
Böyük transformasiya

Böyük transformasiya (ing. The Great Transformation) — Macarıstan mənşəli Amerika alimi Karl Polaninin tarixi və iqtisadi araşdırmaları. İlk dəfə 1944-cü ildə nəşr edilmişdir.

Böyük transformasiya
The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time
Janr İqtisadi tarix
Müəllif Karl Polani
Orijinal dili ingiliscə
ISBN 978-0-8070-5679-0, 978-4-492-37107-7

Tədqiqat kapitalizmin formalaşması və inkişafı dövrünün siyasi və sosial proseslərinə həsr edilmişdir. Polani, bazar iqtisadiyyatı və millət dövləti ayrı-ayrılıqda deyil, tək bir fenomen olaraq qəbul edilməli olduğunu iddia edir  — bazar cəmiyyəti və ya cəmiyyət bazarı. Onun meydana çıxması ənənəvi ictimai düzəni məhv etdi - bəşər tarixinin əksər hissəsində iqtisadi fəaliyyət ictimai münasibətlərdən ayrılmadı, müəllif dəyişikliklərin böyüklüyünü vurğuladı. Yeni institusional quruluş XX əsrin kataklizmlərinə yol açan əks tendensiyalara səbəb oldu.

Polaninin fikrincə, özünü tənzimləyən bazar ideyası insan təbiətindən və ya sosial inkişafdan qaynaqlanmayıb, sənaye inqilabının sosial fəlakətlərini izah etməyə çalışaraq XIX əsrin əvvəllərindəki konkret tarixi şəraitdə ortaya çıxdı. Müdaxilə etməmək prinsipi (fr. laissez-faire) planlı şəkildə həyata keçirilmiş, dövlətin birbaşa iştirakı ilə siyasi mübarizə gedişində tətbiq edilmişdir. Sərbəst bazarın formalaşması iqtisadi və siyasi sahələrə institusional bir bölgü və əməyin, torpağın və pulun əmtəəyə çevrilməsini tələb edirdi. XIX əsrin iqtisadi sistemi rəqabətçi əmək bazarı, sərbəst ticarət və qızıl standartına söykənirdi. Özünü tənzimləyən bazar, misli görünməmiş maddi rifah səviyyəsində bir artım təmin etdi, bununla birlikdə cəmiyyəti öz qanunlarına tabe edərək, spontan bir reaksiyaya, cəmiyyətin özünümüdafiə tədbirləri şəklində təbii bir reaksiyaya səbəb oldu.

"Böyük transformasiya" sosial liberalizmin və sərbəst bazar kapitalizminin tənəzzülünü təhlil etmək üçün ümumi bir çərçivə yaradaraq, ictimai düşüncədə klassik oldu. Kitabın bir çox fikri elmi dövriyyəyə daxil oldu və sosial elmlərdə müxtəlif araşdırmalara təkan verdi, baxmayaraq ki, müəllifin bir sıra müddəaları rədd edildi və yenidən nəzərdən keçirildi.


  1. North, 1977. səh. 703—704, 706
  2. Hann, Hart, 2009. səh. 12
  3. Hart, 2009. səh. 99
  4. Dale, 2016. səh. 7
  5. Palumbo, Scott, 2019. səh. 13
  6. Block, Somers, 2014. səh. 6
  7. Blyth, 2004. səh. 118
  8. Lie, 1991. səh. 225—226
  9. Holmes, 2012. səh. 473


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  • Akturk, Sener. (2006). Between Aristotle and the Welfare State: The Establishment, Enforcement, and Transformation of the Moral Economy in Karl Polanyi's "The Great Transformation" (Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory). Berghahn Books. 100–122.
  • Aulenbacher, Brigitte[de]. Bärnthaler, Richard. Novy, Andreas. (2019). Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation, and Contemporary Capitalism. 44 (Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie). Springer VS. 105–113.
  • Baum, Gregory. (1996). Karl Polanyi on ethics and economics. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press. ISBN 0-7735-1395-7.
  • Beckert, Jens (2009). The great transformation of embeddedness: Karl Polanyi and the new economic sociology (Market and Society: The Great Transformation Today). Cambridge, N. Y.: Cambridge University Press. K. Hart and Ch. Hann (eds.). 38–55. ISBN 978-0-511-54074-5.
  • Block, Fred. Somers, Margaret R. (1984). Beyond the economistic fallacy: the holistic social science of Karl Polanyi (Vision and method in historical sociology). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. T. Skocpol (ed.). 47–84.
  • Block, Fred. Somers, Margaret R. (2017). Karl Polanyi in an Age of Uncertainty. 46 (Contemporary Sociology). 379–392.
  • Block, Fred. Somers, Margaret R. (2014). The Power of Market Fundamentalism: Karl Polanyi's Critique. Cambridge, MA; L.: Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0674970885.
  • Blyth, Mark. (2002). Great Transformations: Economic Ideas and Institutional Change in the Twentieth Century. N. Y., etc.: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521811767.
  • Blyth, Mark (2004). The great transformation in understanding Polanyi: Reply to Hejeebu and Mccloskey. 16 (Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society). 117–133.
  • Booth, William James (1994). On the Idea of the Moral Economy. 88 (The American Political Science Review). 653–667.
  • Brick, Howard (2015). Сh. 5. The Displacement of Economy in an Age of Plenty. // Transcending Capitalism: Visions of a New Society in Modern American Thought. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0-8014-5428-8.
  • Burawoy, Michael. (2019). Afterword: Resolving Polanyi's paradox (Karl Polanyi's Political and Economic Thought: A Critical Guide). Agenda Publishing. G. Dale, Ch. Holmes, M. Markantonatou (eds.). 213–224. ISBN 9781788210911.
  • Dale, Gareth (2010). Karl Polanyi: The Limits of the Market. Malden, MA: Polity Press. ISBN 978-0-7456-4071-6.
  • Dale, Gareth (2016). Reconstructing Karl Polanyi. L.: Pluto Press. ISBN 978-1-7837-1791-0.
  • Dale, Gareth (2016). Karl Polanyi: a life on the left. N. Y.: Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-231-54148-0.
  • England, Christopher M. (2019). The Existential Foundations of Political Economy: Process and Predicament. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 978-1527540057.
  • Gemici, Kurtuluş. (2008). Karl Polanyi and the antinomies of embeddedness. 6 (Socio-Economic Review). 5–33.
  • Gemici, Kurtuluş. (2015). The Neoclassical Origins of Polanyi’s Self-Regulating Market. 33 (Sociological Theory). SAGE. 125–147.
  • Gemici, Kurtuluş. (2019). Money (Karl Polanyi's Political and Economic Thought: A Critical Guide). Agenda Publishing. G. Dale, Ch. Holmes, M. Markantonatou (eds.). 109–130. ISBN 9781788210911.
  • Germain, Randall. (2019). International political economy (Karl Polanyi's Political and Economic Thought: A Critical Guide). Agenda Publishing. G. Dale, Ch. Holmes, M. Markantonatou (eds.). 27–48. ISBN 9781788210911.
  • Gräser, Marcus. (2019). Historicizing Karl Polanyi. 44 (Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie). Springer VS. 129–141.
  • Hann, Chris. Hart, Keith. (2009). Introduction: Learning from Polanyi (Market and Society: The Great Transformation Today). Cambridge, N. Y.: Cambridge University Press. K. Hart and Ch. Hann (eds.). 1–16. ISBN 978-0-511-54074-5.
  • Hart, Keith. (2009). Money in the making of world society (Market and Society: The Great Transformation Today). Cambridge, N. Y.: Cambridge University Press. K. Hart and Ch. Hann (eds.). 91–105. ISBN 978-0-511-54074-5.
  • Harvey, David (2014). Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism. N. Y.: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-936026-0.
  • Hechter, Michael. (1981). Karl Polanyi's Social Theory: A Critique. 10 (Politics & Society). 399–429.
  • Hejeebu, Santhi. McCloskey, Deirdre (1999). The reproving of Karl Polanyi. 13 (Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society). 285–314.
  • Hodgson, Geoffrey M. (2017). Karl Polanyi on economy and society: a critical analysis of core concepts. 75 (Review of Social Economy). 1–25.
  • Holmes, Christopher. (2012). Problems and opportunities in Polanyian analysis today (review article). 41 (Economy and Society). 468–484.
  • Holmes, Christopher. Yarrow, David. (2019). Economic ideas (Karl Polanyi's Political and Economic Thought: A Critical Guide). Agenda Publishing. G. Dale, Ch. Holmes, M. Markantonatou (eds.). 7–26. ISBN 9781788210911.
  • Innset, Ola. (2017). Markets, Knowledge and Human Nature: Friedrich Hayek, Karl Polanyi and Twentieth-century Debates on Modern Social Order. 47 (European History Quarterly). SAGE. 679–700.
  • Isaac, Barry L. (2005). Karl Polanyi (A Handbook of Economic Anthropology). Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA.: Edward Elgar Publishing. J. G. Carrier (ed.). 14–25. ISBN 1-84376-175-0.
  • Katznelson, Ira (2003). Desolation and Enlightenment: Political Knowledge After Total War. N. Y.: Columbia University Press. ISBN 0231111959.
  • Keaney, Michael. (2018). Book Review: The Emotional Logic of Capitalism: What Progressives Have Missed. 50 (Review of Radical Political Economics). SAGE. 601–605.
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  • Knafo, Samuel. (2019). The gold standard (Karl Polanyi's Political and Economic Thought: A Critical Guide). Agenda Publishing. G. Dale, Ch. Holmes, M. Markantonatou (eds.). 89–108. ISBN 9781788210911.
  • Konings, Martijn (2015). The Emotional Logic of Capitalism: What Progressives Have Missed. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. ISBN 9780804794473.
  • Lacher, Hannes. (1999). The Politics of the Market: Re-reading Karl Polanyi. 13 (Global Society). University of Kent. 313–326.
  • Lacher, Hannes. (2019). Karl Polanyi, the “always-embedded market economy,” and the re-writing of The Great Transformation. 48 (Theory and Society). 671–707.
  • Latour, Bruno (2006). La guerre des deux Karl ou comment faire pour anthropologiser l'économie // Chroniques d’un amateur de sciences. P.: Presses des Mines. ISBN 9782911762765.
  • Levien, Michael. (2018). Reconstructing Polanyi? Review essay on «Reconstructing Polanyi: Excavation and Critique» by Gareth Dale. 49 (Development and Change). 1115–1126.
  • Lie, John. (1991). Embedding Polanyi's Market Society. 34 (Sociological Perspectives). SAGE. 219–235.
  • Lindsay, Peter. (2015). Polanyi, Hayek, and the Impossibility of Libertarian Ideal Theory. 47 (Polity). Palgrave Macmillan. 376–396.
  • Martin, Isaac William. (2015). Reading The Great Transformation. 44 (Contemporary Sociology). 163–166.
  • Mirowski, Philip. (2018). Polanyi vs Hayek?. 15 (Globalizations). Taylor & Francis. 894–910.
  • North, Douglass. (1977). Markets and Other Allocation Systems in History: The Challenge of Karl Polanyi. 6 (Journal of European Economic History). 703–716.
  • Palumbo, Antonino. Scott, Alan. (2017). Remaking Market Society: A Critique of Social Theory and Political Economy in Neoliberal Times. N. Y.: Routledge. ISBN 9780203796375.
  • Palumbo, Antonino. Scott, Alan. (2019). The Market as Statecraft: A Polanyian Reading. 9 (Global Dialogue). International Sociological Association. 13–14.
  • Robotham, Don. (2009). Afterword: learning from Polanyi 2 (Market and Society: The Great Transformation Today). Cambridge, N. Y.: Cambridge University Press. K. Hart and Ch. Hann (eds.). 272–283. ISBN 978-0-511-54074-5.
  • Rogan, Tim (2017). R.H. Tawney, Karl Polanyi, E.P. Thompson, and the critique of capitalism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 97806911730090.
  • Servet, Jean-Michel (2009). Toward an alternative economy: Reconsidering the market, money, and value (Market and Society: The Great Transformation Today). Cambridge, N. Y.: Cambridge University Press. K. Hart and Ch. Hann (eds.). 72–90. ISBN 978-0-511-54074-5.
  • Spittler, Gerd[de] (2009). Contesting The Great Transformation: Work in comparative perspective (Market and Society: The Great Transformation Today). Cambridge, N. Y.: Cambridge University Press. K. Hart and Ch. Hann (eds.). 160–174. ISBN 978-0-511-54074-5.
  • Steiner, Philippe. (2009). The critique of the economic point of view: Karl Polanyi and the Durkheimians (Market and Society: The Great Transformation Today). Cambridge, N. Y.: Cambridge University Press. K. Hart and Ch. Hann (eds.). 56–71. ISBN 978-0-511-54074-5.
  • Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2001). Foreword (The great transformation: the political and economic origins of our time). Boston: Beacon Press. K. Polanyi. ISBN 0-8070-5643-x.
  • Watson, Matthew. (2014). The great transformation and progressive possibilities: the political limits of Polanyi’s Marxian history of economic ideas. 43 (Economy and Society). Taylor & Francis. 603–625.

Xarici keçidlər

  • Радаев, Вадим Валерьевич (2002). Поланьи К. Великая трансформация: политические и экономические истоки нашего времени (PDF). 3 (Экономическая социология). 115–117.
  • Ганжа Р. (2002). Базарный век, жестокие сердца. 12 (Отечественные записки).
  • Нуреев, Рустем Махмутович, Латов Ю. В. (2006). Предисловие. Карл Поланьи — наш современник (PDF) («Великая трансформация» Карла Поланьи: прошлое, настоящее, будущее). М.: Изд. дом ГУ ВШЭ. под общ. ред. Р. М. Нуреева. ISBN 5-7598-0423-5.

böyük, transformasiya, great, transformation, macarıstan, mənşəli, amerika, alimi, karl, polaninin, tarixi, iqtisadi, araşdırmaları, dəfə, 1944, ildə, nəşr, edilmişdir, great, transformation, political, economic, origins, timejanr, iqtisadi, tarixmüəllif, karl. Boyuk transformasiya ing The Great Transformation Macaristan menseli Amerika alimi Karl Polaninin tarixi ve iqtisadi arasdirmalari Ilk defe 1944 cu ilde nesr edilmisdir Boyuk transformasiyaThe Great Transformation The Political and Economic Origins of Our TimeJanr Iqtisadi tarixMuellif Karl PolaniOrijinal dili ingilisceISBN 978 0 8070 5679 0 978 4 492 37107 7Tedqiqat kapitalizmin formalasmasi ve inkisafi dovrunun siyasi ve sosial proseslerine hesr edilmisdir 1 2 3 4 5 Polani bazar iqtisadiyyati ve millet dovleti ayri ayriliqda deyil tek bir fenomen olaraq qebul edilmeli oldugunu iddia edir 6 bazar cemiyyeti ve ya cemiyyet bazari Onun meydana cixmasi enenevi ictimai duzeni mehv etdi beser tarixinin ekser hissesinde iqtisadi fealiyyet ictimai munasibetlerden ayrilmadi muellif deyisikliklerin boyukluyunu vurguladi Yeni institusional qurulus XX esrin kataklizmlerine yol acan eks tendensiyalara sebeb oldu Polaninin fikrince ozunu tenzimleyen bazar ideyasi insan tebietinden ve ya sosial inkisafdan qaynaqlanmayib senaye inqilabinin sosial felaketlerini izah etmeye calisaraq XIX esrin evvellerindeki konkret tarixi seraitde ortaya cixdi Mudaxile etmemek prinsipi fr laissez faire planli sekilde heyata kecirilmis dovletin birbasa istiraki ile siyasi mubarize gedisinde tetbiq edilmisdir 7 Serbest bazarin formalasmasi iqtisadi ve siyasi sahelere institusional bir bolgu ve emeyin torpagin ve pulun emteeye cevrilmesini teleb edirdi 8 9 XIX esrin iqtisadi sistemi reqabetci emek bazari serbest ticaret ve qizil standartina soykenirdi Ozunu tenzimleyen bazar misli gorunmemis maddi rifah seviyyesinde bir artim temin etdi bununla birlikde cemiyyeti oz qanunlarina tabe ederek spontan bir reaksiyaya cemiyyetin ozunumudafie tedbirleri seklinde tebii bir reaksiyaya sebeb oldu Boyuk transformasiya sosial liberalizmin ve serbest bazar kapitalizminin tenezzulunu tehlil etmek ucun umumi bir cercive yaradaraq ictimai dusuncede klassik oldu Kitabin bir cox fikri elmi dovriyyeye daxil oldu ve sosial elmlerde muxtelif arasdirmalara tekan verdi baxmayaraq ki muellifin bir sira muddealari redd edildi ve yeniden nezerden kecirildi Istinadlar Redakte North 1977 seh 703 704 706 Hann Hart 2009 seh 12 Hart 2009 seh 99 Dale 2016 seh 7 Palumbo Scott 2019 seh 13 Block Somers 2014 seh 6 Blyth 2004 seh 118 Lie 1991 seh 225 226 Holmes 2012 seh 473Edebiyyat RedakteSmit Adam 1962 Issledovanie o prirode i prichinah bogatstva narodov M Izdatelstvo socialno ekonomicheskoj literatury vstup st i nauch komm V S Afanaseva Akturk Sener 2006 Between Aristotle and the Welfare State The Establishment Enforcement and Transformation of the Moral Economy in Karl Polanyi s The Great Transformation Theoria A Journal of Social and Political Theory Berghahn Books 100 122 Aulenbacher Brigitte de Barnthaler Richard Novy Andreas 2019 Karl Polanyi The Great Transformation and Contemporary Capitalism 44 Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Soziologie Springer VS 105 113 Baum Gregory 1996 Karl Polanyi on ethics and economics Montreal amp Kingston McGill Queen s University Press ISBN 0 7735 1395 7 Beckert Jens 2009 The great transformation of embeddedness Karl Polanyi and the new economic sociology Market and Society The Great Transformation Today Cambridge N Y Cambridge University Press K Hart and Ch Hann eds 38 55 ISBN 978 0 511 54074 5 Block Fred Somers Margaret R 1984 Beyond the economistic fallacy the holistic social science of Karl Polanyi Vision and method in historical sociology Cambridge Cambridge University Press T Skocpol ed 47 84 Block Fred Somers Margaret R 2017 Karl Polanyi in an Age of Uncertainty 46 Contemporary Sociology 379 392 Block Fred Somers Margaret R 2014 The Power of Market Fundamentalism Karl Polanyi s Critique Cambridge MA L Harvard University Press ISBN 978 0674970885 Blyth Mark 2002 Great Transformations Economic Ideas and Institutional Change in the Twentieth Century N Y etc Cambridge University Press ISBN 9780521811767 Blyth Mark 2004 The great transformation in understanding Polanyi Reply to Hejeebu and Mccloskey 16 Critical Review A Journal of Politics and Society 117 133 Booth William James 1994 On the Idea of the Moral Economy 88 The American Political Science Review 653 667 Brick Howard 2015 Sh 5 The Displacement of Economy in an Age of Plenty Transcending Capitalism Visions of a New Society in Modern American Thought Ithaca N Y Cornell University Press ISBN 978 0 8014 5428 8 Burawoy Michael 2019 Afterword Resolving Polanyi s paradox Karl Polanyi s Political and Economic Thought A Critical Guide Agenda Publishing G Dale Ch Holmes M Markantonatou eds 213 224 ISBN 9781788210911 Dale Gareth 2010 Karl Polanyi The Limits of the Market Malden MA Polity Press ISBN 978 0 7456 4071 6 Dale Gareth 2016 Reconstructing Karl Polanyi L Pluto Press ISBN 978 1 7837 1791 0 Dale Gareth 2016 Karl Polanyi a life on the left N Y Columbia University Press ISBN 978 0 231 54148 0 England Christopher M 2019 The Existential Foundations of Political Economy Process and Predicament Newcastle Cambridge Scholars Publishing ISBN 978 1527540057 Gemici Kurtulus 2008 Karl Polanyi and the antinomies of embeddedness 6 Socio Economic Review 5 33 Gemici Kurtulus 2015 The Neoclassical Origins of Polanyi s Self Regulating Market 33 Sociological Theory SAGE 125 147 Gemici Kurtulus 2019 Money Karl Polanyi s Political and Economic Thought A Critical Guide Agenda Publishing G Dale Ch Holmes M Markantonatou eds 109 130 ISBN 9781788210911 Germain Randall 2019 International political economy Karl Polanyi s Political and Economic Thought A Critical Guide Agenda Publishing G Dale Ch Holmes M Markantonatou eds 27 48 ISBN 9781788210911 Graser Marcus 2019 Historicizing Karl Polanyi 44 Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Soziologie Springer VS 129 141 Hann Chris Hart Keith 2009 Introduction Learning from Polanyi Market and Society The Great Transformation Today Cambridge N Y Cambridge University Press K Hart and Ch Hann eds 1 16 ISBN 978 0 511 54074 5 Hart Keith 2009 Money in the making of world society Market and Society The Great Transformation Today Cambridge N Y Cambridge University Press K Hart and Ch Hann eds 91 105 ISBN 978 0 511 54074 5 Harvey David 2014 Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism N Y Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 936026 0 Hechter Michael 1981 Karl Polanyi s Social Theory A Critique 10 Politics amp Society 399 429 Hejeebu Santhi McCloskey Deirdre 1999 The reproving of Karl Polanyi 13 Critical Review A Journal of Politics and Society 285 314 Hodgson Geoffrey M 2017 Karl Polanyi on economy and society a critical analysis of core concepts 75 Review of Social Economy 1 25 Holmes Christopher 2012 Problems and opportunities in Polanyian analysis today review article 41 Economy and Society 468 484 Holmes Christopher Yarrow David 2019 Economic ideas Karl Polanyi s Political and Economic Thought A Critical Guide Agenda Publishing G Dale Ch Holmes M Markantonatou eds 7 26 ISBN 9781788210911 Innset Ola 2017 Markets Knowledge and Human Nature Friedrich Hayek Karl Polanyi and Twentieth century Debates on Modern Social Order 47 European History Quarterly SAGE 679 700 Isaac Barry L 2005 Karl Polanyi A Handbook of Economic Anthropology Cheltenham UK Northampton MA Edward Elgar Publishing J G Carrier ed 14 25 ISBN 1 84376 175 0 Katznelson Ira 2003 Desolation and Enlightenment Political Knowledge After Total War N Y Columbia University Press ISBN 0231111959 Keaney Michael 2018 Book Review The Emotional Logic of Capitalism What Progressives Have Missed 50 Review of Radical Political Economics SAGE 601 605 Kindleberger Charles P 1974 The Great Transformation by Karl Polanyi 103 Daedalus MIT Press 45 52 Knafo Samuel 2019 The gold standard Karl Polanyi s Political and Economic Thought A Critical Guide Agenda Publishing G Dale Ch Holmes M Markantonatou eds 89 108 ISBN 9781788210911 Konings Martijn 2015 The Emotional Logic of Capitalism What Progressives Have Missed Stanford CA Stanford University Press ISBN 9780804794473 Lacher Hannes 1999 The Politics of the Market Re reading Karl Polanyi 13 Global Society University of Kent 313 326 Lacher Hannes 2019 Karl Polanyi the always embedded market economy and the re writing of The Great Transformation 48 Theory and Society 671 707 Latour Bruno 2006 La guerre des deux Karl ou comment faire pour anthropologiser l economie Chroniques d un amateur de sciences P Presses des Mines ISBN 9782911762765 Levien Michael 2018 Reconstructing Polanyi Review essay on Reconstructing Polanyi Excavation and Critique by Gareth Dale 49 Development and Change 1115 1126 Lie John 1991 Embedding Polanyi s Market Society 34 Sociological Perspectives SAGE 219 235 Lindsay Peter 2015 Polanyi Hayek and the Impossibility of Libertarian Ideal Theory 47 Polity Palgrave Macmillan 376 396 Martin Isaac William 2015 Reading The Great Transformation 44 Contemporary Sociology 163 166 Mirowski Philip 2018 Polanyi vs Hayek 15 Globalizations Taylor amp Francis 894 910 North Douglass 1977 Markets and Other Allocation Systems in History The Challenge of Karl Polanyi 6 Journal of European Economic History 703 716 Palumbo Antonino Scott Alan 2017 Remaking Market Society A Critique of Social Theory and Political Economy in Neoliberal Times N Y Routledge ISBN 9780203796375 Palumbo Antonino Scott Alan 2019 The Market as Statecraft A Polanyian Reading 9 Global Dialogue International Sociological Association 13 14 Robotham Don 2009 Afterword learning from Polanyi 2 Market and Society The Great Transformation Today Cambridge N Y Cambridge University Press K Hart and Ch Hann eds 272 283 ISBN 978 0 511 54074 5 Rogan Tim 2017 R H Tawney Karl Polanyi E P Thompson and the critique of capitalism Princeton NJ Princeton University Press ISBN 97806911730090 Servet Jean Michel 2009 Toward an alternative economy Reconsidering the market money and value Market and Society The Great Transformation Today Cambridge N Y Cambridge University Press K Hart and Ch Hann eds 72 90 ISBN 978 0 511 54074 5 Spittler Gerd de 2009 Contesting The Great Transformation Work in comparative perspective Market and Society The Great Transformation Today Cambridge N Y Cambridge University Press K Hart and Ch Hann eds 160 174 ISBN 978 0 511 54074 5 Steiner Philippe 2009 The critique of the economic point of view Karl Polanyi and the Durkheimians Market and Society The Great Transformation Today Cambridge N Y Cambridge University Press K Hart and Ch Hann eds 56 71 ISBN 978 0 511 54074 5 Stiglitz Joseph E 2001 Foreword The great transformation the political and economic origins of our time Boston Beacon Press K Polanyi ISBN 0 8070 5643 x Watson Matthew 2014 The great transformation and progressive possibilities the political limits of Polanyi s Marxian history of economic ideas 43 Economy and Society Taylor amp Francis 603 625 Xarici kecidler RedakteRadaev Vadim Valerevich 2002 Polani K Velikaya transformaciya politicheskie i ekonomicheskie istoki nashego vremeni PDF 3 Ekonomicheskaya sociologiya 115 117 Ganzha R 2002 Bazarnyj vek zhestokie serdca 12 Otechestvennye zapiski Nureev Rustem Mahmutovich Latov Yu V 2006 Predislovie Karl Polani nash sovremennik PDF Velikaya transformaciya Karla Polani proshloe nastoyashee budushee M Izd dom GU VShE pod obsh red R M Nureeva ISBN 5 7598 0423 5 Menbe https az wikipedia org w index php title Boyuk transformasiya amp oldid 5953701, wikipedia, oxu, kitab, kitabxana, axtar, tap, hersey,

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