a proper re entry into the load callback if an edit conflict is detected upon calling save param object callbackParameters this setCallbackParameters function callbackParameters ctx callbackParameters callbackParameters returns object The object previously set by setCallbackParameters this getCallbackParameters function return ctx callbackParameters param Morebits status statusElement this setStatusElement function statusElement ctx statusElement statusElement returns Morebits status Status element created by the constructor this getStatusElement function return ctx statusElement param string level The right required for edits not to require review Possible options none autoconfirmed review not on enWiki param string expiry infinity this setFlaggedRevs function level expiry ctx flaggedRevs level level expiry expiry infinity returns boolean True if the page existed on the wiki when it was last loaded this exists function return ctx pageExists returns string Page ID of the page loaded 0 if the page doesn t exist this getPageID function return ctx pageID returns string Content model of the page Possible values include but may not be limited to wikitext javascript css json Scribunto sanitized css MassMessageListContent Also gettable via mw config get wgPageContentModel this getContentModel function return ctx contentModel returns boolean string Watched status of the page Boolean unless it s being watched temporarily in which case returns the expiry string this getWatched function return ctx watched returns string ISO 8601 timestamp at which the page was last loaded this getLoadTime function return ctx loadTime returns string The user who created the page following lookupCreation this getCreator function return ctx creator returns string The ISOString timestamp of page creation following lookupCreation this getCreationTimestamp function return ctx timestamp returns boolean whether or not you can edit the page this canEdit function return ctx testActions amp amp ctx testActions indexOf edit 1 Retrieves the username of the user who created the page as well as the timestamp of creation The username can be retrieved using the getCreator function the timestamp can be retrieved using the getCreationTimestamp function Prior to June 2019 known as lookupCreator param Function onSuccess Callback function to be called when the username and timestamp are found within the callback param Function onFailure Callback function to be called when the lookup fails this lookupCreation function onSuccess onFailure ctx onLookupCreationSuccess onSuccess ctx onLookupCreationFailure onFailure emptyFunction if onSuccess ctx statusElement error Internal error no onSuccess callback provided to lookupCreation ctx onLookupCreationFailure this return var query action query prop revisions titles ctx pageName rvlimit 1 rvprop user timestamp rvdir newer format json Only the wikitext content model can reliably handle rvsection others return an error when paired with the content rvprop Relatedly non wikitext models don t understand the REDIRECT concept so we shouldn t attempt the redirect resolution in fnLookupCreationSuccess if ctx lookupNonRedirectCreator query rvsection 0 query rvprop content if ctx followRedirect query redirects follow all redirects ctx lookupCreationApi new Morebits wiki api msg getting creator Retrieving page creation information query fnLookupCreationSuccess ctx statusElement ctx onLookupCreationFailure ctx lookupCreationApi setParent this ctx lookupCreationApi post Reverts a page to revertOldID set by setOldID param Function onSuccess Callback function to run on success param Function onFailure Callback function to run on failure this revert function onSuccess onFailure ctx onSaveSuccess onSuccess ctx onSaveFailure onFailure emptyFunction if ctx revertOldID ctx statusElement error Internal error revision ID to revert to was not set before revert ctx onSaveFailure this return ctx editMode revert this load fnAutoSave ctx onSaveFailure Moves a page to another title param Function onSuccess Callback function to run on success param Function onFailure Callback function to run on failure this move function onSuccess onFailure ctx onMoveSuccess onSuccess ctx onMoveFailure onFailure emptyFunction if fnPreflightChecks call this move ctx onMoveFailure return abort if ctx moveDestination ctx statusElement error Internal error destination page name was not set before move ctx onMoveFailure this return if fnCanUseMwUserToken move fnProcessMove call this this else var query fnNeedTokenInfoQuery move ctx moveApi new Morebits wiki api msg getting token retrieving token query fnProcessMove ctx statusElement ctx onMoveFailure ctx moveApi setParent this ctx moveApi post Marks the page as patrolled using rcid if available or revid Patrolling as such doesn t need to rely on loading the page in question simply passing a revid to the API is sufficient so in those cases just using link Morebits wiki api is probably preferable No error handling since we don t actually care about the errors this patrol function if Morebits userIsSysop amp amp Morebits userIsInGroup patroller return If a link is present don t need to check if it s patrolled if patrollink length var patrolhref patrollink a attr href ctx rcid mw util getParamValue rcid patrolhref fnProcessPatrol this this else var patrolQuery action query prop info meta tokens type patrol as long as we re querying might as well get a token list recentchanges check if the page is unpatrolled titles ctx pageName rcprop patrolled rctitle ctx pageName rclimit 1 format json ctx patrolApi new Morebits wiki api msg getting token retrieving token patrolQuery fnProcessPatrol ctx patrolApi setParent this ctx patrolApi post Marks the page as reviewed by the PageTriage extension Will by it s nature mark as patrolled as well Falls back to patrolling if not in an appropriate namespace Doesn t inherently rely on loading the page in question simply passing a pageid to the API is sufficient so in those cases just using link Morebits wiki api is probably preferable Will first check if the page is queued via link Morebits wiki page fnProcessTriageList fnProcessTriageList No error handling since we don t actually care about the errors see link https www mediawiki org wiki Extension PageTriage Referred to as review on wiki this triage function Fall back to patrol if not a valid triage namespace if mw config get pageTriageNamespaces indexOf new mw Title ctx pageName getNamespaceId 1 this patrol else if Morebits userIsSysop amp amp Morebits userIsInGroup patroller return If on the page in question don t need to query for page ID if new mw Title Morebits pageNameNorm getPrefixedText new mw Title ctx pageName getPrefixedText ctx pageID mw config get wgArticleId fnProcessTriageList this this else var query fnNeedTokenInfoQuery triage ctx triageApi new Morebits wiki api msg getting token retrieving token query fnProcessTriageList ctx triageApi setParent this ctx triageApi post delete is a reserved word in some flavours of JS Deletes a page for admins only param Function onSuccess Callback function to run on success param Function onFailure Callback function to run on failure this deletePage function onSuccess onFailure ctx onDeleteSuccess onSuccess ctx onDeleteFailure onFailure emptyFunction if fnPreflightChecks call this delete ctx onDeleteFailure return abort if fnCanUseMwUserToken delete fnProcessDelete call this this else var query fnNeedTokenInfoQuery delete ctx deleteApi new Morebits wiki api msg getting token retrieving token query fnProcessDelete ctx statusElement ctx onDeleteFailure ctx deleteApi setParent this ctx deleteApi post Undeletes a page for admins only param Function onSuccess Callback function to run on success param Function onFailure Callback function to run on failure this undeletePage function onSuccess onFailure ctx onUndeleteSuccess onSuccess ctx onUndeleteFailure onFailure emptyFunction if fnPreflightChecks call this undelete ctx onUndeleteFailure return abort if fnCanUseMwUserToken undelete fnProcessUndelete call this this else var query fnNeedTokenInfoQuery undelete ctx undeleteApi new Morebits wiki api msg getting token retrieving token query fnProcessUndelete ctx statusElement ctx onUndeleteFailure ctx undeleteApi setParent this ctx undeleteApi post Protects a page for admins only param Function onSuccess Callback function to run on success param Function onFailure Callback function to run on failure this protect function onSuccess onFailure ctx onProtectSuccess onSuccess ctx onProtectFailure onFailure emptyFunction if fnPreflightChecks call this protect ctx onProtectFailure return abort if ctx protectEdit amp amp ctx protectMove amp amp ctx protectCreate ctx statusElement error Internal error you must set edit and or move and or create protection before calling protect ctx onProtectFailure this return because of the way MW API interprets protection levels absolute not differential we always need to request protection levels from the server var query fnNeedTokenInfoQuery protect ctx protectApi new Morebits wiki api msg getting token retrieving token query fnProcessProtect ctx statusElement ctx onProtectFailure ctx protectApi setParent this ctx protectApi post Apply FlaggedRevs protection settings Only works on wikis where the extension is installed wgFlaggedRevsProtection true i e where FlaggedRevs settings appear on the protect tab see link https www mediawiki org wiki Extension FlaggedRevs Referred to as pending changes on wiki param Function onSuccess param Function onFailure this stabilize function onSuccess onFailure ctx onStabilizeSuccess onSuccess ctx onStabilizeFailure onFailure emptyFunction if fnPreflightChecks call this FlaggedRevs ctx onStabilizeFailure return abort if ctx flaggedRevs ctx statusElement error Internal error you must set flaggedRevs before calling stabilize ctx onStabilizeFailure this return if fnCanUseMwUserToken stabilize fnProcessStabilize call this this else var query fnNeedTokenInfoQuery stabilize ctx stabilizeApi new Morebits wiki api msg getting token retrieving token query fnProcessStabilize ctx statusElement ctx onStabilizeFailure ctx stabilizeApi setParent this ctx stabilizeApi post Private member functions These are not exposed outside Determines whether we can save an API call by using the csrf token sent with the page HTML or whether we need to ask the server for more info e g protection or watchlist expiry Currently used for append prepend newSection move stabilize deletePage and undeletePage Not used for protect since it always needs to request protection status param string action edit The action being undertaken e g edit or delete In practice only edit or notedit matters returns boolean var fnCanUseMwUserToken function action action typeof action undefined action edit IE doesn t support default parameters If a watchlist expiry is set we must always load the page to avoid overwriting indefinite protection Of course not needed if setting indefinite watching if ctx watchlistExpiry amp amp Morebits string isInfinity ctx watchlistExpiry return false API based redirect resolution only works for action query and action edit in append prepend new modes if ctx followRedirect if ctx followCrossNsRedirect return false must load the page to check for cross namespace redirects if action edit ctx editMode all ctx editMode revert return false do we need to fetch the edit protection expiry if Morebits userIsSysop amp amp ctx suppressProtectWarning if new mw Title Morebits pageNameNorm getPrefixedText new mw Title ctx pageName getPrefixedText return false wgRestrictionEdit is null on non existent pages so this neatly handles nonexistent pages var editRestriction mw config get wgRestrictionEdit if editRestriction editRestriction indexOf sysop 1 return false return mw user tokens get csrfToken When functions can t use link Morebits wiki page fnCanUseMwUserToken fnCanUseMwUserToken or require checking protection or watched status maintain the query in one place Used for link Morebits wiki page deletePage delete link Morebits wiki page undeletePage undelete link Morebits wiki page protect protect link Morebits wiki page stabilize stabilize and link Morebits wiki page move move basically just not link Morebits wiki page load load param string action The action being undertaken e g edit or delete returns object Appropriate query var fnNeedTokenInfoQuery function action var query action query meta tokens type csrf titles ctx pageName prop info inprop watched format json Protection not checked for flagged revs or non sysop moves if action stabilize amp amp action move Morebits userIsSysop query inprop protection if ctx followRedirect amp amp action undelete query redirects follow all redirects return query callback from loadSuccess for append prepend and newSection threads var fnAutoSave function pageobj pageobj save ctx onSaveSuccess ctx onSaveFailure callback from loadApi post var fnLoadSuccess function var response ctx loadApi getResponse query if fnCheckPageName response ctx onLoadFailure return abort var page response pages 0 rev ctx pageExists page missing if ctx pageExists rev page revisions 0 ctx lastEditTime rev timestamp ctx pageText rev content ctx pageID page pageid else ctx pageText allow for concatenation etc ctx pageID 0 nonexistent in response matches wgArticleId ctx csrfToken response tokens csrftoken if ctx csrfToken ctx statusElement error msg token fetch fail Failed to retrieve edit token ctx onLoadFailure this return ctx loadTime ctx loadApi getResponse curtimestamp if ctx loadTime ctx statusElement error Failed to retrieve current timestamp ctx onLoadFailure this return ctx contentModel page contentmodel ctx watched page watchlistexpiry page watched extract protection info to alert admins when they are about to edit a protected page Includes cascading protection if Morebits userIsSysop var editProt page protection filter function pr return pr type edit amp amp pr level sysop pop if editProt ctx fullyProtected editProt expiry else ctx fullyProtected false ctx revertCurID page lastrevid var testactions page actions ctx testActions was null Object keys testactions forEach function action if testactions action ctx testActions push action if ctx editMode revert ctx revertCurID rev amp amp rev revid if ctx revertCurID ctx statusElement error Failed to retrieve current revision ID ctx onLoadFailure this return ctx revertUser rev amp amp rev user if ctx revertUser if rev amp amp rev userhidden username was RevDel d or oversighted ctx revertUser lt username hidden gt else ctx statusElement error Failed to retrieve user who made the revision ctx onLoadFailure this return set revert edit summary ctx editSummary Help Revert Reverted to revision ctx revertOldID by ctx revertUser ctx editSummary ctx pageLoaded true alert Generate edit conflict now for testing edit conflict recovery logic ctx onLoadSuccess this invoke callback helper function to parse the page name returned from the API var fnCheckPageName function response onFailure if onFailure onFailure emptyFunction var page response pages amp amp response pages 0 if page check for invalid titles if page invalid ctx statusElement error msg invalid title ctx pageName The page title is invalid ctx pageName onFailure this return false abort retrieve actual title of the page after normalization and redirects var resolvedName page title if response redirects check for cross namespace redirect var origNs new mw Title ctx pageName namespace var newNs new mw Title resolvedName namespace if origNs newNs amp amp ctx followCrossNsRedirect ctx statusElement error msg cross redirect abort ctx pageName resolvedName ctx pageName is a cross namespace redirect to resolvedName aborted onFailure this return false only notify user for redirects not normalization new Morebits status Note msg redirected ctx pageName resolvedName Redirected from ctx pageName to resolvedName ctx pageName resolvedName update to redirect target or normalized name else could be a circular redirect or other problem ctx statusElement error msg redirect resolution fail ctx pageName Could not resolve redirects for ctx pageName onFailure this force error to stay on the screen Morebits wiki numberOfActionsLeft return false abort return true all OK Determine whether we should provide a watchlist expiry Will not do so if the page is currently permanently watched or the current expiry is after the new provided expiry Only handles strings recognized by link Morebits date or relative timeframes with unit it can process Relies on the fact that fnCanUseMwUserToken requires page loading if a watchlistexpiry is provided so we are ensured of knowing the watch status by the use of this returns boolean var fnApplyWatchlistExpiry function if ctx watchlistExpiry if ctx watched Morebits string isInfinity ctx watchlistExpiry return true else if typeof ctx watched string var newExpiry Attempt to determine if the new expiry is a relative e g 1 month or absolute datetime var rel ctx watchlistExpiry split try newExpiry new Morebits date add rel 0 rel 1 catch e newExpiry new Morebits date ctx watchlistExpiry If the date is valid only use it if it extends the current expiry if newExpiry isValid if newExpiry isAfter new Morebits date ctx watched return true else If it s still not valid hope it s a valid MW expiry format that Morebits date doesn t recognize so just default to using it This will also include minor typos return true return false callback from saveApi post var fnSaveSuccess function ctx editMode all cancel append prepend newSection revert modes var response ctx saveApi getResponse see if the API thinks we were successful if response edit result Success real success default on success action display link for edited page var link document createElement a link setAttribute href mw util getUrl ctx pageName link appendChild document createTextNode ctx pageName ctx statusElement info yerine yetirildi link if ctx onSaveSuccess ctx onSaveSuccess this invoke callback return errors here are only generated by extensions which hook APIEditBeforeSave within MediaWiki which as of 1 34 0 wmf 23 Sept 2019 should only encompass captcha messages if response edit captcha ctx statusElement error Could not save the page because the wiki server wanted you to fill out a CAPTCHA else ctx statusElement error msg api error unknown Unknown error received from API while saving page force error to stay on the screen Morebits wiki numberOfActionsLeft ctx onSaveFailure this callback from saveApi post var fnSaveError function var errorCode ctx saveApi getErrorCode check for edit conflict if errorCode editconflict amp amp ctx conflictRetries lt ctx maxConflictRetries edit conflicts can occur when the page needs to be purged from the server cache var purgeQuery action purge titles ctx pageName redirects are already resolved var purgeApi new Morebits wiki api msg editconflict purging Edit conflict detected purging server cache purgeQuery function Morebits wiki numberOfActionsLeft allow for normal completion if retry succeeds ctx statusElement info msg editconflict retrying Edit conflict detected reapplying edit if fnCanUseMwUserToken edit ctx saveApi post necessarily append prepend or newSection so this should work as desired else ctx loadApi post reload the page and reapply the edit ctx statusElement purgeApi post check for network or server error else if errorCode null errorCode undefined amp amp ctx retries lt ctx maxRetries the error might be transient so try again ctx statusElement info msg save failed retrying 2 Save failed retrying in 2 seconds Morebits wiki numberOfActionsLeft allow for normal completion if retry succeeds wait for sometime for client to regain connectivity sleep 2000 then function ctx saveApi post give it another go hard error give up else switch errorCode case protectedpage non admin attempting to edit a protected page this gives a friendlier message than the default ctx statusElement error Failed to save edit Page is protected break case abusefilter disallowed ctx statusElement error The edit was disallowed by the edit filter ctx saveApi getResponse error abusefilter description break case abusefilter warning ctx statusElement error A warning was returned by the edit filter ctx saveApi getResponse error abusefilter description If you wish to proceed with the edit please carry it out again This warning will not appear a second time We should provide the user with a way to automatically retry the action if they so choose I can t see how to do this without creating a UI dependency on Morebits wiki page though TTO break case spamblacklist If multiple items are blacklisted we only return the first var spam ctx saveApi getResponse error spamblacklist matches 0 ctx statusElement error Could not save the page because the URL spam is on the spam blacklist break default ctx statusElement error Failed to save edit ctx saveApi getErrorText ctx editMode all cancel append prepend newSection revert modes if ctx onSaveFailure ctx onSaveFailure this invoke callback var isTextRedirect function text if text no text content empty or inaccessible revdelled or suppressed return false return Morebits l10n redirectTagAliases some function tag return new RegExp s tag W i test text var fnLookupCreationSuccess function var response ctx lookupCreationApi getResponse query if fnCheckPageName response ctx onLookupCreationFailure return abort var rev response pages 0 revisions amp amp response pages 0 revisions 0 if rev ctx statusElement error Could not find any revisions of ctx pageName ctx onLookupCreationFailure this return if ctx lookupNonRedirectCreator isTextRedirect rev content ctx creator rev user if ctx creator ctx statusElement error Could not find name of page creator ctx onLookupCreationFailure this return ctx timestamp rev timestamp if ctx timestamp ctx statusElement error Sehifenin yaradilma vaxtini tapmaq mumkun olmadi ctx onLookupCreationFailure this return ctx statusElement info sehife yaratma melumatlari elde edildi ctx onLookupCreationSuccess this else ctx lookupCreationApi query rvlimit 50 modify previous query to fetch more revisions ctx lookupCreationApi query titles ctx pageName update pageName if redirect resolution took place in earlier query ctx lookupCreationApi new Morebits wiki api Retrieving page creation information ctx lookupCreationApi query fnLookupNonRedirectCreator ctx statusElement ctx onLookupCreationFailure ctx lookupCreationApi setParent this ctx lookupCreationApi post var fnLookupNonRedirectCreator function var response ctx lookupCreationApi getResponse query var revs response pages 0 revisions for var i 0 i lt revs length i if isTextRedirect revs i content ctx creator revs i user ctx timestamp revs i timestamp break if ctx creator fallback to give first revision author if no non redirect version in the first 50 ctx creator revs 0 user ctx timestamp revs 0 timestamp if ctx creator ctx statusElement error Could not find name of page creator ctx onLookupCreationFailure this return if ctx timestamp ctx statusElement error Could not find timestamp of page creation ctx onLookupCreationFailure this return ctx statusElement info retrieved page creation information ctx onLookupCreationSuccess this Common checks for action methods Used for move undelete delete protect stabilize param string action The action being checked param string onFailure Failure callback returns boolean var fnPreflightChecks function action onFailure if a non admin tries to do this don t bother if Morebits userIsSysop amp amp action move ctx statusElement error Cannot action page only admins can do that onFailure this return false if ctx editSummary ctx statusElement error Internal error action reason not set use setEditSummary function onFailure this return false return true all OK Common checks for fnProcess functions fnProcessDelete fnProcessMove etc Used for move undelete delete protect stabilize param string action The action being checked param string onFailure Failure callback param string response The response document from the API call returns boolean var fnProcessChecks function action onFailure response var missing response pages 0 missing No undelete as an existing page could have deleted revisions var actionMissing missing amp amp delete stabilize move indexOf action 1 var protectMissing action protect amp amp missing amp amp ctx protectEdit ctx protectMove var saltMissing action protect amp amp missing amp amp ctx protectCreate if actionMissing protectMissing saltMissing ctx statusElement error Cannot action the page because it missing no longer already exists onFailure this return false Delete undelete move extract protection info var editprot if action undelete editprot response pages 0 protection filter function pr return pr type create amp amp pr level sysop pop else if action delete action move editprot response pages 0 protection filter function pr return pr type edit amp amp pr level sysop pop if editprot amp amp ctx suppressProtectWarning amp amp confirm You are about to action the fully protected page ctx pageName editprot expiry infinity protected indefinitely protection expiring new Morebits date editprot expiry calendar utc UTC n nClick OK to proceed with action or Cancel to skip ctx statusElement error Aborted action on fully protected page onFailure this return false if response tokens csrftoken ctx statusElement error Failed to retrieve token onFailure this return false return true all OK var fnProcessMove function var pageTitle token if fnCanUseMwUserToken move token mw user tokens get csrfToken pageTitle ctx pageName else var response ctx moveApi getResponse query if fnProcessChecks move ctx onMoveFailure response return abort token response tokens csrftoken var page response pages 0 pageTitle page title ctx watched page watchlistexpiry page watched var query action move from pageTitle to ctx moveDestination token token reason ctx editSummary watchlist ctx watchlistOption format json if ctx changeTags query tags ctx changeTags if fnApplyWatchlistExpiry query watchlistexpiry ctx watchlistExpiry if ctx moveTalkPage query movetalk true if ctx moveSubpages query movesubpages true if ctx moveSuppressRedirect query noredirect true ctx moveProcessApi new Morebits wiki api msg moving page moving page query ctx onMoveSuccess ctx statusElement ctx onMoveFailure ctx moveProcessApi setParent this ctx moveProcessApi post var fnProcessPatrol function var query action patrol format json Didn t need to load the page if ctx rcid query rcid ctx rcid query token mw user tokens get patrolToken else var response ctx patrolApi getResponse query Don t patrol if not unpatrolled if response recentchanges 0 unpatrolled return var lastrevid response pages 0 lastrevid if lastrevid return query revid lastrevid var token response tokens csrftoken if token return query token token if ctx changeTags query tags ctx changeTags var patrolStat new Morebits status Marking page as patrolled ctx patrolProcessApi new Morebits wiki api patrolling page query null patrolStat ctx patrolProcessApi setParent this ctx patrolProcessApi post Ensure that the page is curatable var fnProcessTriageList function if ctx pageID ctx csrfToken mw user tokens get csrfToken else var response ctx triageApi getResponse query ctx pageID response pages 0 pageid if ctx pageID return ctx csrfToken response tokens csrftoken if ctx csrfToken return var query action pagetriagelist page id ctx pageID format json ctx triageProcessListApi new Morebits wiki api checking curation status query fnProcessTriage ctx triageProcessListApi setParent this ctx triageProcessListApi post callback from triageProcessListApi post var fnProcessTriage function var responseList ctx triageProcessListApi getResponse pagetriagelist Exit if not in the queue if responseList responseList result success return var page responseList pages amp amp responseList pages 0 Do nothing if page already triaged patrolled if page parseInt page patrol status 10 var query action pagetriageaction pageid ctx pageID reviewed 1 tags ctx changeTags pagetriage tag support phab T252980 Could use an adder to modify create note summaryAd but that seems overwrought token ctx csrfToken format json var triageStat new Morebits status Marking page as curated ctx triageProcessApi new Morebits wiki api curating page query null triageStat ctx triageProcessApi setParent this ctx triageProcessApi post var fnProcessDelete function var pageTitle token if fnCanUseMwUserToken delete token mw user tokens get csrfToken pageTitle ctx pageName else var response ctx deleteApi getResponse query if fnProcessChecks delete ctx onDeleteFailure response return abort token response tokens csrftoken var page response pages 0 pageTitle page title ctx watched page watchlistexpiry page watched var query action delete title pageTitle token token reason ctx editSummary watchlist ctx watchlistOption format json if ctx changeTags query tags ctx changeTags if fnApplyWatchlistExpiry query watchlistexpiry ctx watchlistExpiry ctx deleteProcessApi new Morebits wiki api deleting page query ctx onDeleteSuccess ctx statusElement fnProcessDeleteError ctx deleteProcessApi setParent this ctx deleteProcessApi post callback from deleteProcessApi post var fnProcessDeleteError function var errorCode ctx deleteProcessApi getErrorCode check for Database query error if errorCode internal api error DBQueryError amp amp ctx retries lt ctx maxRetries ctx statusElement info Database query error retrying Morebits wiki numberOfActionsLeft allow for normal completion if retry succeeds ctx deleteProcessApi post give it another go else if errorCode missingtitle ctx statusElement error Cannot delete the page because it no longer exists if ctx onDeleteFailure ctx onDeleteFailure call this ctx deleteProcessApi invoke callback hard error give up else ctx statusElement error Failed to delete the page ctx deleteProcessApi getErrorText if ctx onDeleteFailure ctx onDeleteFailure call this ctx deleteProcessApi invoke callback var fnProcessUndelete function var pageTitle token if fnCanUseMwUserToken undelete token mw user tokens get csrfToken pageTitle ctx pageName else var response ctx undeleteApi getResponse query if fnProcessChecks undelete ctx onUndeleteFailure response return abort token response tokens csrftoken var page response pages 0 pageTitle page title ctx watched page watchlistexpiry page watched var query action undelete title pageTitle token token reason ctx editSummary watchlist ctx watchlistOption format json if ctx changeTags query tags ctx changeTags if fnApplyWatchlistExpiry query watchlistexpiry ctx watchlistExpiry ctx undeleteProcessApi new Morebits wiki api undeleting page query ctx onUndeleteSuccess ctx statusElement fnProcessUndeleteError ctx undeleteProcessApi setParent this ctx undeleteProcessApi post callback from undeleteProcessApi post var fnProcessUndeleteError function var errorCode ctx undeleteProcessApi getErrorCode check for Database query error if errorCode internal api error DBQueryError if ctx retries lt ctx maxRetries ctx statusElement info Database query error retrying Morebits wiki numberOfActionsLeft allow for normal completion if retry succeeds ctx undeleteProcessApi post give it another go else ctx statusElement error Repeated database query error please try again if ctx onUndeleteFailure ctx onUndeleteFailure call this ctx undeleteProcessApi invoke callback else if errorCode cantundelete ctx statusElement error Cannot undelete the page either because there are no revisions to undelete or because it has already been undeleted if ctx onUndeleteFailure ctx onUndeleteFailure call this ctx undeleteProcessApi invoke callback hard error give up else ctx statusElement error Failed to undelete the page ctx undeleteProcessApi getErrorText if ctx onUndeleteFailure ctx onUndeleteFailure call this ctx undeleteProcessApi invoke callback var fnProcessProtect function var response ctx protectApi getResponse query if fnProcessChecks protect ctx onProtectFailure response return abort var token response tokens csrftoken var page response pages 0 var pageTitle page title ctx watched page watchlistexpiry page watched Fetch existing protection levels var prs response pages 0 protection var editprot moveprot createprot prs forEach function pr Filter out protection from cascading if pr type edit amp amp pr source editprot pr else if pr type move moveprot pr else if pr type create createprot pr Fall back to current levels if not explicitly set if ctx protectEdit amp amp editprot ctx protectEdit level editprot level expiry editprot expiry if ctx protectMove amp amp moveprot ctx protectMove level moveprot level expiry moveprot expiry if ctx protectCreate amp amp createprot ctx protectCreate level createprot level expiry createprot expiry Default to pre existing cascading protection if unchanged similar to above if ctx protectCascade null ctx protectCascade prs filter function pr return pr cascade length Warn if cascading protection being applied with an invalid protection level which for edit protection will cause cascading to be silently stripped if ctx protectCascade On move protection this is technically stricter than the MW API but seems reasonable to avoid dumb values and misleading log entries T265626 if ctx protectEdit ctx protectEdit level sysop ctx protectMove ctx protectMove level sysop amp amp confirm You have cascading protection enabled on ctx pageName but have not selected uniform sysop level protection n n Click OK to adjust and proceed with sysop level cascading protection or Cancel to skip this action ctx statusElement error Cascading protection was aborted ctx onProtectFailure this return ctx protectEdit level sysop ctx protectMove level sysop Build protection levels and expirys expiries for query var protections expirys if ctx protectEdit protections push edit ctx protectEdit level expirys push ctx protectEdit expiry if ctx protectMove protections push move ctx protectMove level expirys push ctx protectMove expiry if ctx protectCreate protections push create ctx protectCreate level expirys push ctx protectCreate expiry var query action protect title pageTitle token token protections protections join expiry expirys join reason ctx editSummary watchlist ctx watchlistOption format json Only shows up in logs not page history phab T259983 if ctx changeTags query tags ctx changeTags if fnApplyWatchlistExpiry query watchlistexpiry ctx watchlistExpiry if ctx protectCascade query cascade true ctx protectProcessApi new Morebits wiki api sehife muhafize edilir query ctx onProtectSuccess ctx statusElement ctx onProtectFailure ctx protectProcessApi setParent this ctx protectProcessApi post var fnProcessStabilize function var pageTitle token if fnCanUseMwUserToken stabilize token mw user tokens get csrfToken pageTitle ctx pageName else var response ctx stabilizeApi getResponse query stabilize as a verb not necessarily well understood if fnProcessChecks stabilize ctx onStabilizeFailure response return abort token response tokens csrftoken var page response pages 0 pageTitle page title Doesn t support watchlist expiry phab T263336 ctx watched page watchlistexpiry page watched var query action stabilize title pageTitle token token protectlevel ctx flaggedRevs level expiry ctx flaggedRevs expiry tags ctx changeTags flaggedrevs tag support phab T247721 reason ctx editSummary watchlist ctx watchlistOption format json Doesn t support watchlist expiry phab T263336 if fnApplyWatchlistExpiry query watchlistexpiry ctx watchlistExpiry ctx stabilizeProcessApi new Morebits wiki api configuring stabilization settings query ctx onStabilizeSuccess ctx statusElement ctx onStabilizeFailure ctx stabilizeProcessApi setParent this ctx stabilizeProcessApi post var sleep function milliseconds var deferred Deferred setTimeout deferred resolve milliseconds return deferred end Morebits wiki page Morebits wiki page TODO XXX Should we retry loads also Need to reset current action before the save Deal with action completed stuff Need to reset all parameters once done e g edit summary move destination etc Morebits wiki preview Use the API to parse a fragment of wikitext and render it as HTML The suggested implementation pattern in link Morebits simpleWindow and link Morebits quickForm situations is to construct a Morebits wiki preview object after rendering a Morebits quickForm and bind the object to an arbitrary property of the form e g previewer For an example see twinklewarn js memberof Morebits wiki class param HTMLElement previewbox The element that will contain the rendered HTML usually a lt div gt element Morebits wiki preview function previewbox this previewbox previewbox previewbox addClass morebits previewbox hide Displays the preview box and begins an asynchronous attempt to render the specified wikitext param string wikitext Wikitext to render most things should work including subst and param string pageTitle Optional parameter for the page this should be rendered as being on if omitted it is taken as the current page param string sectionTitle If provided render the text as a new section using this as the title returns jQuery promise this beginRender function wikitext pageTitle sectionTitle previewbox show var statusspan document createElement span previewbox appendChild statusspan Morebits status init statusspan var query action parse prop text pst true PST pre save transform this makes substitution work properly text wikitext title pageTitle mw config get wgPageName disablelimitreport true format json if sectionTitle query section new query sectiontitle sectionTitle var renderApi new Morebits wiki api yuklenir query fnRenderSuccess new Morebits status Sinaq gosterisi return renderApi post var fnRenderSuccess function apiobj var html apiobj getResponse parse text if html apiobj statelem error sinaq gosterisi edile bilmedi ve ya sablon bosaldilib return previewbox innerHTML html previewbox find a attr target blank this makes links open in new tab Hides the preview box and clears it this closePreview function previewbox empty hide Morebits wikitext Wikitext manipulation namespace Morebits wikitext memberof Morebits Morebits wikitext Get the value of every parameter found in the wikitext of a given template memberof Morebits wikitext param string text Wikitext containing a template param number start 0 Index noting where in the text the template begins returns object name templateName parameters key value Morebits wikitext parseTemplate function text start start start 0 var level Track of how deep we are or var count 1 Number of parameters found var unnamed 0 Keep track of what number an unnamed parameter should receive var equals 1 After finding before a parameter the index otherwise 1 var current var result name parameters var key value Function to handle finding parameter values param boolean final false Whether this is the final parameter and we need to remove the trailing function findParam final Nothing found yet this must be the template name if count 1 result name current substring 2 trim count else In a parameter if equals 1 We found an equals so save the parameter as key value key current substring 0 equals trim value final current substring equals 1 current length 2 trim current substring equals 1 trim result parameters key value equals 1 else No equals so it must be unnamed no trim since whitespace allowed var param final current substring equals 1 current length 2 current if param result parameters unnamed param count for var i start i lt text length i var test3 text substr i 3 if test3 test3 amp amp level level length 1 3 current test3 i 2 if test3 level push 3 else level pop continue var test2 text substr i 2 Entering a template or link if test2 test2 current test2 i if test2 level push 2 else level push wl continue Either leaving a link or template parser function if test2 amp amp level level length 1 2 test2 amp amp level level length 1 wl current test2 i level pop Find the final parameter if this really is the end if test2 amp amp level length 0 findParam true break continue if text charAt i amp amp level length 1 Another pipe found toplevel so parameter coming up findParam current else if equals 1 amp amp text charAt i amp amp level length 1 Equals found toplevel equals current length current text charAt i else Just advance the position current text charAt i return result Adjust and manipulate the wikitext of a page class memberof Morebits wikitext param string text Wikitext to be manipulated Morebits wikitext page function mediawikiPage text this text text Morebits wikitext page prototype text Removes links to link target from the page text param string link target returns Morebits wikitext page removeLink function link target Remove a leading colon to be handled later if link target indexOf 0 link target link target slice 1 var link re string ns title link target var idx link target indexOf if idx gt 0 ns link target slice 0 idx title link target slice idx 1 link re string Morebits namespaceRegex mw config get wgNamespaceIds ns toLowerCase replace g link re string Morebits pageNameRegex title Allow for an optional leading colon e g User Test Files and Categories become links with a leading colon e g File Test png var colon new RegExp Morebits namespaceRegex 6 14 test ns var link simple re new RegExp colon link re string g var link named re new RegExp colon link re string g this text this text replace link simple re 1 replace link named re 1 return this Comments out images from page text if used in a gallery deletes the whole line If used as a template argument not necessarily with File prefix the template parameter is commented out param string image Image name without File prefix param string reason Reason to be included in comment alongside the commented out image returns Morebits wikitext page commentOutImage function image reason var unbinder new Morebits unbinder this text unbinder unbind lt gt reason reason reason var image re string Morebits pageNameRegex image Check for normal image links i e File Foobar png Will eat the whole link var links re new RegExp Morebits namespaceRegex 6 s image re string s var allLinks Morebits string splitWeightedByKeys unbinder content for var i 0 i lt allLinks length i if links re test allLinks i var replacement lt reason allLinks i gt unbinder content unbinder content replace allLinks i replacement unbind the newly created comments unbinder unbind lt gt Check for gallery images i e instances that must start on a new line eventually preceded with some space and must include File prefix Will eat the whole line var gallery image re new RegExp s Morebits namespaceRegex 6 s image re string s mg unbinder content unbinder content replace gallery image re lt reason 1 gt unbind the newly created comments unbinder unbind lt gt Check free image usages for example as template arguments might have the File prefix excluded but must be preceded by an Will only eat the image name and the preceding bar and an eventual named parameter var free image re new RegExp s w s s Morebits namespaceRegex 6 s image re string mg unbinder content unbinder content replace free image re lt reason 1 gt Rebind the content now we are done this text unbinder rebind return this Converts uses of File image to File image data param string image Image name without File prefix param string data The display options returns Morebits wikitext page addToImageComment function image data var image re string Morebits pageNameRegex image var links re new RegExp Morebits namespaceRegex 6 s image re string s var allLinks Morebits string splitWeightedByKeys this text for var i 0 i lt allLinks length i if links re test allLinks i var replacement allLinks i just put it at the end replacement replacement replace data this text this text replace allLinks i replacement var gallery re new RegExp s image re string mg var newtext 1 2 data this text this text replace gallery re newtext return this Remove all transclusions of a template from page text param string template Page name whose transclusions are to be removed include namespace prefix only if not in template namespace returns Morebits wikitext page removeTemplate function template var template re string Morebits pageNameRegex template var links re new RegExp Morebits namespaceRegex 10 s template re string s var allTemplates Morebits string splitWeightedByKeys this text for var i 0 i lt allTemplates length i if links re test allTemplates i this text this text replace allTemplates i return this Smartly insert a tag atop page text but after specified templates such as hatnotes short description or deletion and protection templates Notably does not insert a newline after the tag param string tag The tag to be inserted param string string regex Templates after which to insert tag given as either as a regex valid string or an array to be joined by pipes param string flags i Regex flags to apply to provide no flags other falsey values will default to i param string string preRegex Optional regex string or array to match before any template matches i e before such as html comments returns Morebits wikitext page insertAfterTemplates function tag regex flags preRegex if typeof tag undefined throw new Error No tag provided length is only a property of strings and arrays so we shouldn t need to check type if typeof regex undefined regex length throw new Error No regex provided else if Array isArray regex regex regex join if typeof flags string flags i if preRegex preRegex length preRegex else if Array isArray preRegex preRegex preRegex join Regex is extra complicated to allow for templates with parameters and to handle whitespace properly this text this text replace new RegExp leading whitespace s capture template s s Pre template regex such as leading html comments preRegex begin template format s Template regex regex end main template name optionally with a number Probably remove the though d s template parameters end template format end capture s n trailing whitespace s flags 1 tag return this Get the manipulated wikitext returns string getText function return this text Morebits userspaceLogger Handles logging actions to a userspace log Used in CSD PROD and XFD memberof Morebits class param string logPageName Title of the subpage of the current user s log Morebits userspaceLogger function logPageName if logPageName throw new Error no log page name specified The text to prefix the log with upon creation defaults to empty type string this initialText The header level to use for months defaults to 3 type number this headerLevel 3 this changeTags Log the entry param string logText Doesn t include leading or param string summaryText Edit summary returns JQuery Promise this log function logText summaryText var def Deferred if logText return def reject var page new Morebits wiki page User mw config get wgUserName logPageName Adding entry to userspace log make this to logPageName page load function pageobj add blurb if log page doesn t exist or is blank var text pageobj getPageText this initialText create monthly header if it doesn t exist already var date new Morebits date pageobj getLoadTime if date monthHeaderRegex exec text text n n date monthHeader this headerLevel pageobj setPageText text n logText pageobj setEditSummary summaryText pageobj setChangeTags this changeTags pageobj setCreateOption recreate pageobj save def resolve def reject bind this return def Morebits status Create and show status messages of varying urgency link Morebits status init Morebits status init must be called before any status object is created otherwise those statuses won t be visible memberof Morebits class param string text Text before the the colon param string stat Text after the colon param string type status Determine the font color of the status line allowable values are status blue info green warn red or error bold red Morebits status function Status text stat type this textRaw text this text Morebits createHtml text this type type status this generate if stat this update stat type Specify an area for status message elements to be added to memberof Morebits status param HTMLElement root Usually a div element throws If root is not an HTMLElement Morebits status init function root if root instanceof Element throw new Error object not an instance of Element while root hasChildNodes root removeChild root firstChild Morebits status root root Morebits status errorEvent null Morebits status root null memberof Morebits status param Function handler Function to execute on error throws When handler is not a function Morebits status onError function handler if typeof handler function Morebits status errorEvent handler else throw Morebits status onError handler is not a function Morebits status prototype stat null statRaw null text null textRaw null type status target null node null linked false Add the status element node to the DOM link function if this linked amp amp Morebits status root Morebits status root appendChild this node this linked true Remove the status element node from the DOM unlink function if this linked Morebits status root removeChild this node this linked false Update the status param string status Part of status message after colon param string type status blue info green warn red or error bold red update function status type this statRaw status this stat Morebits createHtml status if type this type type if type error hack to force the page not to reload when an error is output see also Morebits status above Morebits wiki numberOfActionsLeft 1000 call error callback if Morebits status errorEvent Morebits status errorEvent also log error messages in the browser console console error this textRaw this statRaw eslint disable line no console this render Produce the html for first part of the status message generate function this node document createElement div this node appendChild document createElement span appendChild this text this node appendChild document createElement span appendChild document createTextNode this target this node appendChild document createElement span this target appendChild document createTextNode dummy node Complete the html for the second part of the status message render function this node className morebits status this type while this target hasChildNodes this target removeChild this target firstChild this target appendChild this stat this link status function status this update status status info function status this update status info warn function status this update status warn error function status this update status error memberof Morebits status param string text Before colon param string status After colon returns Morebits status status type blue Morebits status status function text status return new Morebits status text status memberof Morebits status param string text Before colon param string status After colon returns Morebits status info type green Morebits status info function text status return new Morebits status text status info memberof Morebits status param string text Before colon param string status After colon returns Morebits status warn type red Morebits status warn function text status return new Morebits status text status warn memberof Morebits status param string text Before colon param string status After colon returns Morebits status error type bold red Morebits status error function text status return new Morebits status text status error For the action complete message at the end create a status line without a colon separator memberof Morebits status param string text Morebits status actionCompleted function text var node document createElement div node appendChild document createElement b appendChild document createTextNode text node className morebits status info morebits action complete if Morebits status root Morebits status root appendChild node Display the user s rationale comments etc Back to them after a failure so that they may re use it memberof Morebits status param string comments param string message Morebits status printUserText function comments message var p document createElement p p innerHTML message var div document createElement div div className toccolours div style marginTop 0 div style whiteSpace pre wrap div textContent comments p appendChild div Morebits status root appendChild p Simple helper function to create a simple node param string type Type of HTML element param string content Text content param string color Font color returns HTMLElement Morebits htmlNode function type content color var node document createElement type if color node style color color node appendChild document createTextNode content return node Add shift click support for checkboxes The wikibits version window addCheckboxClickHandlers has some restrictions and doesn t work with checkboxes inside a sortable table so let s build our own param jQuerySelector param jQueryContext Morebits checkboxShiftClickSupport function jQuerySelector jQueryContext var lastCheckbox null function clickHandler event var thisCb this if event shiftKey amp amp lastCheckbox null var cbs jQuerySelector jQueryContext can t cache them obviously if we want to support resorting var index 1 lastIndex 1 i for i 0 i lt cbs length i if cbs i thisCb index i if lastIndex gt 1 break if cbs i lastCheckbox lastIndex i if index gt 1 break if index gt 1 amp amp lastIndex gt 1 inspired by wikibits var endState thisCb checked var start finish if index lt lastIndex start index 1 finish lastIndex else start lastIndex finish index 1 for i start i lt finish i if cbs i checked endState cbs i click lastCheckbox thisCb return true jQuerySelector jQueryContext click clickHandler Morebits batchOperation Iterates over a group of pages or arbitrary objects and executes a worker function for each setPageList pageList Sets the list of pages to work on It should be an array of page names strings setOption optionName optionValue Sets a known option chunkSize integer The size of chunks to break the array into default 50 Setting this to a small value lt 5 can cause problems preserveIndividualStatusLines boolean Keep each page s status element visible when worker is complete See note below run worker postFinish Runs the callback worker for each page in the list The callback must call workerSuccess when succeeding or workerFailure when failing If using link Morebits wiki api or link Morebits wiki page this is easily done by passing these two functions as parameters to the methods on those objects for instance page save batchOp workerSuccess batchOp workerFailure Make sure the methods are called directly if special success failure cases arise If you omit to call these methods the batch operation will stall after the first chunk Also ensure that either workerSuccess or workerFailure is called no more than once The second callback postFinish is executed when the entire batch has been processed If using preserveIndividualStatusLines you should try to ensure that the workerSuccess callback has access to the page title This is no problem for link Morebits wiki page objects But when using the API please set the pageName property on the link Morebits wiki api object There are sample batchOperation implementations using Morebits wiki page in twinklebatchdelete js twinklebatchundelete js and twinklebatchprotect js memberof Morebits class param string currentAction Morebits batchOperation function currentAction var ctx backing fields for public properties pageList null options chunkSize 50 preserveIndividualStatusLines false internal counters etc statusElement new Morebits status currentAction msg batch starting Performing batch operation worker null function that executes for each item in pageList postFinish null function that executes when the whole batch has been processed countStarted 0 countFinished 0 countFinishedSuccess 0 currentChunkIndex 1 pageChunks running false shouldn t be needed by external users but provided anyway for maximum flexibility this getStatusElement function return ctx statusElement Sets the list of pages to work on param Array pageList Array of objects over which you wish to execute the worker function This is usually the list of page names strings this setPageList function pageList ctx pageList pageList Sets a known option param string optionName Name of the option chunkSize integer The size of chunks to break the array into default 50 Setting this to a small value lt 5 can cause problems preserveIndividualStatusLines boolean Keep each page s status element visible when worker is complete param number boolean optionValue Value to which the option is to be set Should be an integer for chunkSize and a boolean for preserveIndividualStatusLines this setOption function optionName optionValue ctx options optionName optionValue Runs the first callback for each page in the list The callback must call workerSuccess when succeeding or workerFailure when failing Runs the optional second callback when the whole batch has been processed param Function worker param Function postFinish this run function worker postFinish if ctx running ctx statusElement error Batch operation is already running return ctx running true ctx worker worker ctx postFinish postFinish ctx countStarted 0 ctx countFinished 0 ctx countFinishedSuccess 0 ctx currentChunkIndex 1 ctx pageChunks var total ctx pageList length if total ctx statusElement info msg batch no pages no pages specified ctx running false if ctx postFinish ctx postFinish return chunk page list into more manageable units ctx pageChunks Morebits array chunk ctx pageList ctx options chunkSize start the process Morebits wiki addCheckpoint ctx statusElement status 0 fnStartNewChunk To be called by worker before it terminates successfully param Morebits wiki page Morebits wiki api string arg This should be the Morebits wiki page or Morebits wiki api object used by worker for the adjustment of status lines emitted by them If no Morebits wiki object is used e g you re using mw Api or something else and preserveIndividualStatusLines option is on give the page name string as argument this workerSuccess function arg if arg instanceof Morebits wiki api arg instanceof Morebits wiki page update or remove status line var statelem arg getStatusElement if ctx options preserveIndividualStatusLines if arg getPageName arg pageName arg query amp amp arg query title we know the page title display a relevant message var pageName arg getPageName arg getPageName arg pageName arg query title statelem info msg batch done page pageName yerine yetirildi pageName else we don t know the page title just display a generic message statelem info msg done yerine yetirildi else remove the status line automatically produced by Morebits wiki statelem unlink else if typeof arg string amp amp ctx options preserveIndividualStatusLines new Morebits status arg msg batch done page arg yerine yetirildi arg ctx countFinishedSuccess fnDoneOne this workerFailure function fnDoneOne private functions var thisProxy this var fnStartNewChunk function var chunk ctx pageChunks ctx currentChunkIndex if chunk return done yay start workers for the current chunk ctx countStarted chunk length chunk forEach function page ctx worker page thisProxy var fnDoneOne function ctx countFinished update overall status line var total ctx pageList length if ctx countFinished lt total var progress Math round 100 ctx countFinished total ctx statusElement status msg percent progress progress start a new chunk if we re close enough to the end of the previous chunk and we haven t already started the next one if ctx countFinished gt ctx countStarted Math max ctx options chunkSize 10 2 amp amp Math floor ctx countFinished ctx options chunkSize gt ctx currentChunkIndex fnStartNewChunk else if ctx countFinished total var statusString msg batch progress ctx countFinishedSuccess ctx countFinished Tamamlandi ctx countFinishedSuccess ctx countFinished sayda emeliyyat ugurla yerine yetirildi if ctx countFinishedSuccess lt ctx countFinished ctx statusElement warn statusString else ctx statusElement info statusString if ctx postFinish ctx postFinish Morebits wiki removeCheckpoint ctx running false else ctx countFinished gt total just for giggles well serious debugging actually ctx statusElement warn Done overshot by ctx countFinished total Morebits wiki removeCheckpoint ctx running false Given a set of asynchronous functions to run along with their dependencies run them in an efficient sequence so that multiple functions that don t depend on each other are triggered simultaneously Where dependencies exist it ensures that the dependency functions finish running before the dependent function runs The values resolved by the dependencies are made available to the dependant as arguments memberof Morebits class Morebits taskManager function context this taskDependencyMap new Map this failureCallbackMap new Map this deferreds new Map this allDeferreds Hack IE doesn t support Map prototype values this context context window Register a task along with its dependencies tasks which should have finished execution before we can begin this one Each task is a function that must return a promise The function will get the values resolved by the dependency functions as arguments param Function func A task param Function deps Its dependencies param Function onFailure a failure callback that s run if the task or any one of its dependencies fail this add function func deps onFailure this taskDependencyMap set func deps this failureCallbackMap set func onFailure function var deferred Deferred this deferreds set func deferred this allDeferreds push deferred Run all the tasks Multiple tasks may be run at once returns jQuery Promise Resolved if all tasks succeed rejected otherwise this execute function var self this proxy for this for use inside functions where this is something else this taskDependencyMap forEach function deps task var dependencyPromisesArray deps map function dep return self deferreds get dep when apply self context dependencyPromisesArray then function var result task apply self context arguments if result undefined maybe the function threw or it didn t return anything mw log error Morebits taskManager task returned undefined self deferreds get task reject apply self context arguments self failureCallbackMap get task apply self context result then function self deferreds get task resolve apply self context arguments function task failed self deferreds get task reject apply self context arguments self failureCallbackMap get task apply self context arguments function one or more of the dependencies failed self failureCallbackMap get task apply self context arguments return when apply null this allDeferreds resolved when everything is done A simple draggable window now a wrapper for jQuery UI s dialog feature memberof Morebits class requires jquery ui dialog param number width param number height The maximum allowable height for the content area Morebits simpleWindow function SimpleWindow width height var content document createElement div this content content content className morebits dialog content content id morebits dialog content Math round Math random 1e15 this height height this content dialog autoOpen false buttons Placeholder button function dialogClass morebits dialog width Math min parseInt window innerWidth 10 parseInt width width 800 10 give jQuery the given height value which represents the anticipated height of the dialog here so it can position the dialog appropriately the 20 pixels represents adjustment for the extra height of the jQuery dialog chrome compared to that of the old SimpleWindow height height 20 close function event dialogs and their content can be destroyed once closed event target dialog destroy remove resizeStart function this scrollbox this find morebits scrollbox 0 if this scrollbox this scrollbox style maxHeight none resizeStop function this scrollbox null resize function this style maxHeight if this scrollbox this scrollbox style width var widget this content dialog widget delete the placeholder button it s only there so the buttonpane gets created widget find button each function key value value parentNode removeChild value add container for the buttons we add and the footer links if any var buttonspan document createElement span buttonspan className morebits dialog buttons var linksspan document createElement span linksspan className morebits dialog footerlinks widget find ui dialog buttonpane append buttonspan linksspan resize the scrollbox with the dialog if one is present widget resizable option alsoResize this content id morebits scrollbox this content id Morebits simpleWindow prototype buttons height 600 hasFooterLinks false scriptName null Focuses the dialog This might work or on the contrary it might not returns Morebits simpleWindow focus function this content dialog moveToTop return this Closes the dialog If this is set as an event handler it will stop the event from doing anything more param event event returns Morebits simpleWindow close function event if event event preventDefault this content dialog close return this Shows the dialog Calling display on a dialog that has previously been closed might work but it is not guaranteed returns Morebits simpleWindow display function if this scriptName var widget this content dialog widget widget find morebits dialog scriptname remove var scriptnamespan document createElement span scriptnamespan className morebits dialog scriptname scriptnamespan textContent this scriptName u00B7 U 00B7 MIDDLE DOT amp middot widget find ui dialog title prepend scriptnamespan var dialog this content dialog open if window setupTooltips amp amp window pg amp amp window pg re amp amp window pg re diff tie in with NAVPOP dialog parent 0 ranSetupTooltipsAlready false window setupTooltips dialog parent 0 this setHeight this height init height algorithm return this Sets the dialog title param string title returns Morebits simpleWindow setTitle function title this content dialog option title title return this Sets the script name appearing as a prefix to the title to help users determine which user script is producing which dialog For instance Twinkle modules set this to Twinkle param string name returns Morebits simpleWindow setScriptName function name this scriptName name return this Sets the dialog width param number width returns Morebits simpleWindow setWidth function width this content dialog option width width return this Sets the dialog s maximum height The dialog will auto size to fit its contents but the content area will grow no larger than the height given here param number height returns Morebits simpleWindow setHeight function height this height height from display time onwards let the browser determine the optimum height and instead limit the height at the given value note that the given height will exclude the approx 20px that the jQuery UI chrome has in height in addition to the height of an equivalent classic Morebits simpleWindow if parseInt getComputedStyle this content dialog widget 0 null height 10 gt window innerHeight this content dialog option height window innerHeight 2 dialog option position top else this content dialog option height auto this content dialog widget find morebits dialog content 0 style maxHeight parseInt this height 30 10 px return this Sets the content of the dialog to the given element node usually from rendering a link Morebits quickForm Re enumerates the footer buttons but leaves the footer links as they are Be sure to call this at least once before the dialog is displayed param HTMLElement content returns Morebits simpleWindow setContent function content this purgeContent this addContent content return this Adds the given element node to the dialog content param HTMLElement content returns Morebits simpleWindow addContent function content this content appendChild content look for submit buttons in the content hide them and add a proxy button to the button pane var thisproxy this this content find input type submit button type submit each function key value value style display none var button document createElement button button textContent value hasAttribute value value getAttribute value value textContent value textContent msg submit Sorgunu gonder button className value className submitButtonProxy here is an instance of cheap coding probably a memory usage hit in using a closure here button addEventListener click function value click false thisproxy buttons push button remove all buttons from the button pane and re add them if this buttons length gt 0 this content dialog widget find morebits dialog buttons empty append this buttons 0 removeAttribute data empty else this content dialog widget find morebits dialog buttons 0 setAttribute data empty data empty used by CSS return this Removes all contents from the dialog barring any footer links returns Morebits simpleWindow purgeContent function this buttons delete all buttons in the buttonpane this content dialog widget find morebits dialog buttons empty while this content hasChildNodes this content removeChild this content firstChild return this Adds a link in the bottom right corner of the dialog This can be used to provide help or policy links For example Twinkle s CSD module adds a link to the CSD policy page as well as a link to Twinkle s documentation param string text Display text param string wikiPage Link target param boolean prep false Set true to prepend rather than append returns Morebits simpleWindow addFooterLink function text wikiPage prep var footerlinks this content dialog widget find morebits dialog footerlinks if this hasFooterLinks var bullet document createElement span bullet textContent msg bullet separator u2022 U 2022 BULLET if prep footerlinks prepend bullet else footerlinks append bullet var link document createElement a link setAttribute href mw util getUrl wikiPage link setAttribute title wikiPage link setAttribute target blank link textContent text if prep footerlinks prepend link else footerlinks append link this hasFooterLinks true return this Sets whether the window should be modal or not Modal dialogs create an overlay below the dialog but above other page elements This must be used if necessary before calling display param boolean modal false If set to true other items on the page will be disabled i e cannot be interacted with returns Morebits simpleWindow setModality function modal this content dialog option modal modal return this Enables or disables all footer buttons on all link Morebits simpleWindow s in the current page This should be called with false when the button s become irrelevant e g just before link Morebits status init is called This is not an instance method so that consumers don t have to keep a reference to the original Morebits simpleWindow object sitting around somewhere Anyway most of the time there will only be one Morebits simpleWindow open so this shouldn t matter memberof Morebits simpleWindow param boolean enabled Morebits simpleWindow setButtonsEnabled function enabled morebits dialog buttons button prop disabled enabled window document jQuery End wrap with anonymous function If this script is being executed outside a ResourceLoader context we add some global assignments for legacy scripts hopefully these can be removed down the line IMPORTANT NOTE PLEASE DO NOT USE THESE ALIASES IN NEW CODE Thanks if typeof arguments undefined typeof is here for a reason global Morebits window SimpleWindow Morebits simpleWindow window QuickForm Morebits quickForm window Wikipedia Morebits wiki window Status Morebits status lt nowiki gt Menbe https az wikipedia org w index php title MediaViki Gadget morebits js amp oldid 6315904, wikipedia, oxu, kitab, kitabxana, axtar, tap, hersey,

ne axtarsan burda

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