Riqpa (: རིག་པ་, : rig pa; hərf. "bilik") — özülün biliyi. Riqpanın əksi – ma riqpa (hərf. "cəhalət"). Riqpa vəziyyətinə çatmış və orada davamlı olaraq istirahət edə bilən şəxsə Riqdzin və ya Riqma deyilir.
Riqpa özülün biliyidir. Bu, həm də fundamental özül olan "təmiz məlumatlılıq" mənasına gəlmişdir. dzoqçen kontekstində riqpa və ma riqpanın əsas təriflərini verən mətni tərcümə etmişdir:
![]() | Bilməmək (mariqpa) ağlın təbiətini bilməməkdir. Bilmək (riqpa) şəxsi təcrübə olan ilkin oyanıqlığı bilməkdir. | ![]() |
- van Schaik, (2004). səh. 5
- Batchelor, (2010)
- Kunsang, (2006), ch. 15
- Batchelor, Stephen. Confession of a Buddhist Atheist. Random House. 2010. ISBN .
- Berzin, Alexander. "The Major Facets of Dzogchen". StudyBuddhism.com. n.d.
- Dalai Lama. Dzogchen: Heart Essence of the Great Perfection. Snow Lion Publications. 2004. ISBN .
- . Wisdom Nectar. Snow Lion. 2005. ISBN .
- . Wild Awakening: The Heart of Mahamudra and Dzogchen. Shambhala Publications. 2003. ISBN .
- Dzogchen Rinpoche, (Third). Great Perfection. II. Snow Lion Publications. 2008. ISBN .
- Higgins, David. "An Introduction to the Tibetan Dzogchen (Great Perfection) Philosophy of Mind". Religion Compass. 6 (10). October 2012: 441–450. doi:10.1111/rec3.12004.
- Higgins, David. The Philosophical Foundations of Classical rDzogs Chen in Tibet. Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien. 2013. ISBN .
- Hookham, S. K. The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine According to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga. SUNY Press. 1991. ISBN .
- Klein, Anne Carolyn; Wangyal, Tenzin. Unbounded Wholeness. Oxford University Press. 2006. ISBN .
- Koppl, Heidi. Introduction // Establishing Appearances as Divine. Snow Lion Publications. 2008. ISBN .
- Kunsang, Erik Pema. Quintessential Dzogchen. Ranjung Yeshe. 2006. ISBN .
- Kunsang, Erik Pema. Wellsprings of the Great Perfection: The Lives and Insights of the Early Masters. Rangjung Yeshe Publications. 2012. ISBN .
- Namdak, Tenzin. Bonpo Dzogchen Teachings. Vajra Publications. 2006. ISBN .
- . Dream Yoga (rev.). Snow Lion. 2002.
- Pettit, John Whitney. Mipham's beacon of certainty: illuminating the view of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection. Wisdom Publications. 1999. ISBN .
- Smith, Malcolm. Buddhahood in This Life: The Great Commentary by Vimalamitra. Simon and Schuster. 2016.
- . The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. 1992.
- Sogyal Rinpoche. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying (rev). HarperOne. 1994. ISBN .
- Stearns, Cyrus. The Buddha from Dolpo: A Study of the Life and Thought of the Tibetan Master Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen. State University of New York Press. 1999.ISBN (hc); ISBN (pbk).
- . On Buddha Essence: A Commentary on Rangjung Dorje's Treatise. Shambhala. 2006. ISBN .
- . Repeating the Words of the Buddha. Rangjung Yeshe Publications. 2006. ISBN .
- van Schaik, Sam. Approaching the Great Perfection: Simultaneous and Gradual Methods of Dzogchen Practice in the Longchen Nyingtig. Wisdom Publications. 2004.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
- Guenther, Herbert V. Meditation Differently: Phenomenological Psychological Aspects of Tibetan Buddhist (Mahamudra and Snying-Thig Practices from Original Tibetan Sources). Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. 2005 [1992]. ISBN .
- Schmidt, Marcia Binder, redaktorThe Dzogchen Primer: Embracing The Spiritual Path According To The Great Perfection. Shambhala Publications. 2002. ISBN .
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- Hitting the Essence in Three Words
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Riqpa ར ག པ rig pa herf bilik ozulun biliyi Riqpanin eksi ma riqpa herf cehalet Riqpa veziyyetine catmis ve orada davamli olaraq istirahet ede bilen sexse Riqdzin ve ya Riqma deyilir BilikRiqpa ozulun biliyidir Bu hem de fundamental ozul olan temiz melumatliliq menasina gelmisdir dzoqcen kontekstinde riqpa ve ma riqpanin esas teriflerini veren metni tercume etmisdir Bilmemek mariqpa aglin tebietini bilmemekdir Bilmek riqpa sexsi tecrube olan ilkin oyaniqligi bilmekdir MenbeIstinadlar van Schaik 2004 seh 5 Batchelor 2010 Kunsang 2006 ch 15 Edebiyyat Batchelor Stephen Confession of a Buddhist Atheist Random House 2010 ISBN 978 0 385 52707 1 Berzin Alexander The Major Facets of Dzogchen StudyBuddhism com n d Dalai Lama Dzogchen Heart Essence of the Great Perfection Snow Lion Publications 2004 ISBN 978 1 55939 219 8 Wisdom Nectar Snow Lion 2005 ISBN 978 1 55939 224 2 Wild Awakening The Heart of Mahamudra and Dzogchen Shambhala Publications 2003 ISBN 978 1 59030 096 1 Dzogchen Rinpoche Third Great Perfection II Snow Lion Publications 2008 ISBN 978 1 55939 316 4 Higgins David An Introduction to the Tibetan Dzogchen Great Perfection Philosophy of Mind Religion Compass 6 10 October 2012 441 450 doi 10 1111 rec3 12004 Higgins David The Philosophical Foundations of Classical rDzogs Chen in Tibet Arbeitskreis fur Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universitat Wien 2013 ISBN 978 3 902501 16 5 Hookham S K The Buddha Within Tathagatagarbha Doctrine According to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga SUNY Press 1991 ISBN 978 81 7030 309 1 Klein Anne Carolyn Wangyal Tenzin Unbounded Wholeness Oxford University Press 2006 ISBN 978 0 19 517850 0 Koppl Heidi Introduction Establishing Appearances as Divine Snow Lion Publications 2008 ISBN 978 1 55939 419 2 Kunsang Erik Pema Quintessential Dzogchen Ranjung Yeshe 2006 ISBN 978 962 7341 58 1 Kunsang Erik Pema Wellsprings of the Great Perfection The Lives and Insights of the Early Masters Rangjung Yeshe Publications 2012 ISBN 978 962 7341 81 9 Namdak Tenzin Bonpo Dzogchen Teachings Vajra Publications 2006 ISBN 978 99946 788 6 0 Dream Yoga rev Snow Lion 2002 Pettit John Whitney Mipham s beacon of certainty illuminating the view of Dzogchen the Great Perfection Wisdom Publications 1999 ISBN 978 0 86171 157 4 Smith Malcolm Buddhahood in This Life The Great Commentary by Vimalamitra Simon and Schuster 2016 The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying 1992 Sogyal Rinpoche The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying rev HarperOne 1994 ISBN 978 0 06 250834 8 Stearns Cyrus The Buddha from Dolpo A Study of the Life and Thought of the Tibetan Master Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen State University of New York Press 1999 ISBN 0 7914 4191 1 hc ISBN 0 7914 4192 X pbk On Buddha Essence A Commentary on Rangjung Dorje s Treatise Shambhala 2006 ISBN 978 1 59030 276 7 Repeating the Words of the Buddha Rangjung Yeshe Publications 2006 ISBN 978 962 7341 59 8 van Schaik Sam Approaching the Great Perfection Simultaneous and Gradual Methods of Dzogchen Practice in the Longchen Nyingtig Wisdom Publications 2004 Elave edebiyyatGuenther Herbert V Meditation Differently Phenomenological Psychological Aspects of Tibetan Buddhist Mahamudra and Snying Thig Practices from Original Tibetan Sources Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 2005 1992 ISBN 81 208 0870 3 Schmidt Marcia Binder redaktorThe Dzogchen Primer Embracing The Spiritual Path According To The Great Perfection Shambhala Publications 2002 ISBN 1 57062 829 7 Xarici kecidlerHitting the Essence in Three Words